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Can I have another copy of the software another computer?


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I have been using my business computer to run my set and it's getting to be a bit of a pain. I have an older laptop and tthought I'd load that up with the same software and and then I'll be able to have that hooked up permanently. Got it all loaded up, not working mind you, but I can only access trial version of the software. Got very angry and thought that it's probably just a single site version. Now I don't want to remove the software off my business machine just in case the other computer dies and also because I know how long it took me to get it all working on it in the first place but............


how much for another licence? Tried the contact us email address to ask these questions and received the email back about two days later witha wrong address not attached!


Anybody from Hornby like to help me out here?

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Railmaster is sold as a single user licence.


But, you don't need 2 licences if you deactivate one version, then reactivate using the same key on the other machine. You just can't have the same key active on 2 machines at once.


A bit of a pest but that's the only way to go except for buying another licence.

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Railmaster is sold as a single user licence.
But, you don't need 2 licences if you deactivate one version, then reactivate using the same key on the other machine. You just can't have the same key active on 2 machines at once.
A bit of a pest but that's the only way to go except for buying another licence.

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The scenario oulined by RAF96 is perfectly valid and I have used it many times to swop my copy of RailMaster from one computer and back again. You don't actually remove it off either computer, you just vaildate it when you re-enter your licence details.
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Thank you all for your input. My greatest fear is of deavtivating and not being able to get the other copy up and running. All you computer wizzes may ba able to assist here. Is it possible to copy exactly what I have on my business computer over to the spare one. There is a difference in operating system. The spare one is running XP and the business one version 8.0. I had used the disc I got with the train set to load up the XP computer and have not been able to get it to work on evaluation mode. I know I had a frustrating time getting it to work on the business computer in the first place and can not now remember what I had to do to get the thing to go. I don't want to have to go through the same routine!



I have the driver set up with elink and I can see the little green light on that turn off and turn back on as it sets itself up. I've loaded the 8216 controller for the points and set up two engines, but nothing actually runs.



any suggestions as to best way forward would be appreciated. Also how quickly can you deactivate and reactivate? I know it's done on line.

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Railmaster is sold as a single user licence.


But, you don't need 2 licences if you deactivate one version, then reactivate using the same key on the other machine. You just can't have the same key active on 2 machines at once.


A bit of a pest but that's the only way to go except for buying another licence.


Glenbo was asking about having TWO working copies of the software on two different machines without having to deactivate on one as it is a hassle.


That is why I stated the fact that two licenses would be required. We all know one license activates on one machine and that another million PC's or laptops can contain the software but ONLY in trial mode. He is wanting to have two activated copies which requires another license.


I can see his point about wanting to load it up and run it on more than one PC but how do Hornby know where each copy is installed? They don't... so they don't allow for this to happen. One activation one license. Registering an email address won't make a difference becasue the same principal arises... how do they work out where the software is installed? They can't unless you have a fixed IP as a business through your ISP where they can trace the installation and that is extremely unlikely.


You are right in what you say of course so no problem there - I read his problem as he would wish for two working copies without activating or deactivating each time he switches use of his computer to the other.

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Thank you all for your input. My greatest fear is of deavtivating and not being able to get the other copy up and running. All you computer wizzes may ba able to assist here. Is it possible to copy exactly what I have on my business computer over to the spare one. There is a difference in operating system. The spare one is running XP and the business one version 8.0. I had used the disc I got with the train set to load up the XP computer and have not been able to get it to work on evaluation mode. I know I had a frustrating time getting it to work on the business computer in the first place and can not now remember what I had to do to get the thing to go. I don't want to have to go through the same routine!



I have the driver set up with elink and I can see the little green light on that turn off and turn back on as it sets itself up. I've loaded the 8216 controller for the points and set up two engines, but nothing actually runs.



any suggestions as to best way forward would be appreciated. Also how quickly can you deactivate and reactivate? I know it's done on line.


Firstly, copying the program over will not work because when you start the RM version up it automatically checks if the version you are running has been activated. This is done straight away. Simply copying files over, especially to another OS, is not recommended anyway as most programs use what are called .dll files. These are direct link library files that are shared files between programs and Windows which saves each vendor from writing the same file as the next vendor and you having a multitude of copies of that file on your system. That one .dll file for WinXP will be modified for Win7 and Win8 so cannot hot swapped. Using the same files will acknowledge also that your registered email address and key is already used so it won't activate the second copy upon checking even though it is 'activated' before you copy it.


It is highly likely that Hornby would cancel the key and invalidate the license if they knew you had two versions using one key as this does violate the end user license agreement (EULA).


Activation and deactivation is done online, correct. This is usually very quick but if you do have a problem reactivating on the second machine when a successful deactivation has been done then you are snookered until Hornby support fix the issue for you.


The best way is to simply buy a second copy of the program and have a new license. That way all the hassle is saved because a validation check is done online every time you run the software. A pain having to spend more money but if you contact Hornby maybe they will offer a second copy cheaper? I doubt that very much because everyone would buy their mates a copy! :-)


Hope this helps!!

