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Programming in RM - Routes, points, Signals.....

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There are a few members who have used programming for some time, I wonder which method you have used, or are using now, and what advantages or disadvantages you may have experienced.


Programming is now giving us more options and when LD comes even more so.


Do you program using routes only, or routes and points separately or routes, points and signals separately? I would be interested, I am sure others may be too, which option you found best and do you find one method better than another or one methtod conflicts or causes issues maybe with another for your layout?



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Hi PJ,

I don't use routes. I usually start by recording the train movement I want to perform, then tweak it so that it works consistently. I am a great advocate of the accelerate and decelerate commands, which I have to insert into the recorded programs in place of the speed changes recorded.

It would be good, in my opinion, if one could combine routes into a program, either when a program is recorded or by means of a new program command to "call" a route.


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Routes are simply a way of recording those points you need to switch to whichever direction to navigate between A and X on your trackplan.


To do this you call up each point, right click and add the routing.


This routing will then show as a line item in the scrollable listing at trackplan screen top right allowing you to manually select a route or by way of programming I believe you can call up a particular route.


Routing therefore is just a logical sequence of events telling your points which way to set themselves and in what sequence.


You can also designate a route to a floating button, although this is belt and braces.

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I always program without routes, points or signals.

But then again, I haven't got any signals, my points are manually operated and I don't know what routes are for.

I don't think I have helped at all!



A good reply... 'I don't know what routes are for'


That was part of my reason for creating this thread. There are so many ways we can do things, programming, routes, etc, hopefully members will discuss these and others will read and join in, I am sure we can all learn from one another, I am sure I can! Thank you for 'joining in' ;o)


I think I need to de-register RM and install it on this laptop as well, so that I can see RM when replying to the forum on things I may need to open to check.


I will come back to the other replies for a chat shortly when on the main computer.


Thanks for joining in.



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Hi PJ,

I don't use routes. I usually start by recording the train movement I want to perform, then tweak it so that it works consistently. I am a great advocate of the accelerate and decelerate commands, which I have to insert into the recorded programs in place of the speed changes recorded.

It would be good, in my opinion, if one could combine routes into a program, either when a program is recorded or by means of a new program command to "call" a route.



Hello Ray


So you are using programs for running your trains, on route or not. By recording you have created a program, from which you go to 'Edit Programs' Icon and open your saved program.


Interesting you have recorded your trains journey first and then edited it. This is a good idea.


I have not tried this yet, as I am experimenting myself and will no doubt learn from what others have done during our conversations. Do you know you can record your program as you have and edit it as you have then open your track plan, right click a signal or point button and add your route there from the drop down menu? (I have not tried it yet)



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Routes are simply a way of recording those points you need to switch to whichever direction to navigate between A and X on your trackplan.


To do this you call up each point, right click and add the routing.


This routing will then show as a line item in the scrollable listing at trackplan screen top right allowing you to manually select a route or by way of programming I believe you can call up a particular route.


Routing therefore is just a logical sequence of events telling your points which way to set themselves and in what sequence.


You can also designate a route to a floating button, although this is belt and braces.


Hi RAF96


I have just run a test, not knowing what would happen really. Just a small shunt trial.


I recorded a short run, train in station, sound on, change points, run to red signal short distance down the line. Stop, and reverse back to start. I saved the file Testing shunt. I then opened 'track design layout'. Opening the main layout plan. I right clicked the point button just outside the station, chose the Test program from the drop down menu and saved it.


Back in the main layout, train in station, I clicked the point button just outside the station, sound came on train did everything as recorded and then stopped and turned sound off again.


Another different way of using programs, although I am possibly cautious doing it this way.


Comments and suggestions welcome



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From little acorns PJ...


Press onwards and upwards towards greater things.

Which button do I press ;-)


Not a question to ask your wife!


Have you run programs from the points or signals like this or just through saved programs. I am just getting in to programming so am trying different things but, not sure I see the benefits of doing it that way.


