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directional lights


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hi, i just installed front and rear facing lights into one of my locos, unfortunately my decoder has them working in the wrong direction. i've re-checked the cables to ensure i didn't mix them up. my question is whether i can reset/ re-programme the function to operate in the right direction or is my only option to disconnect and then switch the cables.

any and all help gratefully appreciated




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2e0, Jim is yet to type anything. He's simply hit reply to magfan's item then posted it without addition, then done the same thing again to his own reply. 


But as 2e0 says Jim, you can usually just put a post in the bottom box and then hit the green Reply. If you really need to refer to an item somewhere up the chain, hit the blue Reply box at the bottom of it, then make sure you type your reply in the white area at the bottom of the box you get, not in the yellow area. If you type in the yellow, it just adds to what the previous poster said rather than appearing as your separate reply, if that makes any sense. 

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 A non-tech solution is simply to reverse the motor terminal connections

i think the question was asked so that there is no need to dismantle the loco if you dismantle the loco you can swap as many wires as you like

 First may I thank the two menbers who kindly informed me on how to correctly answer forum posts.

With respect to the post itself, contrary to your ascertion the initial post only expressed concern at having to dismantle the wiring not the locomotive.  Heat shrink could have been used for the light wiring which is more difficult to alter than the spade type connecctions to the motor.

 I apologise if I read the post wrongly but simply replied to the request for "any suggestions".  The two helpfull replies I received perhaps more representative of the forum than your own


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Just returning to cfitz's question, I don't believe there is a re-program option, you will have to swap either the yellow and white wires, or the orange and grey. If you already have white for forward lights and yellow for reverse, then swapping orange and grey on the motor would be the way to go. 


You could try swapping the loco direction in CV29, but I suspect that will get you nowhere as the lights will swap too. 

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