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Android handheld app.

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When is Hornby going to get the Android App to work with the latest version of Google Chrome?

This issue has been going on for months with no permanent solution.

Saying the app works with Chrome v 35 is no longer accecptable as there are now a number of apps and websites that require the latest version (v 39) of chrome to be installed so backdating Chrome to an old version just to satisfy the poorly designed software that Hornby use is just not good enough.

If this issue cannot be solved then I suggest a refund of the money spent on an app which is not suitable for purpose.


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Google introduced a bug in Chrome. We do not control Chrome development. The app does in fact work on the latest Google Chrome apart from being able to pinch-to-zoom on the track plan, which is why we suggested downgrading to Chrome version 35 until a solution is found. Very few people have issues with downgrading back to Chrome 35.


In the mean time you might want to explore using other browsers like "CM Browser" and "Maxthon", both of which can be downloaded from the Google Play store. Until Google come up with a fix for the Chrome bug we are looking at other ways to allow pinch-to-zoom, whilst still allowing all of the other functionality of the HandHeld app. The two browsers mentioned seem to work, although there are some rough edges to polish. Just ignore the message about using the wrong version of the browser.


We prefer Chrome simply because it is developed by the same company who developed, although it is not strictly necessary to have to use this browser.


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  • 5 months later...

Very little to go on there WD.  For a start, have you followed all of the setup instructions in the Handheld manual?   In particular, have you set up fixed IP addresses for both your PC/laptop and the phone?


if you have done all of this, I suggest you email RM Support from within the Help window of RM.  if you haven't, see if you can do all of the setup and tell us more if you are still having trouble.

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I have received the full deal from Hornby, and it mostly seems rather good.

Two questions

1. I keep losing the handshake. An icon, which is green when all is ok, goes red in my playroom, and no longer controls anything. Is this a signal strength issue? The laptop works fine in the same room.

2. The function keys don't seem to work, and there is no f0, which is the most used.


ps. that message concerning using chrome 35 is an irritant.

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Unfortunately the instructions are poor, showing screens without saying how you get there.

I set the RailMaster up as instructed, and seem to get a fixed IP address.

I seem to get the red/ green icon going red even when next to the router, and restarting the handheld brings it back to life for a while. 

The IP address stays the same, as is shown in those little boxes in the bottom RH corner on the laptop..

Surely once connected it should stay connected.

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It should. Again I suggest you email RM Support from within the Help window of RM and see what they have to say. 


You can also go to the locked top thread in this forum which has a link to a separate Help site and tells you it covers setting fixed IPs.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Touching wood, mine seems to be working fine now.

I bought an inexpensive wireless extender and mounted it in a wall socket in my train room.

The signal to my laptop and android phone is much immproved, and I have not had a loss of connection since.

Hornby Support have finally reactivated my handheld.

I have just purchased a Sony Slate 2 tablet with Window 7 and transferred the RailMaster programme to it.

Easily hand held with all the controls on a touch screen.

Is it just me, though, controlling locos with my Select is more precise and more fun.


ps. I don't find not having a static IP address an issue.

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