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P2 Motor problems


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Does anyone know if Hornby have made any sort of statement or comment regarding the problems with the poor quality electric motors that they have fitted to a otherwise excelent model which is causing problems with slow running and speed variation on a failry large amount of engines that have been sold.
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Does anyone know if Hornby have made any sort of statement or comment regarding the problems with the poor quality electric motors that they have fitted to a otherwise excelent model which is causing problems with slow running and speed variation on a failry large amount of engines that have been sold.
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Does anyone know if Hornby have made any sort of statement or comment regarding the problems with the poor quality electric motors that they have fitted to a otherwise excelent model which is causing problems with slow running and speed variation on a failry large amount of engines that have been sold.


I returned my P2 to Hornby 5 weeks ago due to slow running and poor pulling performance. I keep being told by Customer Care that the matter is in hand. It would be helpful if Hornby would issue an update statement on what they are doing to resolve this matter.

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Does anyone know if Hornby have made any sort of statement or comment regarding the problems with the poor quality electric motors that they have fitted to a otherwise excelent model which is causing problems with slow running and speed variation on a failry large amount of engines that have been sold.
I returned my P2 to Hornby 5 weeks ago due to slow running and poor pulling performance. I keep being told by Customer Care that the matter is in hand. It would be helpful if Hornby would issue an update statement on what they are doing to resolve this matter.


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RAF. its invisible. john

Oh dear John (well spotted) @ Admin - Another F*** up goes without a hitch. Could you please investigate based on the following sequence of events. What I did was amend the inclusive text after selecting reply, by deleting the original posted text i.e. that within the 3rd inner shaded yellow box so as to leave just the bit about '...5 weeks, etc...' My advice was that dh should contact HCC and request contact details for the person handling his case such that a rapport could be established.

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  • 10 months later...

Hornby Motor X9108 price £7.99 is a 5 pole skew wound substitute motor and provided you are happy to file down part of the plastic face of the motor and can live without flywheel drive, see Youtube videos for details ands how much better the model runs with the X9108. I suspect Hornby will see the sense of upgrading the P2 with such a superior off-the-shelf motor

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there not the best motors that hornby used in the P2 and the TTS scotsman duke of gloucester and tornado locomotives .


The only one I had real problems with was the TTS scotsman which was very jerky when running I sent this it back for a refund as I was very disappointed with this model . the others run ok but would be better with a better motor there a bit bit noisy when running compared to models with a five pole motor 

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I find it amazing the overwhelming silence from Hornby on this issue. I have the "DOG" TTS which like others on this forum has suffered from poor motor performance (jerky and noisy operation despite using the suggested tweaking of CV's) from day 1. It seems clear a problem exists with these models yet I have not seen a response from the manufacturer as to a reason or solution, so buyers are either forced to return the product or in my case on the other side of the world put up with it. Its disappointing that such a great model maker can’t provide any feedback or solution to  the issue. If its poor quality motors as some seem to suggest why not make a new one available for self install to effected owners, FOC or at a reduced price. I would just like to know what the real problem is with an otherwise excellent product.

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all my tts locos are fine, as soon as they arrived the sounds were checked to make sure all those worked, checked all was ok with basic forward and reverse, all these tests were done on seperate track that i use for programming, once all that has been done, they were then placed on main layout and run in, in both forward and reverse for 15 mins each way on half throttle, i have Gadwall, CoN, DoG, class 47, class 37, all were done this way and all run smoothly,

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Today's models need servicable motors instead of the cheapo limited brush life can motors we currently have in most models , we need a modern motor you can repair and service and get parts for as it was in the past with the old motors.

Any model loco should be run in slowly at least 30 mins in each direction with a stop every 10 minutes to check lubrication and top up lubrication if it is necessary. As a loco gets more run in speed should be increased a little but never flat out. Gentle running, good maintenance, lubrication when needed will help to ensure a longer life than a loco that is thrashed out of the box, at least until the brushes in the motor wear out and you need a new cheapo can motor after 150 hours on average with a modern loco.

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That's not the way of the world SoT. Just about everything is too expensive to repair. If something breaks down, throw away the offending part and plug in a replacement. If they don't do it for washing machines and computers they ain't gonna do it for toy trains. A machine can put together most of an electric motor but it can't dismantle and repair it. 

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A new or old loco should never be run at full throttle under any circumstances. You end up with a scale speed of about 250 mph which looks absolutely stupid. If you want stupid fast running get a Scalextric. 

Full throttle ! I'd be lucky to run my locos at full throttle ,well where motor capabilities ly ,with the nce powercab full throttle is about half of what I got from my select ,,,,mjb

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  • 1 year later...

I don't think the motors are the problem. My P2 with TTS runs jerky as well. Iave replaced the decoder with a standard ESU and the P2 now runs like a dream. Have placed the TTS decoder in a Hornby B1 and that loco now runs jerky.

I have tried several CV settings to correct the matter but the TTS decoder is very poorly controlable with the respect of running parameters.


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