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Peco Stationary Decoder PLS-135

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And you are back on the track output with no operation?

Excuse me for being a little slow, but I haven't got a clue what your talking about. If you have had any dealings with the Peco Smartswitch PLS-100 and the Peco decoder PLS-135, you'll know exactly how they should be powered up. And you will know exactly how to program them. If you can't answer my original question then don't bother, I can't understand people that speak in riddles.

Hi Derrick


Fishman is one of the most knowledgable and helpful posters on this site and I feel that your reply is more than a little out of order.


He was only trying to help you and your comments defy explanation.


Personally, I think that your next post should be an apology to the Fishman.



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I have been reading this thread with interest. Although dispersed in different replies I feel there is enough information present in this thread to put together a definitive guide. I may be wrong, but I get the impression that Mike may not have fully taken on board some of the comments mentioned. Apologies Mike if you feel you have…


So for what it’s worth, this is my attempt to consolidate the replies into one guide. (HFM maybe you could comment on whether I have captured the essence of programming the PLS-135 correctly or not, as clearly you are the expert here having already done it).


1)    The first thing I have noted from the replies is that it is not necessary to try and configure the PLS-135 within RM using the ‘Accessory Decoder Programming’ feature. To do so is a waste of time as it won’t work.

2)    Secondly, on the Peco Smartswitch controller board the screw terminals marked ‘user’ should have a link fitted across them, both during programming and all the time the Smartswitch is used in normal DCC operation mode.

3)    In RM, open your track plan in ‘Design Layout’ mode so that you can assign and configure point operating buttons. Let’s just consider the first four points and call them points 1 to 4 (these could be 5–8 or 9-12 etc).

4)    On the first four points add control buttons. Right click the point button of point one.

5)    In the resultant pop up box configure the first three pull down menu options as follows: Controller = A (assuming you are only using a single DCC controller). Decoder Port = 1, Type = Hornby R8247 Decoder. Close the pop up configuration box.

6)    Repeat for points 2 to 4, changing the Decoder port number to 2, 3 and 4 as appropriate.

7)    Save your track plan and exit ‘Design Layout’ plan mode.

8)    Now open RM normally so that your track plan is visible, the four points should have a small rectangular box next to them showing 0001, 0002, 0003 & 0004.

9)    Now on your PLS-135 decoder (the one that is wired to your first four points, 1 to 4 in this example) press the only button on the decoder, the green LED should start to flash (taken from Peco installation manual). Make sure that the ‘user’ screw terminals on the Smartswitch controller board are still linked as per ‘step 2’ above.

10)  Whilst the green LED is still flashing return back to RM and click the point operation button associated with point 0004. Do not touch the 0001, 0002 or 0003 buttons.

11) The green LED should now stop flashing and the PLS-135 decoder should have all four points configured as 0001 to 0004.

12) Repeat above for points 5–8, 9–12 etc clicking the '0008' and '0012' buttons in step 10 as necessary.


Apologies, if this is exactly what you have already done without success, only trying to help. HFM have I got it right in your view?


PS - I should have added that all the above is done with the PLS-135 connected to the MAIN DCC track/Bus NOT the programming track output of the controller.

Great job chirssaf well translated and explained

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And you are back on the track output with no operation?

Excuse me for being a little slow, but I haven't got a clue what your talking about. If you have had any dealings with the Peco Smartswitch PLS-100 and the Peco decoder PLS-135, you'll know exactly how they should be powered up. And you will know exactly how to program them. If you can't answer my original question then don't bother, I can't understand people that speak in riddles.

Hi Derrick


Fishman is one of the most knowledgable and helpful posters on this site and I feel that your reply is more than a little out of order.


He was only trying to help you and your comments defy explanation.


Personally, I think that your next post should be an apology to the Fishman.



I don't think so...

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I can understand the frustration of spending days on end trying to get something to work and the anger that frustration generates. Following instructions that end up for all intent and purposes being either misleading, vague or downright wrong.


But have you spotted my post (third one down on this page of this thread). HFM has successfully configured the PLS-135 to work and he has, in effect, endorsed my 12 step configuration plan to be compliant with the method he devised.


Before giving up completely, you might like to try configuring your PLS-135 one more time using the 12 steps I have documented above (13 steps if you include the PS at the end).


And as Peter said, Fishmanoz was only trying to help. Whom I have found both to be helpful and knowledgeable.

