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Lost connection with DCC controller

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Can anybody help? Since I upgraded to E Link Pro a few weeks ago I keep getting a message on my computer telling me that it has lost connection with the DCC controller. (Although in reality I don't think it has actually lost the connection as any engine running on the track continues to run). I click on the green tick and the message dissappears for 30 seconds or so and then comes back again. I have tried a different port on my computer but the problem hasn't been solved. I have tried a different USB lead but that hasn't solved the problem either. This message still appears even if the controller is not connected to the track (i.e. It isn't a short circuit). Anybody encountered this problem and know how to solve it? Any advice would be appreciated. Thank you.


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Hi Robin, welcome to the forums.  This thread should of course be in the RM forum not just DCC as you are talking about RM Pro pack, and Admin will probably move it there in short order.


I suggest you email RM Support from within the Help window of RM.  You might also do a forum search on the error message as I think this has been mentioned before recently.

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Thanks for your reply Fish. Being relatively new to DCC I have been in touch with RM support quite a few times so I don't like to keep pestering them. I had done a forum search on this topic but couldn't find anything related. If nobody has a solution I will obviously contact RM support.

Thank You.

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Can anybody help? Since I upgraded to E Link Pro a few weeks ago I keep getting a message on my computer telling me that it has lost connection with the DCC controller. (Although in reality I don't think it has actually lost the connection as any engine running on the track continues to run). I click on the green tick and the message dissappears for 30 seconds or so and then comes back again. I have tried a different port on my computer but the problem hasn't been solved. I have tried a different USB lead but that hasn't solved the problem either. This message still appears even if the controller is not connected to the track (i.e. It isn't a short circuit). Anybody encountered this problem and know how to solve it? Any advice would be appreciated. Thank you.


Hi Robin and welcome to the forum...

You say you have tried different ports on your computer but with no solution? When moving the cable to another port or socket on the PC or laptop you have are you also going into the Control Panel and Device Manager to match the port number you see on RM software? You probably have but just in case it is usually wise to delete the port on the PC or laptop and then search for a new device or hardware within Device Manager and that should pick up the port number (COM Port) that RM would be showing within its own interface (screen). Trying new USB cables is almost certainly never going to fix your issue. They very rarely go wrong.

Hope this helps if you've not considered it before...

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