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Hi hope someone can help!! My lad got the dcc mixed freight set for Xmas..finally got it set up for him in the garage..baseboard wiring etc, the steam engine runs perfectly no problems whatsoever, however tge diesel shunter seems to have a mind of its own, I'll put it on the track program it in and it will start fine but seemingly once up and running it just keeps running!! I can't control speed or change direction,..whereas the steam engine will run fine on the other trackCan anyone shed any light...I'm guessing an issue with the train rather than the controller set up as the other engine works perfectly...or am I missing the bleeding obvious??

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Hi Simon, welcome to the forums. Just a couple of questions to clarify what you have said:


-  When you say programmed it in, do you mean you have been able to change its ID from 003 to something else?  You have to change the ID of at least one of the locos so you can run both at once.  Or are they still both on 003 as they came out of the box and the diesel won't change?


-  When you say won't stop, do you mean it takes off flat out and won't respond to the controller at all?


If it takes off flat out, it means that the decoder isn't recognising any DCC signals, instead it thinks it is operating on DC.  As DCC puts full voltage across the track at all times, so the loco goes flat out and can't be stopped.  There are a couple of reasons this might happen. It might be dirty wheels and track, but unlikely given it's brand new.  It might be the pickups making poor contact with the backs of the wheels.  Or it might be the DCC chip is faulty. 


Again as it is brand new, I would take it back, just the diesel, and let the shop sort it out.  If you did want to do anything yourself, it would involve taking the body off at least the diesel.  You would need to do that to check good tension of the pickups on the wheels.  Then it is possible to go further and swap the decoders between the 2 locos to see if the fault stays with the diesel chassis or goes to the steam loco.  If it swaps, the decoder is faulty, and if it doesn't it is the diesel chassis that is the problem.  You'll find getting the bodies off is quite difficult and needs an amount of levering to achieve.  I'd take it back.

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Cheers for that..yes I can change the ID no problem but it's as if the diesel isn't communicating with the controller as you say! Will definitely look at bringing it back as there is clearly something specifiscally wrong with the Diesel engine....now where did I put that receipt!! 

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