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AC, if you have interpreted Glenbo correctly, then you are perfectly correct, he will need to buy 2 licences so that RM is running at the same time, not in evaluation mode, on 2 computers.


Also, you cannot copy the program from one computer to the other and have it work, as AC has said above.


However, if you only need it working on one or the other at any time, then one licence and the deactivation/reactivation route is perfectly safe. You don't have to worry about deactivating on one and never having it work again because in the unlikely event that it doesn't reactivate on the other first time, you can contact HRMS and they will fix it for you.


The different operating systems on your computers are also completely irrelevant as the program takes account of that when it first installs. The one thing you will need to do is to transfer the files with all your data, locos, layouts and programs from one machine to the other. There is lots of info you can search for on this in the Forums, and the Pro version has a backup routine to do it for you.


You might also want to make sure there is no malware etc on your XP machine that is blocking installation. See AC's advice on this in the current thread on this forum cryptically called Colin.

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To answer part of the original question: You can ensure that all of your locos, plans, groups and programs are duplicated on your second PC by copying the following files only from the RailMaster program folder:-


Resource.mdb - stores your locos

Groups.dat - stores loco groups you have set up

*.pln - plan files (just select yours to copy)

*.prg - RailMaster program files (again, just select yours)


Details are provided in the RailMaster PDF guide installed on your Windows desktop.


If you want to automate the backup and restoring of these files on a regular basis, where RailMaster also can copy only your files then the Pro-Pack has this additional facility.


If you do not intend to run both PCs in full mode at the same time then your best bet would be to simply deactivate and activate as necessary. If your antivirus and firewall are configured correctly on both machines (See the Internet Security guide on your Windows desktop) then this only takes a few seconds for each operation so no trouble at all.

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Sound advice by all it seems and clearly defined guys... thanks for confirming my own words Fishy and HRMS.


One point... when I was talking of the .dll files above as a reason why one program cannot be copied from one Windows version to another I did not make it clear I wasn't actually talking about RailMaster directly but the vast majority of other software. Hoever, it still holds that copying RM itself will not work of course! Apologies for those who thought I may be referncing RM and .dll files together in my original post above. :-)

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Thank you all for your assistance. I think what I'll do is see if I can get my evaluation copy to work. I should be able to do that right?


once I have that working the engines and points then I'll copy over the files and deactivate the version on my business computer. Once I have the old computer up and running it'll be used only for running my train set so I won't be swapping from one computer to the other - I'll only have to do that if the old laptop gives up the ghost.



So the first thing will be to get the evaluation copy going. I know the computer is taling to the elink because I can see it load when I connect it up. But the engines don't run. Ay suggestions to oil my path from here in?




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The evaluation copy will only allow you to place up to 4 points or signals and up to 2 locos.


It is also time limited of late and will once it has expired lead you a merry dance before bailing out and closing down.


Once you have deactivated/reactivated any 'locked' out elements should work again.

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WHAT IF.....


I have RM 1.58 on my PC but want it on my laptop? The PC was with the layout but whilst doing other things it makes sense, to me, to use my laptop for a while. I may have had my layout lifted to work on it and a laptop would be easier whilst I do this.


Can I therefore de-activate RM on the PC and re-activate on the laptop, having the laptop connected to the eLink by USB.


This must surely bring the laptop up to 1.58 whilst using it, then de-activate it and re-active on the PC.


Would one of these installations be treated as a trail version? Is it onlly possible to do for so many days as a trail version?



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Is it only possible to do for so many days as a trial version?


I used to swop between a Desktop and the Laptop that runs my layout (because I preferred to write programs on the Desktop) but this became impossible when the trial time had run out.


I still think that when you have purchased the full version, that the trial version should be unlimited in terms of expiry.

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PJ, yes you can deactivate on one and activate on the other, and it is irrelevant whether you are connected to your eLink or not.


Once the the trial period expires, once RM starts, it asks you to activate or it just exits. I think it updates to the latest before doing so though.


RDS, I think your suggestion is good but how is the trial version going to know you are licensed elsewhere?

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RDS, I think your suggestion is good but how is the trial version going to know you are licensed elsewhere?

Hi Fishmanoz

It would need a little bit of effort from the Hornby programmers to allow it but a few suggestions would be:

1) Allow the user to enter the same licence number and the 'system' would realise that it is a 2nd copy & therefore a trial.

2) Allow the user to enter the same licence number and the 'system' asks if this (or the other one) is the trial copy.

3) Allow the user to enter the same licence number followed by (say) a T for Trial, that the 'system' recognises.


I personally would be happy for the second copy to just allow access to the programs or everything except the ability to run anything on a layout, such as 2 loco's etc. This alternative therefore would not be seen to be depriving Hornby of income from a copy of the software that could be used to run a Railway but it would enable users to develop their system away from the layout.

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PJ, yes you can deactivate on one and activate on the other, and it is irrelevant whether you are connected to your eLink or not.


