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Readdressing an existing loco in RM


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I wanted to change all my loco addresses in the RM loco list as part of a fleet renumbering exercise.

I had already made the address changes to each loco using my Elite and just wanted to put the RM list right.

I found that when I selected any loco to make changes the EDIT button styed dim so I could only attempt to make changes by directly typing into the associated boxes.

Having done this each time I clicked the green tick I got a message that the loco is not in the database, but it added that loco onto the bottom of my list. I now had 2 of everything, old and new addresses, so I had to delete the old ones.

Has anyone else seen this problem or am I doing it wrong.

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It does seem that if you change the Loco DCC ID it creates a duplicate loco. I found this quite helpful when you want to create a new but very similar loco. I'm not sure about the edit button, I see a greyed button next to the print button in the Loco CV settings window which now you have raised it I do not recall ever using it. What's it supposed to do?

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Just looked through the manual, I can see on page 69 the button I think we're talking about is also greyed out, but still dont know what it is for?

There is also a New button as well as the Edit button (but not both at once) but the manual doesn't seem to talk to either of these buttons.

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I thought the print button was a function of RM Pro where you can print out the CV settings for your locos.


If it is that it would be handy for those who want to fiddle with the CV settings. If you really stuff it up then there is a record of what last worked well.


If not I too would like to know (without going back to the pdfs :)

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