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Loco Detection availability - Let's start a sweep


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Well, seeing that no-one has picked the first month of the year in 2017 I can offer up a new guess and it shall be.....


January 3rd, 2017... the first working day in England after the obligatory holiday festivities and fun-packed shenanigans and when we are all sobered up and ready to give LD a welcome it will never forget. 😀


And just in case that's wrong... and no-one has picked a date in February I shall offer February 14th 2017... as Valentine may just deliver with some red roses a welcome detection kit too for some of us more romantic gentlemen (or women as they model also) out there... haha :-)

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  • 4 weeks later...

Thanks Fishy for pointing out that error.  Corrected table appears below:


Interestingly (well I thought so anyway), on the 28th Feb 2015, someone objected to people having more than one guess.


Anyway keep the guesses coming in.

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Ah yes, RDS, guilty as charged... but it was more tongue in cheek than anything else.

No harm done though unless I guess correctly in which case I will accept that guess as my OFFICIAL entry and the others can be ignored as excesses.... 😬

I will refrain from further entry until I forget what I have said in this post so that's fair.... hopefully! 😉

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@AC, no problem whatsoever.  All your dates are valid entries.  I only noticed it when Fishy pointed out the error in my table and I couldn't resist mentioning it.  I was also going to mention a different member who probably has more posts in the thread than anyone else but very few actually contain a guess!

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Hi All, I'm a newbie to the Forum, although I have been a registered member for a couple/few years, and have an eLink etc. I must confess that I have rarely used it due to the lack of the Train Detection System.

I recently re-installed and enabled the eLink to 'have a play' and have downloaded the latest program and English user guide, and was interested to read in the guide, in the 'Setting Up Locomotives' section on Page 37 the methods to set up scale speeds etc. (not played with it yet, but will buy the oval of track pending any replies to my post). Also, on Page 38 it talks about Auto Profiling ... this interests me a lot, I have done it by hand on a couple of loco’s and it’s a real pain ... so this would be a real bonus if it is actually available, but it indicates that 'This requires the Optional Loco Detection System' and the 'add-on' Pro Pack (which at £30 ish is reasonable) if it can do all it implies it can.

And there is the 'pitfall.   I assume that the 'Optional Loco Detection System' is still not available, and judging from the entries / replies here, and the dates of them, I get the impression that it not going to be available in anything like the near future.

I assumed that it is ‘documented’ in the user guide, it would at least have been available, so my question has to be … Is it actually available, but I’ve just not found how to get hold of it yet ?

I feel it’s a massive ‘missing link’ (excuse the pun) when compared to most other DCC systems that do support the ‘Feedback’ capabilities, and they (Hornby) are likely missing out on a massive opportunity for the new comers to the hobby.


(ps. oops .. .it seems I have posted in the dim and distant past (forgot all about them .. back in 2013 ... must have been when I got the eLink)


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I assumed that as it is ‘documented’ in the user guide, it would at least have been available, so my question has to be … Is it actually available, but I’ve just not found how to get hold of it yet ?


No it is not currently available and has been delayed for reasons as yet unknown. I suspect that the manual was written at a time when Loco Detection was in the pipeline for imminent launch. The manual content has not been retracted in light of the launch delay.

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One person on the forums claims 'evidence' that LD will be launched in January but so far upon challenge has failed to reveal where this evidence came from, so we are back at square one i.e. No one except Hornby knows if and when ld will be made available to back up the facility written into RM for it.

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Could I request please that those members who are actually submitting a date, post just the DATE so that it is easy for me to spot.  I would not like to miss a winning entry that is hidden in a long post of text (which by the way, was not the intended purpose of this thread)

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... So does the winning entry actually win anything?


If anyone guesses correctly, it will mean that LD has arrived, in which case we will all feel like we have won the lottery.  By the way, I don't seem to have a record of your entry.

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