Once the the trial period expires, once RM starts, it asks you to activate or it just exits. I think it updates to the latest before doing so though.


RDS, I think your suggestion is good but how is the trial version going to know you are licensed elsewhere?


Basically the licence should work on machine A or machine B, providing it has been deactivated on one first.


This is lawful as only one licence is being used but, the software provider, Hornby, have to agree and make it work this way. Or have they.....


If the software is on machine A and is activated it works on machine A


If it is deactivated then put in machine B, it is like buying a new computer, it is out of the old and in to the new machine.


To change back should work also as it is de-activated before re-activating so in each case the software is not a trial version but a working version and only installed on one machine with the one licence.


Just to confirm the importance of my mention of the eLink Fishy, if connected to the eLink, on either machine, the latest version of software will be automatically installed when you click accept. So neither is a trail version but a Ful version.


On the de-activate, re-activate principle above I am sure it will work.


HRMS, may be it would be good to have your input here before you get a stream or trials.



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The de-activation / re-activation as you have described works perfectly because Hornby have designed it that way.

Quite rightly you can pnly have one activated version on one computer at once.

However, the trial (not trail) only lasts for the originally specified time - 90 days I think.

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The de-activation / re-activation as you have described works perfectly because Hornby have designed it that way.

Quite rightly you can pnly have one activated version on one computer at once.

However, the trial (not trail) only lasts for the originally specified time - 90 days I think.


Thanks RDS


We need HRMS input on this I think.



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Question answered PJ, no HRMS input needed I don't think.


And for software update, it is irrelevant whether eLink connected or not. For firmware update when eLink connected it will detect whether it is latest firmware and update if required.


And you can activate on any computer you wish, yours, your club's, the one at the local show, any computer as long as it is the only one active. Deactivate and activate your usual again anytime you wish.


This flexibility will also work against RDS's recognition of a trial being connected to a licence. How many of these are you going to allow?

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Question answered PJ, no HRMS input needed I don't think.


And for software update, it is irrelevant whether eLink connected or not. For firmware update when eLink connected it will detect whether it is latest firmware and update if required.


And you can activate on any computer you wish, yours, your club's, the one at the local show, any computer as long as it is the only one active. Deactivate and activate your usual again anytime you wish.


This flexibility will also work against RDS's recognition of a trial being connected to a licence. How many of these are you going to allow?


I Fishy,


I am pretty sure we sussed out it can be installed from machine t machine, and that it would obviously update software and firmware if connected to a USB.


The area I was unsure about, maybe no explained well enough is the 90 day period. Could that still kick in on the machine that had the trial version installed?


Would it be better to de-activate from machine A, then install the same software with same licence on to machine B. It will automatically be updated when connected to the eLink.


Doing it this way you do not install a trial version. It is in effect a single floating licence.


I like the idea of using RM on the PC in the bedroom with the layout, de-registering and re-registering on the laptop to 'write programs' else where in the bungalow is good. I have tried changing points and signals by programming points and signals, stepping back down the line R for the train and Y,YY,G for previous signals for the last carriage but have cleared all these now. I am now programming everything using Programme Route method. Each loop has 4 blocks, each controlled by signals (as if loco detection was installed) Train passes signal it turns red, last carriage passses signal previous signals change but all controlled by the train on route. I know LD will do this automatically but am finding it very good and realistic and simulating what I see which LD will do. I run my train A to B increasing and decreasing speed to stop and start where I want. I then note the times the train and carriage pass the block marker, signals positions, then program in the signal changes as mentioned above, re-run the program and tweak the timings. This way works (for me) and I don't have issues with the signal sequence which HRMS have still not fixed.


Having the software on another computer in another room, with the full RM, same version, will be great for working on the programs where ever I want, even on holiday ;-)



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The de-activation / re-activation as you have described works perfectly because Hornby have designed it that way.

Quite rightly you can pnly have one activated version on one computer at once.

However, the trial (not trail) only lasts for the originally specified time - 90 days I think.



Thanks RDS


We need HRMS input on this I think.




Having previously installed RM on my laptop (more than 90 days ago) I can now confirm what has happened for me when I tried to install RM Pro 1.58 on the other computer.


First I backed up RM and then I de-activated the software on the PC.


I then installed RM from my original disc (1.56)


After installation I connected the USB from the eLink to the laptop.


I opened RM and it said, a minor update of 1.58 could be loaded? Minor update? I only had 1.56 installed, 1.58 should be installed before the minor update of 1.58?


The installation went ok so I thought maybe it was just a message at the start that was wrong and 1.58 and the minor update will be uploaded.


After installation of the upgrade I checked to Restore the back up but couldn't? I then noticed the button in the settings section '?' for the backup was not there but, the button to purchase the ProPack was there. Backup/Restore will only work in the Pro so there has to be a problem with the installation and confirmation by Hornby in the software that I have purchased the ProPack.


Seems there is a small bug here, I have notified HRMS through RM.



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