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"All Stop" Emergency Stop Not Working Correctly

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Hi All, 

I have 9 locos all fitted with Hornby R8249 decoders. I am currently using RM (1.59 rev2) with eLink. I have found that when I use the "All Stop" button on the screen, they all immediately hesitate as if to stop dead, but they then take off again and slow down to stop in a controlled manner. It does not make any difference where they are on the layout or how many are running. The "Controlled emergency stops" box in System settings is NOT ticked. I have now received a new Bachmann loco and just fitted a DCC Concepts "stay alive" decoder. When I try an emergency stop on this loco it stops dead, without any running on.

To experiment further, I have tried my old Select and "E Stop" stops all locos dead, as the current to the track is cut off. The same happens with my Elite when used without RM - the current is also cut off.  I also tried with RM connected through the Elite with the same result, power to the track being cut off. So the problem appears to only occur with RM and eLink and with Hornby R8249 decoders. I have reset one of the loco decoders to original settings by changing CV8 to 8, but this did not make any difference to the emergency stop.

Has anyone else experienced the same problem or has anyone any suggestions as to why this is happening?

I will follow this up in a few days time with HRMS through Help Request.


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 Have you tried connecting your Elite to RailMaster instead of your eLink and seeing if this happens?

HRMS thank you for your interest. Yes, I have tried your suggestion, but as I said in the original post, clicking on the "All stop" button cuts the power to the track and therefore the locos stop instantly. The Elite display either shows "E Stop" or sometimes "Error" and normal running can only be resumed by cancelling the Elite and not from RM "All Start".

I have also altered all the decoders CV29 from the default 6 to 2, to eliminate the possibility of DC running.


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OssieB, you seem to have misinterpreted our suggestion. Since you also have an Elite, you should connect this to your RailMaster PC's USB port, set the controller to "Elite" in RailMaster settings then see if the emergency stop (from the RailMaster stop button, not Elite) causes the same stopping behaviour when using your Elite.
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OssieB, you seem to have misinterpreted our suggestion. Since you also have an Elite, you should connect this to your RailMaster PC's USB port, set the controller to "Elite" in RailMaster settings then see if the emergency stop (from the RailMaster stop button, not Elite) causes the same stopping behaviour when using your Elite.

HRMS, I think you are misunderstanding my posts - I have connected RM via my Elite and using the on screen RM "All Stop" button the emergency stop works correctly. It is only when I am using the RM with eLink that the "All Stop" does not work correctly.



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Trains running on after hitting 'Emergency Stop' was covered in some detail in a YouTube video for the 'Everard Junction' channel. I would expect anyone having an interest in model railways would have 'Everard Junction' bookmarked, but I digress.


The conclusion is that this 'running on' issue is a problem with some DCC decoders and not specifically an issue with the controller. Everard Junction doesn't use Hornby controllers.


See video for yourself at:

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There seems to be a bit of left hand/right hand here betwixt the OP and HRMS.

OP seems to have stated his case clearly and HRMS is asking for comfirmation of the already stated.

My check would be to see if the Controlled Stop option is ticked. This allied to any set accel/decell CV values would affect an Emergency Stop which is a DCC braodcast command and not a physical power chop on the layout.

Other controllers would obviously affect how this command was handled.

Thereafter take a look at Chrissaf's link.

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I've seen that video Chrissaf. Not sure it applies in this case as the problem Ossie is having only occurs when ' RM and eLink and with Hornby R8249 decoders' are combined.


What I was trying to imply in a cakhanded way was that the issue seems to occur with a wider range of controller combinations and that the loco decoder is a common denominator.


I would however add that I would have expected Hornby to test ALL the features of their R8249 decoder working correctly with ALL their own controllers at the very least. But given all the other issues I have with Hornby's software quality control I'm not at all suprised.

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 I would expect anyone having an interest in model railways would have 'Everard Junction' bookmarked, but I digress.

I have been modelling railways for over 50 years and have only vaguely heard of Everard Junction. Why do you think we would all have it bookmarked and bookmarked on what? 


OK let me rephrase my comment - since you seem to have taken umbrage with it:

 I would suggest anyone having an interest in model railways could have 'Everard Junction' bookmarked as it provides a wide range of topics and 'how to' tips for modellers of all abilities and ages.

By 'bookmarked' I mean in their preferred Internet Browser software favourite site list.

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I didn't take umbrage, just wondered why you would think we would all look at it. Is it very well known? Think I've just made things up as I went along or taken  inspiration from layouts at exhibitions. 


As have I.


Is it well known? - it is in the circles I move in. This particular You-Tube channel has in excess of 14,000 subscribers. I suspect that this is quite a few more than the subscribers in this particular forum.


Everard has in the past been courted by manufacturers to use / review their products due to his You-Tube channel popularity. For example Berko signals.


