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Loco CVs with numbers greater than 255

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I received my Christmas present from my wife early a few days ago - R2992XS Britannia "Clive of India". It has a Loksound decoder, on which my supplier had reblown the sounds. My supplier also included a sheet of paper containing a list of all of the function numbers and the sound produced by each. This list was in the form of a table, which had a couple of extra columns which I have never seen before. These columns gave a CV number for each sound function which can be altered to vary the volume of each individual sound, and also the range of the values allowed for each and the default value of each setting. My problem is that all of the CV numbers are greater than 255 and less than 512. The instructions are to set CV32 to a value of 1 before altering any of these volume CVs, then set CV32 back to 0 afterwards.

I cannot see any way of doing this with Railmaster. If you set CV32 to 1, the table in RM still lists CVs 0 -255.

The Elite manual has a Paged mode of accessing CVs, but it isn't clear on how to access CVs 256-511. Does one simply enter the number of the CV, say, 300 for example, and the Elite will switch to that page of memory by altering CV32 itself?

Has anyone been faced with this problem?


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Hi Ray,

Yes for example Loksound decoders have CVs beyond 255 that you sometimes have to tamper with,  No way with RM. If you have an Elite that can handle higher CV values (up to 512? maybe even 1024).  If you only have elink you have a problem. 

If you have an Elite you have to set CV32 first, then address the higher CV, then set CV32 back again.

I put this on the RM requirement wishlist some time ago.

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Hi Ray,

Yes for example Loksound decoders have CVs beyond 255 that you sometimes have to tamper with,  No way with RM. If you have an Elite that can handle higher CV values (up to 512? maybe even 1024).  If you only have elink you have a problem. 

If you have an Elite you have to set CV32 first, then address the higher CV, then set CV32 back again.

I put this on the RM requirement wishlist some time ago.

Thanks for that Dave, I was beginning to think no one had had the need to do this. Do I have to use PAGED mode or DIRECT mode on the Elite?


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Ray, I have a different loco to yours with the same CV facilities (from Olivia's). I have not bothered with the higher CVs yet, but have just now managed to read the few I checked in Direct Mode on my programming track. My Elite was able to read them in the normal way and I managed to reduce CV259, for instance, from the default 128 to 64.


As already mentioned, you can't change any of these CVs without setting CV32 to 1 (and back to 0 when finished). I haven't tested this on my main layout yet, but assume that this will work OK.


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I have also programmed CVs in the 350 range for a smoke generator using a Zimo decoder by entering the CV number directly into the Elite (direct mode).

The  Elite will take a 4-digit CV number, so it should work OK.  Try reading the CVs first though, to ensure you get the evpected values and then try changing them, reading them back afterwards.


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Hi Ray,

Yes for example Loksound decoders have CVs beyond 255 that you sometimes have to tamper with,  No way with RM. If you have an Elite that can handle higher CV values (up to 512? maybe even 1024).  If you only have elink you have a problem. 

If you have an Elite you have to set CV32 first, then address the higher CV, then set CV32 back again.

I put this on the RM requirement wishlist some time ago.

Thanks for that Dave, I was beginning to think no one had had the need to do this. Do I have to use PAGED mode or DIRECT mode on the Elite?


Haven't done it recently but I'm pretty sure it was in direct mode.

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you can't write CVs above 255 with railmaster directly, but there is a workaround; writing values to the CV96 CV97 and CV99. you don't even need to change cv32. It is explaind in the loksound decoder manual on page 35/36:


Example: You wish to programm CV 317 with value 120.Proceed as follows:

• Programm the value of the CV number in hundreds in CV 96. Inthis example: CV 96 = 3.

• Programm the value of the CV number in units and tens in CV 97.In our example: CV 97 = 17.

• Programm the desired value in CV 99. In our example: CV 99 =120.

As soon as you have programmed CV 99, the value of CV 99 willbe transferred into CV 317. Is the programming finished, CVs 96,97 and 99 will be set back automatically

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You are quite right - this should be a Desirable Feature of Railmaster.


Hi Ray

Would you like to add it to our 'Desirable Features' thread.  It seems a while since anything was added!


In the 2nd post on this thread, idlemarvel said "I put this on the RM requirement wishlist some time ago.". I haven't looked, but I assumed he was referring to the "Desirable Features" thread. 

If RM is enhanced to allow this, I would guess they would use the CV32 method rather than this one.


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You are quite right - this should be a Desirable Feature of Railmaster.


Hi Ray

Would you like to add it to our 'Desirable Features' thread.  It seems a while since anything was added!


In the 2nd post on this thread, idlemarvel said "I put this on the RM requirement wishlist some time ago.". I haven't looked, but I assumed he was referring to the "Desirable Features" thread. 

If RM is enhanced to allow this, I would guess they would use the CV32 method rather than this one.


Yes it was on Desirable Features thread, it's half way down page 33

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  • 2 months later...

you can't write CVs above 255 with railmaster directly, but there is a workaround; writing values to the CV96 CV97 and CV99. you don't even need to change cv32. It is explaind in the loksound decoder manual on page 35/36:


Example: You wish to programm CV 317 with value 120.Proceed as follows:

• Programm the value of the CV number in hundreds in CV 96. Inthis example: CV 96 = 3.

• Programm the value of the CV number in units and tens in CV 97.In our example: CV 97 = 17.

• Programm the desired value in CV 99. In our example: CV 99 =120.

As soon as you have programmed CV 99, the value of CV 99 willbe transferred into CV 317. Is the programming finished, CVs 96,97 and 99 will be set back automatically

Note that this method is not universal - most decoder manufacturers have a similar function which gives access to CVs greater than 255. For Zimo small decoders see: 


page 69.

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  • 7 months later...

you can't write CVs above 255 with railmaster directly, but there is a workaround; writing values to the CV96 CV97 and CV99. you don't even need to change cv32. It is explaind in the loksound decoder manual on page 35/36:


Example: You wish to programm CV 317 with value 120.Proceed as follows:

• Programm the value of the CV number in hundreds in CV 96. Inthis example: CV 96 = 3.

• Programm the value of the CV number in units and tens in CV 97.In our example: CV 97 = 17.

• Programm the desired value in CV 99. In our example: CV 99 =120.

As soon as you have programmed CV 99, the value of CV 99 willbe transferred into CV 317. Is the programming finished, CVs 96,97 and 99 will be set back automatically

Just a "Thums Up" to you, Andrej! Your contribution even inspired me to start reading that Loksound V4.0 documentation ... Best Regards ... Colin

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