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RM v1.60 is released


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Auto update from within RM worked fine on my Win 8.1 machine.

From the release notes:

Hornby RailMaster 1.60 Release Notes - January 2015


The latest release of RailMaster is a maintenance release. This update continues to make RailMaster more robust and reliable.

+Minor enhancements and bug fixes

+Within track plan design, when setting up a multi-aspect light sequence selecting red/green icon changes the live signal

+Loco decoder added: GaugeMaster Prodigy Advance DCC21/22

+Newly released Hornby TTS locos added

+Security update

+If using HandHeld app RailMaster will try to set a static IP address on your RailMaster PC if it was dynamic

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Downloaded OK - but how do you stop your laptop going to "sleep" and stopping the instal please? Not a big problem because as soon as you touch a key or wobble the mouse the pop-up asks you if you want to stop. R-

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I have not had the same success as RAF with the automatic download. I have also tried the direct powerpos setup download with the same result. Below are two photos of my screen - I was unable to get screen shots as there is no means of minimising the the railmaster screen.



The first photo is immediately after opening RM and the second is the operating screen - exxcept it is not possible to operate any locos. I am running windows XP. I have also tried the update on a separate laptop, also running XP, on an evaluation RM and it downloaded and upated correctly.

Fortunately I still have the download for the update 1.59 (rev 2), so I have been able to revert to this to stay operational.

Has anyone any suggestions what may be causing the problem? I have never had any trouble updating previously, BUT I have just had a thought - I installed free Advanced SystemCare 8 yesterday following reading another topic. So I will now un-install this to see if I have better success.


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I have installed v1.60, thank you


But I cannot see as much of the layout screen area as I could see image attached.




The image above, taken before Christmas, shows firstly the area I could see, down to the bottom


In text I have noted on the image (to the left of the ALL STOP button) where it will now enlarge from and where it will enlarge to now. So I cannot see all the layout now.


Can you make this as it was please, thank you



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Have now updated to 1.60 and still finding that in 1.56V9 my 2 aspect train-tech signals / points worked correctly, controlling each other through "other points / signals" but not in the later releases. Have raised a further help request.


Also, if the .ini file is deleted, instead of rebuilding it, RM fails to start (raised in previous version).


I'm glad that the CV values are saved again in 1.60 :-)

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Whilst HRMS gives superb out of hours support (I guess Powerpos are giving 24/7 support to a range of their other software products, so RM benefits from any slack time during these shifts to work associated problems), I am beginning to become disillusioned with the product, its updates and its update control process.

It seems lately (and from memory not so lately), that whenever there is an update people report nothing but problems, both with the update process (from within RM particularly and also using the unecessary (in my opinion) direct download files), and also with the state of play of the application after that update is eventually installed. Some things appear to be worse than before - as noted above by people.

I have reported in several problem areas after before and updating, such as corrupt files like missing locos (searching by R-number). I have also noticed loco images being transposed in my loco list.

I seem to have been lucky in that my updates mostly install out of the box, but I personally I wonder if Hornby has backed a donkey software provider here. I stand to be corrected by the will of the forum as is right and proper, but I keep getting this niggly feeling that the whole RM thing, despite its potential as a product is a shambles behind the Powerpos scenes.

Other software/firmware from Hornby such as Elite and Select and decoder updates has been handled correctly in accordance with industry standards for software control and I have full confidence with the parent Company procedures, but the outsourced RM has a big question mark over it in my opinion.

I wonder what others honestly think.


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Pj, hi, i dont think its a hornby prob, on last update, mine did the same, and my lady wife jiggled with the monitor controls, which then gave a fuller picture. Have a read of your monitor blurb. john


Hello John


I have not altered anything? Strange.


And you say your wife, J J J Jiggled it a bit for you. Wow and you saw the fuller picture.


If I ask my wife to, J J J Jiggle it a bit, she will think I have been watching Open All Hours.


I will have a play later ;o)



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I can understand where RAF is coming from. Auto updates, IMHO are a bad thing. As an 'end' user I would always want the option to update or not, usually leaving it a week or so 'in case'.

I had a major problem when I first had RM and Elink, kept freezing the program until I switched off the wifi on the laptop. Now I switch off the laptop wifi before startimg RM and have no problems, so why should I do this update straight away?

Most computer users do not buy the latest release from Microsoft fo a good while, hence lots of people still using XP, my philosophy, rightly or wrongly, therefore, is that if it works for you, leave it alone!

