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Re:- R3115 EXETER


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Hi Everyone

I have waited 2 years for R3115 EXETER and have just taken delivery of it.

However, there are no instructions in the box and no guide as to where the decoder socket is located. Can anyone out there enlighten me ?

I suspect it goes in the tender but if it does, does anyone know how to remove the body to fit the decoder?

Many thanks in advance


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The loco info shows it to be DCC Ready and loco drive not tender drive, as are all modern locos. The decoder socket will be in the loco, not the tender, and there will be a blanking plate in it for DC operation. Remove the body as per the instructions in the leaflet with it, then remove the blanking plate and fit your decoder making sure you match pin 1 on plug and socket. Pin 1 will be marked. 


It it is unusual to find the decoder socket in the tender these days unless it is for a sound decoder. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi there Billyboy, yes I just recieved my Exeter and the same thing no instructions on how or where to install the Decoder. Luckily I had just purcashed the DOG TTS model which suprisingly has instrcutions on where to install the decoder (even thought its already installed). It turned out to be the same location as on Exeter in the tender. If you have not already worked it out there are two small phillips head screw at the end of the tender (you will need a jewellers screwdriver set), remove those and gently pull the chassis downward and the two will seperate, the decoder goes inside there. Be careful though, I found the tender cover to be on very tight and sadly had a small amount of damage occur to the rear facing ladders, luckily it was easy to fix wiht a small spot of glue.

Hope this helps, quite poor that a decent set of instructions  could not be included for a model of this price.

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