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AD-S8fx Accessory decoder DCC-Cocepts

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Simple answer Hans - yes. Just use the non-fx option in the accessory decoder setup dropdown list as the decoder itself is exactly the same, the fx version just having frog switching included. 

Admin, another for moving to the RM forum before the DCers get brain freeze at the jargon. 

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I have a pricipal question. As you said already, there's also a AD-SFx version for Cobolt point motors.

I am a 'second starter'.  What is your advice? And Why? Use solenoid or Cobolt point motors?

By-the-way, DCC Concepts give a strong positive advice for certain DCC systems... Hornby Railmaster/eLink is not on that list. 

Is RM too simple? Too unusual? Too out-of-the box?



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DCC Concepts have had their Cobalt motors for some time and designed their AD1 and AD4 decoders to go with them. They then integrated the 2 to sell as a single unit. The separate and integrated decoders have frog switching. Then more lately they came up with the ADS8 for those who like solenoid motors. 

I have a preference for non-solenoid motors, but that is just me. My reasons are that I see them as more reliable, put less strain on the point and draw less current. 

Richard doesnt put Hornby products on his recommended list as he considers them to some extent "toys" and also has problems with their NMRA compliance, in his view. 

Poliss, have you checked out his site recently?  It has been completely updated. I have yet to spend time on it so don't know if his advice has changed. 

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Well the website of DCC Concepts is 'under construction', at several pages.

Anyway, the offer is a good one, for a good price. But, i 'am new - or better to say, a potential customer to win. So what are the alternatives for a competitive group decoder i.c.w. solenoids or point motors?

I use a brandnew Acer laptop with 3 USB ports. I understand, Railmaster/eLink ask unique use of the USB ports, and not via a USB hub. So it's quick busy... 1x for a mouse, 1x for the eLink, 1x for the accessory-decoder (for each separate??.), ..... and what to do, with the expected Loco Detection System??? Again a USB port?

Perhaps it's good to think about a smart solution. Or there's not a problem at all.



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Bit of a misunderstanding there Hans. Accessory decoders don't connect to USB but to the DCC track output, or program output if needed for programming. For more info on USB take a look at the Tech Specs thread in the RM forum  

There is lots of info on point motors and decoders in the DCC and RM forums, very little in the General forum where you have posted this  

Solenoid point motors include the 2 Hornby types you can find in the shop here, Peco and Seep. Seep can be a problem as they draw more current than most.

Motorised point motors include Tortoise, Cobalt and Traintronics. 

Accessory decoders for solenoid include R8216, R8247 (both hard to find), ADS8 (note fx version only needed if you are using electrofrog points which aren't supplied by Hornby), Tawcrafts and ESU Switchpilot (this last not recommended for various reasons - look at the thread on them in RM forum). 

Accessory decoders for slow action include R8247, AD1/AD4, Traintronics TT300, Tawcrafts and Switchpilot. 

There are more but that should get you started. There is info on all of these in the DCC and RM forums. Do a forum search on the names I've given you. 

Admin, this thread needs to be moved to the RM forum. 

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  • 1 year later...


I think from previous posts that this is compatible with rm and elink but would like confirmation of following

Would the AD-S8FX 'Seep Compatible' High Power Accessory Decoder

be compatible with railmaster and elink

I have Hornby points with Hornby surface motors most of the points are in pairs ie would I be able to connect 8 pairs ie 16 points.to 1 AD-S8FX decoder

I have at moment 5 locos on 4 loops of track and hope to control approx 20 points I have a 1 amp supply and assume this would nead increasing any advise would be welcome



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 I have a 1 amp supply and assume this would need increasing, any advise would be welcome


1 amp vs 4 amp power supply. Of course it is always preferable to have the extra AMPs the 4 amp supply provides. But where the Accessory Decoder includes a CDU (Capacitor Discharge Unit) there is no significant benefit or necessity to have the higher rated 4 amp supply.


To see why this is so, you have to understand how a CDU works. In simple terms, it is a power (current) storage device. It charges up relatively slowly via a lower trickle current. Thus, the need for a big beefy high current power supply is not necessary. When the Accessory Decoder fires the solenoid point motor, it is the stored energy (current) in the CDU that operates the solenoid. Not current taken directly from the attached supply. Of course, if no CDU is present in the Accessory Decoder, then you need a power supply with maximum current capability to provide robust solenoid point operation.


I don't use the AD-S8FX, but I seem to recall seeing forum posts stating that this decoder has a particularly powerful CDU contained within it. Others on here may be able to confirm this to be so or not. There are also threads on this forum detailing how these decoders are set up and configured to be fully compatible with Hornby RailMaster.

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I use Railmaster+elite. I have four ADS8 decoders (without the FX) and 4 ADS2-FX decoders, and they are all fully compatible with Railmaster. I am highly delighted with them. Their CDUs provide a strong pulse to the points, and they are very reliable.


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