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Turnout Icons facing the wrong way!!


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Hi Gents

Need some help please!

I have wired two point motors to form a crossover, all working well except on the railmaster layout plan for my layout, they show the opposite way, so when line is going straight it show forking off right, and vica versa, any suugestions what I have done wrong or how to fix it?

All help greatfull appreciated




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Swap your wires around from power source (track, say) to point motors, or from accessory decoder to the point motor if powered direct from that?

Hi Graskie,

So if I am using the Hornby decoder, and in port 3 Red is + Wire and green is - wire you suggest just swapping these over, will it not damage the deocder?

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I don't see why it should, on the face of it, but someone else needs to confirm or deny that. I haven't actually set up any accessory decoders yet, but my suggestion seems pretty reasonable. It should just reverse power to your point motors, and hopefully then fit in with RM showing the correct setup.

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Incidentally, Gazah, are you powering each point motor separately or from just one feed leading from one point motor to the other? If the latter, then you would, of course, need to switch over the two wires between the point motor terminals as well, so that they both have the same polarity.

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Take a look at the lengthy discussion on this in the thread "Points indicator in passing loop" towards the bottom of RM forum page 1.


And to clarify, swapping the positive and negative wires from decoder to point won't damage snything.  In fact, even getting it wrong completely and putting common to positive or negative won't do any damage, it just won't work.

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