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Combining Railmaster programed automations sequences

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Apologies if this has been asked before but I'm finding strange results when combining railmaster sequences. The last step for sequence 1 is to stop a particular train. The first step of sequence 2 is to throw a set of points. When run in isolation they both work perfectly. When they have been combined using the merge function, the train stops momentarily, then starts again uncommanded (or at least no command from the sequence) forcing it across a set of points and derailing it. Is this a known bug? I have played around with timings etc., even deleteing and re-creating steps across the join of the 2 sequences. Any tips? Thank you.

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What is the time you have given to the first step of sequence 2 (to throw the points). As far as I can remember (I haven't used the merge function for a while), it will merge based on the times of each line in each program, so the first line of sequence 2 must have a time > the last line of sequence 1, otherwise you will end up with all of the lines interleaved.

Have you tried the "Chain" command? You can use this technique if both programs start at 0.00. Create a third proogram and put into it two lines...

0.00 Program Command Chain "Sequence 1 program"

n.nn Program Command Chain "Sequence 2 program"

n.nn will be a couple of seconds after the last line of Sequence 1 program.

This effectively merges the two programs each time you run the Third Program.


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No, not tried the chain command. That could work well. In my attempt both original timelines started at zero, as you suggested, however the merged events from the second sequence appear to be correctly appended and not interleaved, with new times being greater than those of the original list of events. It feels like a bug but I could be missing something. Anyway, chains are probably more manageble. Thank you.

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I use the Chain command succesfully in my programs.  I have separate programs for each of my Loco's which I combine together when calling them up from another program using the chain command.  This enables me to easily test a new program on it's own and then select which ones to chain.

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