With regard to his series of 'How To' videos. I haven't always agreed with his approach or solutions, but they do stimulate the mind to think up alternative or better ways to achieve a similar end result. With the products he uses in the videos, he usually provides product details such as 'who makes it', 'stock code number' and 'where can it be sourced from'. This I have found helpful on ocassions.


It may not be to your liking, but it wouldn't do any harm to give his videos a view - you never know, you might find something of interest. Old dogs and new tricks as they say.........Oh and I'm over 60 too.


PS - The You-Tube Everard Channel can be found here:



PPS - If your interest is '1950's Steam' then this site is probably not for you. It is set in the 80's Diesel period.


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I'll have a look but hardly ever venture onto youtube. 


Apart from rom the instructions that come with points etc. I dont think I've hardly ever looked anywhere for help. Just learnt as I went along. Spotted the odd idea in a magazine then done a similar thing my way. I like to work things out for myself. Keeps me on my toes. 

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Apart from rom the instructions that come with points etc. I dont think I've hardly ever looked anywhere for help. Just learnt as I went along. Spotted the odd idea in a magazine then done a similar thing my way. I like to work things out for myself. Keeps me on my toes. 


My working background was I.T (Designing Wide Area Data Networks) with a predominant hobby in designing and building electronics and computing aka Sinclair Spectrum days. I got into model Railways by building electronic Railway control projects for others e.g. automatic signalling controls, level crossing automation and lighting sequencers using a combination of discrete components and more recently micro-processors for which I write my own custom software instruction code. It is the DCC control of locos that 'rocks my boat'. Having done all these electronic gizmos for others, I decided to use the control circuits I had developed for them for myself, so have been building my own layout over the last few years.


Shan't reply to this thread anymore as it is moving off topic......



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There seems to be a bit of left hand/right hand here betwixt the OP and HRMS.

OP seems to have stated his case clearly and HRMS is asking for comfirmation of the already stated.

My check would be to see if the Controlled Stop option is ticked. This allied to any set accel/decell CV values would affect an Emergency Stop which is a DCC braodcast command and not a physical power chop on the layout.

Other controllers would obviously affect how this command was handled.

Thereafter take a look at Chrissaf's link.

Hi All,

Thank you for your imput. I have now had time to view the Everard Junction video and it is one possibility that it is the cheaper Hornby decoders that may be causing the problem. However, I do not think that I had this problem earlier last year before the major updates to both RM and eLink - but I may be wrong!

RAF, I have checked several times to make certain that th "controlled ES" is not ticked. I have also ticked it and checked that the locos slow down in their normal manner. After unticking the box, the locos then revert to the immediate hesitatation and then slowing down as normal.  I have also reset CV8 to 8 on one loco, thereby reverting CV's 2 and 3 to default settings and this made no difference. With my set up as it is, it is not very easy to cut the power quickly to stop everything, but if a solution cannot be found then I will consider installing an emergency cut off switch on the track power feed. Another alternative would be to start re-using my Elite, but I am reluctant to do this due to space limitations.

If I do not hear any more on the forum from HRMS, I will contact them ththrough the Help Request in RM, to see if they can find a solution.


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I have RM with Elink and have just finished doing some testing.

I can confirm what is happening with the ALL STOP.

When in controlled mode everything decelerates as expected and stops.

But when not in controlled mode there is a hesitation as though the loco is going to stop and then it continues to decelerate in a controlled fashion.

All but one of my locos has the standard Hornby decoder. The non-hornby one seems to stop in the same distance regardless of the mode, but it is an old heavy loco.

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If somebody who is having this problem consistently (i.e. can repeat it every time) would like to send us a Help Request from within RailMaster with a full description of what happens then we can see what may be happening.


Also please include details of what happens on your layout when stopping and controlled stops is on and off. It would also be useful to know which locos and decoders you have.


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If somebody who is having this problem consistently (i.e. can repeat it every time) would like to send us a Help Request from within RailMaster with a full description of what happens then we can see what may be happening. Also please include details of what happens on your layout when stopping and controlled stops is on and off. It would also be useful to know which locos and decoders you have.

Thank you HRMS. I will send you my details as requested as soon as possible tomorrow.


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Hi Westernwill,

You describe exactly the same response to clicking the "All Stop" button that I have been experiencing, except for your old heavy loco. Could  you please also send the Help Request to HRMS to help them look into the problem.

All but one my steam locos are Great Western, with the only diesel being Western class.



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Hi BarryO

I will do some more testing tomorrow by turning the power off and seeing how long the locos take to stop compared to a controlled stop.

Being brought up next to Bristol Temple Meads in the early 50's I am also a fan of the GWR Steam Era. The diesels I have are due to my son in his younger days never having seen steam locos.


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