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Linx 10" tablet


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I'm considering buying a Linx 10" (Windows 8.1) tablet computer, with the main purpose of installing Hornby Railmaster on it and connecting it to a Hornby eLink controller via its USB port. I would then control my model railway solely with this tablet, ie it would not be connected in any way to another computer.

On the face of it, this would appear to be an ideal way of using Hornby Railmaster, but I'm a bit worried that there may be some snags that I'm unaware of.

Has anyone tried HRM with this tablet? 

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Welcome to the forums DRJ.  The answer to your question depends on whether the Linx uses "real" Windows 8.1 or whether it is the cut-down version MS produces for mobile devices. RM only works with real Windows.  I had a quick look at the Linx specs but it doesn't say.  I suspect it is the cut-down version though given the amount of memory in the device.

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Hi Fishmanoz and thanks for your reply.

This tablet definitely uses the full (real) version of Windows 8.1, and appears to be one of a new breed of full Windows tablets using the Intel Atom CPU. 

I'm sure that I would be able to install RM on it OK, but I'm just wondering whether it would then function OK, particulary regarding its USB connection to eLink. I guess that I was hoping that someone has already tried it!

If it works OK, it seems like it would be an ideal size for RM and avoids using a clumsy laptop (which hides most of my small layout), or having to use an Android tablet in conjunction with a PC.

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Hi Fishmanoz and thanks for your reply.

This tablet definitely uses the full (real) version of Windows 8.1, and appears to be one of a new breed of full Windows tablets using the Intel Atom CPU. 

I'm sure that I would be able to install RM on it OK, but I'm just wondering whether it would then function OK, particulary regarding its USB connection to eLink. I guess that I was hoping that someone has already tried it!

If it works OK, it seems like it would be an ideal size for RM and avoids using a clumsy laptop (which hides most of my small layout), or having to use an Android tablet in conjunction with a PC.




I think I saw a post from HRMS recently which basically said to keep away from running RM on the Atom processor as it is quite limited in its power and capabilities.


I could be wrong though...


Personally, I would only use that sort of machine for browsing and checking emails when out and about.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Last week, I took a chance and purchased a Linx 10" tablet!

I downloaded and installed the evaluation version of Railmaster onto it without problems. I then connected it to my eLink controller via its USB port and Windows automatically installed the generic driver without problems on COM3 with 115,200 Baud rate.

I then de-activated my purchased version of Railmaster on my laptop and activated it on the Linx. Finally, I copied my track plan and loco data file Resource.mdb from the laptop to the Linx.

I'm now using the Linx as the sole controller of my layout. All seems to be functioning correctly and the 10" size is ideal for displaying my track plan and 2 loco controllers without obscuring most of my relatively small layout.

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I have a 10" Toshie Notebook running XP on an Atom processor and it used to run my RM demo without any problems until it timed out and had to be de-installed in favour of the proper pc paid version.

I keep it active as it is the only 'pc' in my fleet that will update my Elite - should we ever need to do that again.

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  • 1 month later...

Here's an update to my last posting (February) on this subject.


After getting RM running on my Linx 10 and upgrading to RM Pro, I was diverted onto other things and didn't return to it until a couple of weeks ago. I then started to experience an increasing frequency of eLink connectivity problems, even though I've followed all the start-up procedures advised in the forum.  Although my connection success rate is probably now less than 40%, I'm still persevering, as I can usually get things going after a few minutes and, once connected, it seems to stay that way until I close RM. I've now settled on 9,600 Baud rate, as this seemed to give less problems. I suspect that the fact that the Linx has a Micro-B type USB connector could be a factor.


My Compaq CQ58 laptop, also on Windows 8.1, only has the occasional connection problem when running RM with eLink, so I've tried using this in conjunction with my Linx in 2 ways:-

(1) Laptop running RM & connected to eLink. Linx also running RM and wirelessly linked to the laptop via its IP address. This test was done with RM on the Linx in evaluation form, so I'd need to purchase another copy of RM (and Pro?) to make this permanent.

(2) Laptop running RM & connected to eLink. Linx NOT running RM but controlling the laptop using TeamViewer.

Both methods worked OK but are rather messy and inconvenient, so, for the time being, I'm going to persevere with the Linx alone as it's great when connected!


By the way, I understand that Bluetooth was invented as an alternative to RS-232 serial ports. I wonder whether Hornby/Invicto have considered this as a connection method?



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