Comments and suggestions still welcome LOL



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Hi PJ,

There is also an icon available in layout designer which you can place anywhere on the layout, to which you can assign a program to run. HOWEVER, there is a bug (which I believe someone else has reported) by which that icon once placed, cannot be selected in order to delete it !!


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I haven't run programs from points as you described. Must try that.


One thing I wish-listed RM for was the icon similar to what Ray is talking to (in my case I wanted a series of buttons to set routes - e.g. press buttons A and D to set a route between these 2 places), but that seems to have a bug, so I will steer clear for a while.

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Hi PJ,

There is also an icon available in layout designer which you can place anywhere on the layout, to which you can assign a program to run. HOWEVER, there is a bug (which I believe someone else has reported) by which that icon once placed, cannot be selected in order to delete it !!


If there is a bug I will leave alone for now.


Thanks Ray


Hopefully HRMS will conform when fixed.



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I haven't run programs from points as you described. Must try that.


One thing I wish-listed RM for was the icon similar to what Ray is talking to (in my case I wanted a series of buttons to set routes - e.g. press buttons A and D to set a route between these 2 places), but that seems to have a bug, so I will steer clear for a while.

Hi RAF96


It's good to talk about these new items, I am sure I will learn, I am sure others will read and maybe try programming and routes also.


It will make a change to talking Loco Detection although there we will have another method of programming and routes ;o)


I have seen the set up locations and tested the one item stated earlier to see what happens. It will be interesting to hear peoples views as to whether one option is better than another and whether one option may cause problems if you use another also.


I cannot comment on your suggestions of buttons as I am just starting into programming and routes, it sounds a good idea but, there is also a lot to learn and hopefully we can learn from each other.


Thanks for your input.



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Hi PJ,

There is also an icon available in layout designer which you can place anywhere on the layout, to which you can assign a program to run. HOWEVER, there is a bug (which I believe someone else has reported) by which that icon once placed, cannot be selected in order to delete it !!


Hi Ray

I now have 10 buttons on my screen that I have set to run programs. I initially thought that they could not be deleted but I have managed successfully to delete them when required. (Please don't ask how, because I have not got my copy of RM running at present)

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Hi PJ,

There is also an icon available in layout designer which you can place anywhere on the layout, to which you can assign a program to run. HOWEVER, there is a bug (which I believe someone else has reported) by which that icon once placed, cannot be selected in order to delete it !!



Hi Ray

I now have 10 buttons on my screen that I have set to run programs. I initially thought that they could not be deleted but I have managed successfully to delete them when required. (Please don't ask how, because I have not got my copy of RM running at present)

Interesting... I think I will have to de-activate my software and install on the laptop for playing with programming. Another task for this weekend.


When you run a program, do you change points, signals (if you have them) and run the train all in the one program? Or do you run the train in the program and change points and signals manually or by route?


So far I have been doing it in the one program, points, signals, train and sound everything. Including changing signals red as train passes each and changing signals back down the line, from the first back Y, YY, G, as the last carriage passes th signal.


It works well but when you bring in additional trains on other routes commands group up and are to close to each other. eg 2 seconds required for a point change although 0.1 second works for signals.



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Hi PJ,

I have everything in my programs - point changes, signal changes, loco sound & lights functions, and pc sounds such as station announcements. Having initially recorded a train movement, one of the first things I do is space all of the point changes to one second intervals. Most of my accessory decoders are now ADS8's so CDU recharge time is no longer an issue.


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Hi PJ,

There is also an icon available in layout designer which you can place anywhere on the layout, to which you can assign a program to run. HOWEVER, there is a bug (which I believe someone else has reported) by which that icon once placed, cannot be selected in order to delete it !!



