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Railmaster App Re-registration .. Help, running out of hair to pull out

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Hi All...
After the initial problems with getting the Elink to connect to my PC, and the cure with the new power unit, all has been wonderful. Even connecting and controlling everything with my pad has been bliss.. All the new updates have downloaded, and not so much as an hiccup, live in the garage was bliss..

Thanks to a generous and darling wife, I was treated to a new pad for Christmas, and took it out to the garage last week to connect and use it with Railmaster. 

  A warning came up telling me my app was already registered to another pad, and if this was a replacement,  to click the button to have the code reset. Which being a good boy I did.

So today out in the garage I thought I would connect the new pad.. Up came the insert you code box, which I did, and after a very very long time , on the "connecting to activation gateway screen", and then the "submitting Activation request" screen, I get "key was not downloaded correctly, ensure it was enterd right, and check that you are logged on as administrator" which I was .. 

Just to be sure I checked through the handhelp pdf, checked running as adminstrator, that the read only attributes were correctly set, and every other suggestion the book had.

Several more attemps, and the same thing everytime..


So thought I would use the help button in the software, carefully typed in all the abve, and spent many many many minutes watching it trying to send help request, only for it to fail... 

So to save what little hair I have left, can anyone help with suggestions on why it wont see the activation key, or why the software doesn't seem to be able to connect..

Not sure if it's to do with the latest upgrades, or something else, but the laptop is only used for Railmaster, and nothing has been changed except for automatic software updates ..


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Greybags, take a look at the next thread from rosswill and what I've suggested he do, including back from the Majestic and eLink thread in the DCC forum.


For both of you, this is not, repeat not, a problem at their end, it is your setup.  It will soon be fixed for you by RM Support if you fail  to find it yourself.  Quite a few have had these problems and 99.9% of them are now up and running, even most of the ones who were convinced it wasn't at their end.

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I never had a problem connecting before or with the original activation of the software or the remote pad app.. Have checked everything suggested in the docs.

Really dont know what to try now. It still works as a unit, and has updated to 1.59, just cant register the pad or connect via the help button.

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No nothing changed at all ..

But here's todays update.... Been out all morning so when I got back I thought I would give it another try..

PC turned on, and Railmaster running, turn on the pad, and the message that it needs activating appears, so click on the insert activation code, and voila, it connects, accepts the code, and everything working again just as it should..

Absolutely nothing has been changed on the laptop since yesterday, except to turn it off last night and on again this afternoon ..

Remaining hair is now safely attached to my head, and trains are running under full pad control.. Would dearly love to know what has changed. Nothing at my end, so perhaps, just perhaps, possibly something at the Railmaster end yesterday was not accepting activation codes correctly??

Whatever, it is all back to normal today, which all that matters.

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Just seen this on another thread.. A shame they do not put messages up, and so glad it was not my imagination

We were doing maintenance on our activation servers yesterday so it is possible that you tried to activate when commns was not active.

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