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I can understand the frustration of spending days on end trying to get something to work and the anger that frustration generates. Following instructions that end up for all intent and purposes being either misleading, vague or downright wrong.


But have you spotted my post (third one down on this page of this thread). HFM has successfully configured the PLS-135 to work and he has, in effect, endorsed my 12 step configuration plan to be compliant with the method he devised.


Before giving up completely, you might like to try configuring your PLS-135 one more time using the 12 steps I have documented above (13 steps if you include the PS at the end).


And as Peter said, Fishmanoz was only trying to help. Whom I have found both to be helpful and knowledgeable.

Hi Chrissaf,

Thank you for your reply, and your intuitive instruction leaflet. I reread all the posts on this subject again and came up with a similar conclusion as you have. I returned to my layout and re-programmed the decoders. Success. The only difference I done was that I did go onto the "program accesserory" page but I didn't press the button on the decoders because the green light was already on. On the programming page it dosen't say that the light has to be flashing.

By the way I done all this before reading your comprehensive post on programming the Peco Smartswitch.

Anyway all working as they should. So alls well that ends well.

Thank you again for your reply. Please pass on my apologies to the fishmanoz if you see him.



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Ooooh errrr, Fishy! Is that now a hat trick?


Graskie, now that the dust has settled on this one, I must admit that there was a hat element to it.  I made 2 mistakes here: clearly the first was to offer any advice at all.  The second doesn't now need explanation as the correct procedure was detailed by Chris.


It is worth saying though for anyone looking at this thread as part of their research as to what point control method to use, that this way involves a complete system, not just an accessory decoder and point motors.  The total system consists of the Smartswitch, the heart of the system, miniaturised servo slow action point motors with ribbon cables for attachment (to the Smartswitch), switches or push buttons for manual operation, a programming board for manual operation, and a DCC decoder for DCC operation.  You can also do frog switching and the system has connections to control LEDs on a control panel.


 Because it is a quite capable and flexible system, the manual is long and some will have had a case of eye-glaze-over before they reach the DCC instructions on page 15.  Further, the significance of the User terminals and the need for a link between them is explained on page 13 in the manual control part of the instructions, so it is easy to miss the need to bridge these terminals.  


It is also recommended that the whole system mounts above the board, useful for those with their layouts sitting on ping pong or other tables, although you are going to need some scenery features to hide the boards in particular (the motors are small and only need weathering or grass etc to hide them).  


And you can set up so you can use both manual and DCC control, in which case those pesky User terminals have a switch across them to go from one mode to the other.


That's enough from me, next topic please.

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  • 4 months later...

I have been reading this thread with interest. Although dispersed in different replies I feel there is enough information present in this thread to put together a definitive guide. I may be wrong, but I get the impression that Mike may not have fully taken on board some of the comments mentioned. Apologies Mike if you feel you have…


So for what it’s worth, this is my attempt to consolidate the replies into one guide. (HFM maybe you could comment on whether I have captured the essence of programming the PLS-135 correctly or not, as clearly you are the expert here having already done it).


1)    The first thing I have noted from the replies is that it is not necessary to try and configure the PLS-135 within RM using the ‘Accessory Decoder Programming’ feature. To do so is a waste of time as it won’t work.

2)    Secondly, on the Peco Smartswitch controller board the screw terminals marked ‘user’ should have a link fitted across them, both during programming and all the time the Smartswitch is used in normal DCC operation mode.

3)    In RM, open your track plan in ‘Design Layout’ mode so that you can assign and configure point operating buttons. Let’s just consider the first four points and call them points 1 to 4 (these could be 5–8 or 9-12 etc).

4)    On the first four points add control buttons. Right click the point button of point one.

5)    In the resultant pop up box configure the first three pull down menu options as follows: Controller = A (assuming you are only using a single DCC controller). Decoder Port = 1, Type = Hornby R8247 Decoder. Close the pop up configuration box.

6)    Repeat for points 2 to 4, changing the Decoder port number to 2, 3 and 4 as appropriate.

7)    Save your track plan and exit ‘Design Layout’ plan mode.

8)    Now open RM normally so that your track plan is visible, the four points should have a small rectangular box next to them showing 0001, 0002, 0003 & 0004.