Hi Ray

I now have 10 buttons on my screen that I have set to run programs. I initially thought that they could not be deleted but I have managed successfully to delete them when required. (Please don't ask how, because I have not got my copy of RM running at present)



Maybe that is a fault that has been fixed recently. I'll give it a go tomorrow.


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Hi PJ,

There is also an icon available in layout designer which you can place anywhere on the layout, to which you can assign a program to run. HOWEVER, there is a bug (which I believe someone else has reported) by which that icon once placed, cannot be selected in order to delete it !!



Hi Ray

I now have 10 buttons on my screen that I have set to run programs. I initially thought that they could not be deleted but I have managed successfully to delete them when required. (Please don't ask how, because I have not got my copy of RM running at present)

When we were talking earlier about buttons to run programs I thought it was a stand alone icon. I have tagged my routes to the floating button bar which expands to 10 buttons. To delete I think I dragged the button to the bin or right clicked and selected bin. Can't check as I have shut down the railway in prep for flying to UK.

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Hi PJ,

I have everything in my programs - point changes, signal changes, loco sound & lights functions, and pc sounds such as station announcements. Having initially recorded a train movement, one of the first things I do is space all of the point changes to one second intervals. Most of my accessory decoders are now ADS8's so CDU recharge time is no longer an issue.


Hello Ray

All my decoders for points are ADS8's. I think RM says leave 2 seconds between points so I did that, if you find 1 second is fine that is better and I will give it a try.

Thank you


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Hi PJ,

There is also an icon available in layout designer which you can place anywhere on the layout, to which you can assign a program to run. HOWEVER, there is a bug (which I believe someone else has reported) by which that icon once placed, cannot be selected in order to delete it !!




Hi Ray

I now have 10 buttons on my screen that I have set to run programs. I initially thought that they could not be deleted but I have managed successfully to delete them when required. (Please don't ask how, because I have not got my copy of RM running at present)


When we were talking earlier about buttons to run programs I thought it was a stand alone icon. I have tagged my routes to the floating button bar which expands to 10 buttons. To delete I think I dragged the button to the bin or right clicked and selected bin. Can't check as I have shut down the railway in prep for flying to UK.


I take it you can only run 1 programe at a time though?

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Hi PJ,

There is also an icon available in layout designer which you can place anywhere on the layout, to which you can assign a program to run. HOWEVER, there is a bug (which I believe someone else has reported) by which that icon once placed, cannot be selected in order to delete it !!




Hi Ray

I now have 10 buttons on my screen that I have set to run programs. I initially thought that they could not be deleted but I have managed successfully to delete them when required. (Please don't ask how, because I have not got my copy of RM running at present)


When we were talking earlier about buttons to run programs I thought it was a stand alone icon. I have tagged my routes to the floating button bar which expands to 10 buttons. To delete I think I dragged the button to the bin or right clicked and selected bin. Can't check as I have shut down the railway in prep for flying to UK.


Yes as of v1.58 you can now delete these program icons in the usual way, i.e. select and press delete or drag to bin.


However there seems to a new bug, in that if you click on the icon in operations mode a yellow circle appears around the icon to show it has been selected but when the program has finished running (green triangle disappears) the program icon is not refreshed properly, i.e. an "after image" of the circle is left on the screen,

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Hi PJ,

There is also an icon available in layout designer which you can place anywhere on the layout, to which you can assign a program to run. HOWEVER, there is a bug (which I believe someone else has reported) by which that icon once placed, cannot be selected in order to delete it !!





Hi Ray

I now have 10 buttons on my screen that I have set to run programs. I initially thought that they could not be deleted but I have managed successfully to delete them when required. (Please don't ask how, because I have not got my copy of RM running at present)



When we were talking earlier about buttons to run programs I thought it was a stand alone icon. I have tagged my routes to the floating button bar which expands to 10 buttons. To delete I think I dragged the button to the bin or right clicked and selected bin. Can't check as I have shut down the railway in prep for flying to UK.



