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Schools Class Cheltenham (R2827) Not Working


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Hello, new here so don't know if this is posted in wrong place.


Back in February I bought a Schools Class "925 Cheltenham" brand new, it ran perfectly fine whenever I used it. Now having not run it for a month or so it now does not move at all, I've cleaned the wheels and the track, every other locomotive I have works its just this one thats not, I can't get into the model to check if the motor has a problem as the body removal instuctions were very vauge and just said to remove one screw which did not work. I am using a a non DCC layout. Has anyone had this problem before and is there a way to fix this?

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Hello, new here so don't know if this is posted in wrong place.


Back in February I bought a Schools Class "925 Cheltenham" brand new, it ran perfectly fine whenever I used it. Now having not run it for a month or so it now does not move at all, I've cleaned the wheels and the track, every other locomotive I have works its just this one thats not, I can't get into the model to check if the motor has a problem as the body removal instuctions were very vauge and just said to remove one screw which did not work. I am using a a non DCC layout. Has anyone had this problem before and is there a way to fix this?

Looking at HSS330 service sheet there is a single screw at the front of the loco chassis probably requiring the front bogie to be removed to access it. The body should then lift off by arcing it up from the front pivoting at the rear.

Obviously the tender will be in the way so that will need to be unplugged and the drawbar screw removed as well.

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Alex hi, and welcome to the forum. two things occur to me, Dont take it apart, its still under warranty, and if all else fails, you can return it either to seller, or hornby. Secondly, try touching 2 wires from your controller , directly to the wheels, 1 wire to either side, of wheels. If it then runs fine, you kinow, its not the loco, and you have to look elsewhere. By doing this you are giving the full  current to the loco, which it would not get, if track is the problem. Some locos are more sensative than others, and the fact that others run, does not totally rule out the track. Let us know the result. john

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Hello, new here so don't know if this is posted in wrong place.


Back in February I bought a Schools Class "925 Cheltenham" brand new, it ran perfectly fine whenever I used it. Now having not run it for a month or so it now does not move at all, I've cleaned the wheels and the track, every other locomotive I have works its just this one thats not, I can't get into the model to check if the motor has a problem as the body removal instuctions were very vauge and just said to remove one screw which did not work. I am using a a non DCC layout. Has anyone had this problem before and is there a way to fix this?

Looking at HSS330 service sheet there is a single screw at the front of the loco chassis probably requiring the front bogie to be removed to access it. The body should then lift off by arcing it up from the front pivoting at the rear.

Obviously the tender will be in the way so that will need to be unplugged and the drawbar screw removed as well.


Have tried to remove body, however after removing the screw the body just stays there and does not move.

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