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Using Railmaster with both an eLink and an Elite Controller

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Right guys, taken your advice and removed e-link from system. Told RM I have an Elite on controller A and none on controller B, and it all starts up nicely. But I have a problem.


My layout is in pieces at the moment while I make some track changes and install some cobalt IP digital motors. So I've come to test the first Cobalt today and come up with the following result. I have set the addrees to 7 and can make it change over using the Elite but NOT by clicking on the RM mimic map. If I go into the point setup on RM I have it set correctly (I believe), decoder port 7 but whatever I seem to do I cannot drive the motor with the mouse. Tried switching on/off several times to no avail. What am I doing wrong please?


PS I have just connected the Cobalt directly to Elite Track Output.

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