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I’m still at the design stage of my layout intend to go the Railmaster route eventually with wife’s permission “ I’m working on her with extra special Christmas present etc “  in a couple of places I have points following each other and I have read in a couple of places now that for this to work properly there should be a short section of track between each set of points is this correct please?

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The 'track plan' that you put into RailMaster is not an exact copy of your layout. It is a symbolic representation (a mimic diagram) that allows you to place and control point motors, signals etc as well as program routines for your locos to follow if you wish to automate them. A set of sidings might be horizontal on your layout but to fit the mimic diagram onto your screen you might have to orientate them vertically!


Points on your layout may be in close proximity to each other but if you try and do that on your mimic diagram the software controls in RailMaster may need more room to 'fit' them in so that that when you mouse click into the area it will activate the control that you want. Hence the requirement to insert a short section of track into your mimic diagram so that the software can work correctly.


Example 1: A crossover made up of two l/h or r/h points won't need the extra section because the point controls would be placed on opposite sides of the crossover.


Example 2: If you add another point immediately before or after the crossover from example 1 the point controls for the added point will be too close and the program can't place them. You would need to insert a track between the crossover and the added point.


Remember the mimic diagram that you are building in RailMaster is only a symbolic representation to help the program understand what you are trying to control and is usually made to fit into the area that you can see on your screen. It is not an exact copy. Hope this helps.

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No 1st radius curves I have been told about that one many thanks at this time don’t envisage larger locos it’s going to be engine shed workshops and sidings  with two loops 2nd and 3rd radius all based on drawings I have of the old The Royal Clarence Victualing yard in Gosport the yard provided food and other victuals and supplies for ships based in Portsmouth Harbour,  a huge place with stores for rum fruit veg had its own slaughter house and salting yards rope chains etc but in with all this mayhem was a small private station used by Queen Victoria to transfer to the royal barge to take her across to the Isles of White and Osborne house.

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I’m still at the design stage of my layout intend to go the Railmaster route eventually with wife’s permission “ I’m working on her with extra special Christmas present etc “  in a couple of places I have points following each other and I have read in a couple of places now that for this to work properly there should be a short section of track between each set of points is this correct please?

I have put another reply to your question in the Railmaster forum, but it won't show up until the picture I posted with it is approved.


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I had a senior moment so forgot I had put in once went off to do something else then came back and thought oh I know what I wanted to do so did it all again there is a name for it but I can’t remember it !! Wife says stupid but that can’t be right can it?

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