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Whilst HRMS gives superb out of hours support (I guess Powerpos are giving 24/7 support to a range of their other software products, so RM benefits from any slack time during these shifts to work associated problems), I am beginning to become disillusioned with the product, its updates and its update control process.

It seems lately (and from memory not so lately), that whenever there is an update people report nothing but problems, both with the update process (from within RM particularly and also using the unecessary (in my opinion) direct download files), and also with the state of play of the application after that update is eventually installed. Some things appear to be worse than before - as noted above by people.

I have reported in several problem areas after before and updating, such as corrupt files like missing locos (searching by R-number). I have also noticed loco images being transposed in my loco list.

I seem to have been lucky in that my updates mostly install out of the box, but I personally I wonder if Hornby has backed a donkey software provider here. I stand to be corrected by the will of the forum as is right and proper, but I keep getting this niggly feeling that the whole RM thing, despite its potential as a product is a shambles behind the Powerpos scenes.

Other software/firmware from Hornby such as Elite and Select and decoder updates has been handled correctly in accordance with industry standards for software control and I have full confidence with the parent Company procedures, but the outsourced RM has a big question mark over it in my opinion.

I wonder what others honestly think.


We are somewhat dismayed at this posting, and also surprised.To describe our development and support team as a "Shambles" is disingenuous at best and insulting at worst. You are making sweeping generalisations which are simply not true at all. Fortunately, we believe that the majority of RailMaster users will not agree with you.We have taken RailMaster from scratch in 2011, to a product which is considered very highly in the world or model railway control and most users are aware of our commitment to this product and our aim to make it the best system of its kind available.Unfounded and untrue comments like yours merely serve to demoralise the people involved in what is a ground-breaking product and they are simply uncalled for.We will continue to develop the software to the highest standards (contrary to what you believe) and ensure that all users (but a handful, who can never be convinced otherwise) are happy with the product.Regular contributors to this forum know that we listen to all comments and suggestions and that when things go wrong (they are small things) as is inevitable with such a sophisticated piece of software, they are put right very quickly. We take the time to work problems through and even when some are adamant that the software is at fault have on many occasions shown that supporting hardware or software have caused the problem. It is a shame that there are a handful of users (representing the tiniest fraction of RailMaster users) who are intent on rubbishing the product, and indeed any Hornby product.
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I can understand where RAF is coming from. Auto updates, IMHO are a bad thing. As an 'end' user I would always want the option to update or not, usually leaving it a week or so 'in case'.

I had a major problem when I first had RM and Elink, kept freezing the program until I switched off the wifi on the laptop. Now I switch off the laptop wifi before startimg RM and have no problems, so why should I do this update straight away?

Most computer users do not buy the latest release from Microsoft fo a good while, hence lots of people still using XP, my philosophy, rightly or wrongly, therefore, is that if it works for you, leave it alone!

RailMaster does not insist that you perform the download. It invites you to do so and you can always click the no button and not update.
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Well, that's probably another customer lost Hornby Railmaster Support. Don't they train you in customer relations?

You should never lose your temper with a customer, even if you think they're talking rubbish.

Who told you that RM is highly regarded? It needs a massive amount of work. It should not need an hour to read the manual. The control inteferce should be intuitive. I'd go for the Roco Z21 with Rocomotion every time.

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I have no issues with Railmaster. Any problems have been quickly resolved by HRMS. There is no question that all is not perfect with Railmaster. Some of the setting up needed on a computer to ensure best operation of Railmaster require some understanding of basic computer set up. I have not experienced the problems others have. So one is drawn to the conclusion that the problems may be with individual computers.

Anyway I very pleased with Railmaster and it meets my expectations.

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I have not had the same success as RAF with the automatic download. I have also tried the direct powerpos setup download with the same result. Below are two photos of my screen - I was unable to get screen shots as there is no means of minimising the the railmaster screen.



The first photo is immediately after opening RM and the second is the operating screen - exxcept it is not possible to operate any locos. I am running windows XP. I have also tried the update on a separate laptop, also running XP, on an evaluation RM and it downloaded and upated correctly.

Fortunately I still have the download for the update 1.59 (rev 2), so I have been able to revert to this to stay operational.

Has anyone any suggestions what may be causing the problem? I have never had any trouble updating previously, BUT I have just had a thought - I installed free Advanced SystemCare 8 yesterday following reading another topic. So I will now un-install this to see if I have better success.


It appears your installation is corrupted and has gone into a different front-end mode. Please download and install afresh from www.powerpos.com/rail-master/rm_setup.exe which should resolve the issue. All of your track plans, locos and programs will be retained.

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