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Direction assigning


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I'm trying to change the direction control on one of my engines using the Hornby Select but I can't get it to show Fd or rd. I'm following the instruction manual, I've even reset the controller but o no avail. Any help from anyone would be appreciated, or is my unit just not working properly. I could rewire the motor but that's not the point.

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Earlier versions of the Select allowed for the decoder to have the pre-set direction (default) changed by holding down one of the “Direction Arrow” keys for more than 3 seconds. However, it was possible to make accidental changes to the Decoder’s Default Direction when holding down a “Direction Arrow” key for too long when attempting to change a loco’s running direction. In Select version 1.2 the Decoder Default Direction is now set with a two key operation. This is now achieved by pressing and holding the “0” and one of the Direction Arrow buttons at the same time for 3 seconds.

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