9)    Now on your PLS-135 decoder (the one that is wired to your first four points, 1 to 4 in this example) press the only button on the decoder, the green LED should start to flash (taken from Peco installation manual). Make sure that the ‘user’ screw terminals on the Smartswitch controller board are still linked as per ‘step 2’ above.

10)  Whilst the green LED is still flashing return back to RM and click the point operation button associated with point 0004. Do not touch the 0001, 0002 or 0003 buttons.

11) The green LED should now stop flashing and the PLS-135 decoder should have all four points configured as 0001 to 0004.

12) Repeat above for points 5–8, 9–12 etc clicking the '0008' and '0012' buttons in step 10 as necessary.


Apologies, if this is exactly what you have already done without success, only trying to help. HFM have I got it right in your view?


PS - I should have added that all the above is done with the PLS-135 connected to the MAIN DCC track/Bus NOT the programming track output of the controller.

Great job chirssaf well translated and explained




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Have you experience of using the select and elite controllers without having the railmaster fitted.


Ideally, you should have asked your question as a new topic post of your own rather than tagging it on to the end of this old one.


Not particularly clear on what exactly you mean by your question. I'll make some statements. If they answer your question fine, if not please refine your question with more detail and ask again, but I suggest if you ask it again you do so as a new topic that you own (as mentioned above).


  • Both the Select & Elite controllers will function as a layout controller in their own right WITHOUT needing RailMaster.
  • The functionality of the Elite controller can OPTIONALLY be enhanced by using it with RailMaster. Elite & RailMaster are mutually compatible with each other.
  • The Select controller cannot be used with RailMaster. The Select does not have a computer USB interface built in.
  • You cannot connect TWO controllers regardless of controller model to the SAME track at the SAME time 
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I have been reading this thread with interest. Although dispersed in different replies I feel there is enough information present in this thread to put together a definitive guide. I may be wrong, but I get the impression that Mike may not have fully taken on board some of the comments mentioned. Apologies Mike if you feel you have…


So for what it’s worth, this is my attempt to consolidate the replies into one guide. (HFM maybe you could comment on whether I have captured the essence of programming the PLS-135 correctly or not, as clearly you are the expert here having already done it).


1)    The first thing I have noted from the replies is that it is not necessary to try and configure the PLS-135 within RM using the ‘Accessory Decoder Programming’ feature. To do so is a waste of time as it won’t work.

2)    Secondly, on the Peco Smartswitch controller board the screw terminals marked ‘user’ should have a link fitted across them, both during programming and all the time the Smartswitch is used in normal DCC operation mode.

3)    In RM, open your track plan in ‘Design Layout’ mode so that you can assign and configure point operating buttons. Let’s just consider the first four points and call them points 1 to 4 (these could be 5–8 or 9-12 etc).

4)    On the first four points add control buttons. Right click the point button of point one.

5)    In the resultant pop up box configure the first three pull down menu options as follows: Controller = A (assuming you are only using a single DCC controller). Decoder Port = 1, Type = Hornby R8247 Decoder. Close the pop up configuration box.

6)    Repeat for points 2 to 4, changing the Decoder port number to 2, 3 and 4 as appropriate.

7)    Save your track plan and exit ‘Design Layout’ plan mode.

8)    Now open RM normally so that your track plan is visible, the four points should have a small rectangular box next to them showing 0001, 0002, 0003 & 0004.

9)    Now on your PLS-135 decoder (the one that is wired to your first four points, 1 to 4 in this example) press the only button on the decoder, the green LED should start to flash (taken from Peco installation manual). Make sure that the ‘user’ screw terminals on the Smartswitch controller board are still linked as per ‘step 2’ above.

10)  Whilst the green LED is still flashing return back to RM and click the point operation button associated with point 0004. Do not touch the 0001, 0002 or 0003 buttons.

11) The green LED should now stop flashing and the PLS-135 decoder should have all four points configured as 0001 to 0004.

12) Repeat above for points 5–8, 9–12 etc clicking the '0008' and '0012' buttons in step 10 as necessary.


Apologies, if this is exactly what you have already done without success, only trying to help. HFM have I got it right in your view?


PS - I should have added that all the above is done with the PLS-135 connected to the MAIN DCC track/Bus NOT the programming track output of the controller.

Great job chirssaf well translated and explained




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Artificer, would you please stop clicking on blue Quote boxes to make replies and just use the box at the bottom of the thread with the green Reply.  That way we will be able to see what you are saying instead of other people.


Do you have your answer now?

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