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ianb26 & Chris-K

You will have better luck with your replies if you do not use the 'white arrow in the blue box' button.


Can I humbly suggest that next time you do not use the blue button. This is not a 'Reply to this post' button. It is best if you write your reply in the 'Reply to this post' text box at the bottom of the page and click the green 'Reply' button. Using the blue button has just duplicated my long reply unnecessarily.


Not having a go, using the blue button is something all relative newbies on the forum seem to do for some reason. I blame the forum SW developers for putting it there, just where a 'Reply' button is expected to be.


Particularly as the post you were replying to contained an image. If you use the blue button, any reply you write will be held back for image approval. Even though it is already a previously published image.

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Locos with rear bogie pickups have simply positive and negative feeds.  The rear pickup feed wires are joined to the red positive and negative wires used for the power bogie which is then joined to the decoder positive and negatives.  A word of caution you need to make sure that the positive wire from the rear bogie is connected to the red positive wire used for the power bogie.


From your loco pics the positive looks to be green on the rear bogie, the rear bogie should have a wheelset with a metal wheel, metal axle and on the other side of the axle a plastic wheel, the green wire should have a pickup that picks up from the axle which has a metal wheel on the positive side of the bogie. 



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