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Train-Tronics signals with Route indicators

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I have already included a lot of signals on my layout and in RM but, I want some route indicator signals.

Has anyone installed any Train-Tronics signals with feathers/route indicators?

What controller have you used?

Have you found the signals good, easy to wire up and install, or not?

How easy is it to set up the addresses/cvs? 

90% of my signals are Train-Tech signals with built in, One-Touch, controller/decoder, they are not only easy to install and set up but when you work out the price of a signal and controller I have saved my self a lot of money, and time.

I will be looking at several 3 aspect Train-Tronic signals with route indicators. 

If you have purchased any of these, where all the wires in the tube/column, including those for the feather?

Do they have a reasonable length of wire below the base of the signal?

I welcome comments from anyone who has purchased and is or as installed them.

Thank you in advance


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I have a couple of train-tronic 2 aspect signals with feathers.  I have used Hornby R8427 accessory decoder set to shortest pulse with latching relay circuit to provide the correct polarity, so one port operates the red and green lights.  I use another latching relay connected to an appropriate point to control the feather, so I don't need another accessory decoder port.  All the wires (single core shellac coated) pass through the tube. The wires are about 4-5 inches long from memory but very fiddly to connect to screw "choc bloc" so I have soldered thicker multi-strand wire to the ends.  They come with small circuit boards which produce a fade in/out effect and perhaps more importantly make sure the feather is only illuminated if the green light is on. 

I'm not sure how you would want do three aspect.  One way would be to use another decoder port, or you could use the red signal output from the upstream red to set this signal to green or amber, or you could have some timer circuit so that the 3 aspect light would be red when set to red, and when you set it from the decoder to "green" it would actually shown amber for a specified time before turning to green, to simulate the passing of the loco to another block.

I should add these were "DC" traintronics signals, I don't know what the DCC provide.  You can see the manual here:


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Hi idlemarvel

Thanks for your help, I have also emailed the company.

I notice Train-Tronics signal controllers are not in the list of controllers in RM Pro yet.

I am also back to looking at CR Signals http://www.crsignals.com/

I have looked at these in the past and like their sidings/shunt signals. Their controller also looks easy to wire up but not sure about setting of CV addresses for either of these two company controllers.  I have written to then also.

I think I will send a message to HRMS also regarding signal controllers for RM for these two companies products.

Thanks again


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Hi idlemarvel

I have contacted HRMS regarding controllers for Train-Tronic and CR Signals, signal controllers, as they are not yet in the drop down list of controllers.

The prompt reply I received confirms... RailMaster is continually evolving and we are adding support for more and more third party products.  We cannot specify a timescale for the implementation of support for other companies' signals at this stage.

The things you mention are not in my current level of knowledge. I will wait until I get replies from the two companies, although I think CR Signals would suit me better. Once I get a reply I will confirm to them the controllers currently in the RM list to see if any of them may work with their signals and controller. This way all the work under the board can be done and I just have to wait for the controller for those installed to come available. 

It is hard for me as I have to get others to lift my layout so I can do wiring under it. I need to have it lifted once more to finalise all the lighting beneath the layout so will probably install the signals and decoder of my choice then, even if they don't work till the actual controller is available.

Good idea soldering a little thicker wire to ends of signal wire to make fixing to the block easier. I had similar situation with lighting wires, about as thick as human hair. I fluxed the ends and increased the solder blob on the end, then fluxed an tinned the other wire and soldered together. Quite an achievement for me  as I hadn't done any soldering until I started with droppers on track last November.


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I have a four aspect rh feather signal the length of wire are not very long about 5" I have fitted this to my base board ok underneath I have use traintronics own decoder decoder for this type of signal.which worked on my elite by putting in acc "50" and then press control 1 the amount of times to change the aspects and feather which was a bit  of a bind

But since ver 1.56 ver 8  I now have a mutiaspect icon om myscreen with feather.

When you go into track design you now see muti aspect signals and when you right click on this it comes up with the signal sttings box on the right hand side your see at the top a drop down box click on that and it shows you a whole list of muti aspect choices i then chose 4 + rh route then below that you will see a panel with Seq + port + setting and you then set your aspects from red 1yel with rh route or 2 yel green rh route back to red with works on your track icon of that signal if you click on the red=red bottom yel=yel so onit takes a few trys to get it right but then you have got a working 3 or 4 aspect signal with route left or right.

I hope this helps


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