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handheld device connection

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Can any one tell me what the main causes are for a hand held device to keep losing its connection signal (beacon going to red)with pc, the odd time it will stay connected for quite a while but usually connection only lasts for about 5 minutes. Signal strengths are good. Also does the wireless modem have to be constantly connected to internet, or can you get a connection between pc and handheld with just the modem.

Ip addresses are matched ok.

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  • 5 months later...

I'm having the same issue.

I set my laptop to a static address, but it seemed to object, and I'm not sure that it helped.

.I can't see how to do it on my Sony Z3 Android. 

The frequency of the icon going red varies. Changes after 1 hour sometimes, in 3 seconds other times.

Can someone explain what figures are needed for the two IP addresses?

If my pc says, do I enter this, and what  do I enter two lines down.

My pc regularly shows a window stating chrome 35 should be used. I can't seem to download this on my phone. 

Is this a fault, and will Hornby fix it?

I am still waiting for Support to resolve an issue with my handheld needing the activation code reapplied. 

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Colin, have you set both devices to static IP?


And yes,we determined quite some time ago that you have to stay connected to the Internet. 


Not correct. I spoke to the Hornby mag guys on the twelve trees layout at the Great Central show a couple of weeks ago about this very subject.

you need a router with the laptop wifi switched on and the handheld (in my case an I-pad) 

both are connected wirelessly (or in the case of the laptop possibly using an rj45 cable)

both will use the router as the 'internet' connection.

an actual internet connection is not needed to run Railmaster or Elink.


 very few - if any - exhibition venues have an internet connection that can be used by exhibitors so railmaster and elink must therefore logically be able to work without it.



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Further to my earlier post... I tried it just now, set up as follows:-

one old - now not used, I no longer use sky, sky wireless router Obviously not connected to the internet!

laptop connected to it via rj45 cable.

ipad connects wirelessly to the sky router, using VNC to connect to the laptop displays the entire laptop screen as seen on the laptop.

Railmaster works perfectly with no problems so I may well use that setup at this weekends exhibition.

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All, for more info on setting up static IP addresses, go to the top locked thread in this forum, follow the link to AC's excellent separate site and find the static IP addresses section on the RH side.


tony, I know you don't need an Internet connection to run RM.  However, when HHs were first released, a number of people reported that they could not maintain HH connectivity if they turned off their internet connection.  I don't mean they turned off their router and wi fi, they unplugged their internet connection from their laptop leaving their router running. At least that is what they said.  I'm perfectly happy to be wrong on this, to me it doesn't make sense. But that's what they said.

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Problem is with an Android device RM uses a mobile website and not a downloaded app. so your connection relies on your browser (in this case Google Chrome).

 If RM used an installable app. then all you would need is a local wireless connection without always having to be connected to the internet.

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Hi Ian... 

I don't use an app on my ipad, I use VNC which is a downloadable program that is litterally what it says on the tin,, Virtual Network Connection. 

Running the 'server' part of the program on the laptop and the 'viewer' on the Ipad it replicates exactly the functions and screen display of the laptop on the handheld device.

if there is an android version of VNC then that is the way to go, you are not reliant on fixed ip addresses, nor are you reliant on the handheld app working.

if the laptop program - any program, not just RM - is working then the handheld view will also work!



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