Yes as of v1.58 you can now delete these program icons in the usual way, i.e. select and press delete or drag to bin.


However there seems to a new bug, in that if you click on the icon in operations mode a yellow circle appears around the icon to show it has been selected but when the program has finished running (green triangle disappears) the program icon is not refreshed properly, i.e. an "after image" of the circle is left on the screen,

Hi idemarvel

Have you informed HRMS?

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When I started with programming, not having a clue really.


I first programmed the signals R,Y,YY,G back down the track. Although I realise this is not stictly correct errors in RM drew me in further. HRMS are working to fix the bug, the last G light being correct in RM but showing Red on the layout. (Traintech signals 4 aspect with built in decoder)


Now spending more time on th problem I changed the sequence to Y,YY,G for each signal back down the track. This put the sequence correct, when a train passes a signal it changes that signal Red and when the last carriage pass a signal the previous one changes to Y, the one before to YY and the one before that to G. The bug in RM remained the last Green was always Red down the line! Interesting though, this was only with 4 aspect signals not 3 aspect ones? RM is still looking into this but we have not heard from them yet.


Having programmed all the signals in the above manner, I found it hard to operate manually. It was easy to change a signal red when a train passes it but changing the one before it to Y was impossible as the front of the train was heading for the next block and passing another signal, therefore that needed changing to Red.


I therefore removed all settings programmed for all signals. I now use the train and program the route changing signals and points in the same program, this means 3 commands for signals every time a last carriage passes a signal Y,YY,G from the previous signal down the line. I have written the programs from scratch and run the trains to note the times each train or last carriage passes a signal or previous signal then altered the timings in the program. I do however like Rays idea of running a progam with a train and then setting the timings for the accessories rather than writing the full program.


The result, after quite a bit of time, was a simulation of what we will have with Loco Detection, wonderful to see all the signals change as they should as the train and last carriage passes them and to try judge slowing down and stopping in the right place.


Comments welcome but I did find a program for the train better than a program in signals and points. I guess this would depend though as fiddle yards and shunting generally may be better from the signal or point. What do you think? Or what have you found best?


NOTE I am not saying what I have done so far is the right way, there are many different ways to program now and more coming... I am sharing what I have done hoping others will do so also and new comers will have a dabble also. You may say, but I do it this way, I may like that too and start all over again!!! Fun playing trains isn't it ;o)



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My next challenge will be two trains on different routes, crossing loops, but maintaining block occupancy by signals, all in the one program then three trains LOL. Certainly a challenge. How much easier it will be with Loco Detection but still great fun. I think probably more fun as a lot of the programming now will have gone and instructions via sensors will take there place.


Sadly I cannot see LD coming, even if it was ready now, certainly not until RM sort out the bugs with signalling :-(



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Hi PJ,

There is also an icon available in layout designer which you can place anywhere on the layout, to which you can assign a program to run. HOWEVER, there is a bug (which I believe someone else has reported) by which that icon once placed, cannot be selected in order to delete it !!






Hi Ray

I now have 10 buttons on my screen that I have set to run programs. I initially thought that they could not be deleted but I have managed successfully to delete them when required. (Please don't ask how, because I have not got my copy of RM running at present)




When we were talking earlier about buttons to run programs I thought it was a stand alone icon. I have tagged my routes to the floating button bar which expands to 10 buttons. To delete I think I dragged the button to the bin or right clicked and selected bin. Can't check as I have shut down the railway in prep for flying to UK.




Yes as of v1.58 you can now delete these program icons in the usual way, i.e. select and press delete or drag to bin.


However there seems to a new bug, in that if you click on the icon in operations mode a yellow circle appears around the icon to show it has been selected but when the program has finished running (green triangle disappears) the program icon is not refreshed properly, i.e. an "after image" of the circle is left on the screen,


Hi idemarvel

Have you informed HRMS?


Yes, they fixed the "unable to delete" issue but not the "icon refresh" issue

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