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CR Signals - signals with route indicators and sidings signals

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Hi Dave

I never gave it a second thought. Just getting signals working is my main priority but getting to where we are has had it's frustrations. I wish I could say just setting up the signals but there seemed to be so many other things, my head was certainly spinning.

Not to worry, it is in good hands now, we just have to be patient a little longer.


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Thanks PJ,  I am finding the discussion on here between yourself and Ray absolutely fascinating and I feel sure that with the determination of you both and help from the companies involved, that you will reach a successful conclusion.  

I may even finish up investing in a few signals myself and I never thought I would say that!


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Hi Dave

When you do, you will not regret it.

Once I get these CRSignals complete as they are the only ones connected under the layout, I will be able to reconnect a point motor I replaced and get it back with sides on etc.  Then I can take some pictures and update Rael-Dale Valley Railway on RMWeb. 

It does look good when you look down a line and see the sequence and see it change as it should when you click on a signal, it will be even better when loco detection changes them as train and carriages pass by.

Ray has been a fantastic help, I must say, Paul from Signalist has been so too. I have no doubt that once HRMS receive the signals and the SC1 decoder they will sort it as well. 

Feedback on signals so far, my opion based on my experience. 

Train-Tech are a good budget signal and really easy to set up and have a built in decoder. I feel what lets them down id the plastic kit that comes with it to add, phone box, signal number plate, ladder, railings and safety ring, particularly the last one. Although the signals come ready to slot into the small power cable slots in the track the connection must be tight. I find that the positions are not always where you want them so feel I will cut the legs off and wire and solder then where I want them. I have done 3 but will in time solder  them all.

Train-Tech signals are also limited to 2,3 and 4 aspect and do not allow for feathers/directional indicators.

CR Signals quality is much better the signal number plate, ladder, railings and safety ring are all moulded metal and come complete. They do require a decoder and CR Signals recommend the SC1 which is very flexible. CV's have to be written to the decoder for the signal type, e.g., 2,3,4 aspect with or without route indicator but this is easy 'once you know how'.  It willbe even easier when HRMS include the signal and decoder choice in the drop down menu for signal decoders.

SC1 decoder. This is very neat, putting in to learn mode is also easy to do, the decoder can be used for various signal types as mentioned and can be used for the CR Signals Siding signals which are very neat, plus welding light and other types.

Ray (or others) may like to add his/their experience with the signals used, advantages and disadvantages from his/their experience.


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  • 1 year later...

@HRMS (email sent)

I bring this issue back to the top in the forum


HRMS was notified of problems with setting up these signals and decoders, a year ago, Oct 2014, the company who provided the decoder, supplied HRMS with sample signals (CR Signals) and their SC1 decoder.


During discussions reagrding these issues I was told that HRMS would be adding more 3rd party signals and decoders at a later date, thank you HRMS you have included many more. But the above signals and decoders are not yet included and the signals have never worked as they should (excluding the feather at this stage). I look forward to these being included in RM as promised in a future upgrade. 


Thank you

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