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RM Editing programming


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Great idea Ray, and not so sure it is silly or hard. You would need to setup your virtual detectors with their ID numbers on your layout, even though they aren't there. Then you would need to put your LD tags into your loco setups, even though they aren't there either.   Now your layout is fully virtually LD equipped. 


Now surely all all you need is the ability to make a short program saying tag ID No detected at detector ID No and you are virtually up and running. 


What do you think HRMS?

I suppose it could be used by users who need to understand how LD will integrate into the existing system. It may help them decide whether to buy into it or not :-)



Good morning Ray

I am suddenly undecided and willing to try it  ;o)


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They could do it so that the "click" of the LD icon uses as its data the last accessed loco, from which it already knows its speed and direction of travel.

Just a thought :-)



I think LD knowing speed is debatable and discussed a few times in the past.


RM knows the speed we set not LD. Loco Detection will reads tab and gives instructions. (As I am seeing it)


Look at the tabs in LD for programming.

accelerate to 

deaccelerate to

set speed, set point, set signal, etc


I like the click idea you mention Ray but I do wonder how it will work, not just which train, we can get round that by only click icon if we want commands carrying out for the train that passes the signal/sensor. But, we would have to give global instructions, we won't be able to state, train A do this and that or train B do this, do a different that and another.


The biggest problem, as I am seeeing it at present, would probably be when the last carriage passes the sensor to alter other things up or down the line. A way round this could be to have a small pop up window allowing up to say 10 commands, where we can set each as if it was a tag under a train or under a last carriage or tender.


Hornby may consider these items, they may not, they may see some benefits of those enthusiastic about LD to play and help promote it or they may not. Another consideration, only Hornby know, is how close is the release of Loco Detection.


These are just my thoughts regarding LD, there is still lots we don't know, so I could be talking total rubbish!



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Hi PJ,

The way I see it is that when a loco passes a sensor under the track, it sends to the pc...

1. The id of the sensor

2. The id of the loco

When RM receives this info, it looks up "what to do" in the tabs on the sensor icon which has that id. These commands may be for any loco, or for the loco with the id detected.

The click of the sensor icon would simply simulate this event. The two bits of information above would be derived from

1. The id of the sensor just clicked

2. The id of the last loco to have been accessed in RM

The id tag on the last carriage may be a bit more tricky to handle... :-)


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Hi PJ,

The way I see it is that when a loco passes a sensor under the track, it sends to the pc...

1. The id of the sensor

2. The id of the loco

When RM receives this info, it looks up "what to do" in the tabs on the sensor icon which has that id. These commands may be for any loco, or for the loco with the id detected.

The click of the sensor icon would simply simulate this event. The two bits of information above would be derived from

1. The id of the sensor just clicked

2. The id of the last loco to have been accessed in RM

The id tag on the last carriage may be a bit more tricky to handle... :-)



Hello Ray


I agree with you totally on the first part although I would may be say...


A train passes over the sensor which would read the ID of the train.


The sensor ID and the train ID is sent to the LD controller which then passes this information to RM to process


When RM receives this information it then processes the instructions we have preset in the LD icon.


As you say for the train, the sounds, the points, the various signals.


But, without the sensors and the tabs that are read by it, a click of the icon in RM is us saying, I am this train, do as I have programmed. But, the commands we progam would have to be for ever train that passes that point.


It could therefore work with every LD icon providing we accept whatever commands are programmed are the same for every train.


The last carriage instructions, we are so important, are totally different and cannot work without an additional table of links, and every icons instructions could vary for the last carriage subject to the design and complexity of our different layouts.  A simple solution could be initially to forget the complex items and just alter signals back down the line Y, YY and G nothing else. But to do this we would also have to ensure we only run one train on a track of four blocks.


What are your thoughts, do you see things differently?



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Hello Ray


Just looking at the RM manual for LD it states on


Page 4 - Detect locos, direction of travel, speed and even acceleration/deceleration

using the optional Loco Detection System (available soon).


Page 27 - Parameters for loco detection receivers one and two will be explained in alater update of this guide.


Page 96 - You will need to place arrows on stretches of track when using the optional

Loco Detection system.  (I wonder if they are one way read or bi-directional?)



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The LD sensor icon has, as one of its commands, "For Loco(s):". I had assumed you would use this to do things like

For loco 007, run program "Decelerate Loco 007 into station"

For loco 011, activate loco function F3

For loco 014, stop loco on signal 112




Hello Ray


I don't know  what

For Locos: or 

For Train types: will allow


Maybe the righthand box in setup will have more choice when LD is installed



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