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Merchant Navy runs terrible in DCC


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I recently put a Chip into a Navy I'd acquired from Flee-bay. The model seemed ok and ran well until I noticed that one of the side rods was bent (I already started weathering so a little too late to send it back) I corrected this and the loco seemed to

run ok. After putting the chip in the model seems to run fine going backwards but terrible going forwards it's half the speed of the other loco's and the motor makes a horrid noise I've also noticed the side rods at the top catch on the footplate.


anyone else had this problem? or has some joker sold me a lemon?
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  • 2 weeks later...
Yes i agree sounds like something has got bent either whilst fitting the decoder or before you got it. I had this problem with a Canadian Pacific i got from the same site, It needed to go back to Hornby and have all new con-rods fitted on one side and

a new worm drive fitted so that it ran properly will cost you about £15 to get it done but will be worth it to make it run properly
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I have 3 Merchant Navy's all running on DCC. One of them has the side to side wobble, but apart from that, they all work fine, if anything I would say they run smoother under DCC control.

Was this a DCC ready model, where you just plug in the chip,

or is it one of the earlier models where you have to solder the chip in place? Sometimes if the Decoder is located over the top of the gearbox, or motor, it can end up pressing on to the top of them, when the loco body is screwed back on, causing the motor

to make more noise.
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