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Problem adding message to programme

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Hi Greg,

This is an outstanding bug which I reported to HRMS a while back. You can't change the time of Display either.

I've had similar problems with chain commands. If I want to change the name of the program to be chained, it opens the File Open Dialog window to let you choose the file, but then puts the name of the chosen file into the Notes column of the program editor. But if you then redo the change, 2nd time through it works ok, and continues to work if you have other chain commands to amend in the same program.


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... let you choose the file, but then puts the name of the chosen file into the Notes column of the program editor ...

I have had that as well.  

I haven't reported it though but it was quite frustrating.  I just assumed I was doing something wrong  but I could never think what that may have been but it is certainly the type of thing I would like to see fixed, sooner rather than later.

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... let you choose the file, but then puts the name of the chosen file into the Notes column of the program editor ...

I have had that as well.  

I haven't reported it though but it was quite frustrating.  I just assumed I was doing something wrong  but I could never think what that may have been but it is certainly the type of thing I would like to see fixed, sooner rather than later.

Tomorrow I'll check that it is still happening and if so, I'll report it through the system


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We believe this was resolved in the latest revision (1). Try downloading and installing from www.powerpos.com/rail-master/rm_setup.exe and see if this resolves the issue.


This revision also fixes the problem with operating functions 21 to 25 on the new TTS sound diesel locos and correctly shows all latching (on/off) functions.

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This image shows three faults which are present in the editor of v1.60 Rev 1. 

1. The first line of the program cannot be changed - if you type something in place of "message here" or  change the duration from 5 to something else, then move away to another line of the program, this first line then reverts to its original contants.

2. I had used the up arrow to move line 328 up by one line. In doing so, its Resource icon changed from a Program command to a Locomotive.

3. Before the upward line move described in (2), I had tried to amend the target of the chain command of line 162 (which at the time was the third line down). Having selected the new target file from the File Open Dialog, the editor placed the selected file name into the Run column and left the instruction column unchanged.




I have submitted a Help Request through the system this morning to cover these faults.


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Groundhog Day...

Reminds me of putting typing into my boss's secretary, who poor soul was dyslexic (yes she was a dyslexic blonde - you wonder how she could have been hired as a secretary in the first place). Anything you put in was corrected, but came out with other stuff that WAS previously OK but now incorrect.

Any blondes in HRMS ???

I bet this doesn't get past Adam - for long.

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