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R8247 - Points change on plan but not on track

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I have wired up R8247 point decoder red + green - black c and connected to prog output, when finished with prog connected to main track.I am using hornby surface point motors.when I click the points on track plan the points change on plan but not on track, there are four zeros beside the points on the track plan.I don't know if this is relevant or not.

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Hi Liam. Although you have wired the decoder up, and potantially connected your point motors, it doesn't sound as though you have set the point DCC ID's (which is why you have four 0's) so that RM knows which one to fire. Would that be the case? R-

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Hi Liam. Although you have wired the decoder up, and potantially connected your point motors, it doesn't sound as though you have set the point DCC ID's (which is why you have four 0's) so that RM knows which one to fire. Would that be the case? R-


As Rog says you need to tell RM where these beasties are, so right click on each one on your trackplan in Design Mode and insert the port number you have connected the point motors to for each point on your plan.

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Hi Liam. Although you have wired the decoder up, and potantially connected your point motors, it doesn't sound as though you have set the point DCC ID's (which is why you have four 0's) so that RM knows which one to fire. Would that be the case? R-

I'm not sure if I have programmed it properly

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Hi Liam. Although you have wired the decoder up, and potantially connected your point motors, it doesn't sound as though you have set the point DCC ID's (which is why you have four 0's) so that RM knows which one to fire. Would that be the case? R-


As Rog says you need to tell RM where these beasties are, so right click on each one on your trackplan in Design Mode and insert the port number you have connected the point motors to for each point on your plan.

I have tried that but nothing happens.

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I have wired up R8247 point decoder red + green - black c and connected to prog output, when finished with prog connected to main track.I am using hornby surface point motors.when I click the points on track plan the points change on plan but not on track, there are four zeros beside the points on the track plan.I don't know if this is relevant or not.


Did you connect the DCC inputs (at the END of the R8247) to the programming output of your controller? You need to do this to configure the decoder with its addresses.


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I have tried that but nothing happens.

Ok Liam - there are basically two ways to help you here. If you can tell us step by step what you have done to programme the points we should be able to see where you are going wrong. That - or you go back to the manual and read it and "do it" at the same time. Happy to help, but there is not enough information in your reponses. R-

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I have tried that but nothing happens.

Ok Liam - there are basically two ways to help you here. If you can tell us step by step what you have done to programme the points we should be able to see where you are going wrong. That - or you go back to the manual and read it and "do it" at the same time. Happy to help, but there is not enough information in your reponses. R-


Sounds to me as if he hasnt given the decoder a block address during programming (is it CV153 you set first?) so when its connected to the main it hasnt an address to report.

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I have tried that but nothing happens.

Ok Liam - there are basically two ways to help you here. If you can tell us step by step what you have done to programme the points we should be able to see where you are going wrong. That - or you go back to the manual and read it and "do it" at the same time. Happy to help, but there is not enough information in your reponses. R-

I connected the decoder to the programme, port number 1 with red light then I clicked pencil to write. It went through the process then I connected to the track, and that's it basically. I followed the instructions in the RM manual as best I could.

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So, on the point set-up, again in the design window, how did you do that part? R-


To help we need the step by step word for word description.

Press this, do that, select the other, input this number to CVxxx, i.e. the full works.

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So, on the point set-up, again in the design window, how did you do that part? R-

I am going to begin the process again from the start.  I will follow the instructions from the manual.  Hopefully I will have better success next time.  If I am still having problems, I will contact you again for help.  Thanking you, Rog, for your patience and help.

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 Thanking you, Rog, for your patience and help.

Not a problem. Take your time and if something does not behave as expected, stop and ask. I suspect your main issue is around setting the point up properly. But start everything from the beginning - except the CV part. Not needed for now. R-

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Going back to the original post it looks as if Liam is using RM and eLink, as he doesnt mention any other controller.

The ref to CV153 was from memory. For info it should have been quoted as below from the acc decoder manual, which presumes using a controller and not the RM programming facilty. Carry on per Rog's advice.

Simple Addressing

Connect the R8247 Point &Accessory Decoder to the Programming

Track using the Power Connecting Clip provided.

1. Press Menu and rotate Control 1 until ‘Acc’ is displayed.

2. Press Control 1 to confirm. Screen shows ‘Direct’.

Press to confirm.NB.The Hornby Point & Accessory

Decoder can be programmed using Direct Mode,

Register Mode, or Paged Mode.

3. Screen displays ‘Address’. Rotate Control 1 until ‘CV’

is displayed. Press to confirm.

4. Screen displays ‘CVWrite’. Press to confirm.

5. Screen displays ‘CV 0001W’.Type 513 and press

Control 1 to confirm.NB.‘513’ is the CV setting which

allows for Group Address programming.

6. Screen displays ‘CV 0513W 000’.

7. Rotate Control 1 until the Address Group you wish to use is

displayed. If you are setting up your layout it is best to start with

‘Group Address 1’ (see table Fig 1).

8. Once you have selected the Group Address number press

Control 1 to confirm.The red LED will flash five times to denote

acceptance. (If the LED flashes eight times or more the number has

not been accepted and you will need to attempt the addressing

sequence again.).

9. Screen displays ‘Address’ The Point & Accessory Decoder is

now programmed.

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