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Disassociate RM

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Hi one and all.

Having a problem with my laptop so will have carry out a factory re set. Before I do so can someone clarify Two things for me.

After I disassociate RM then re install the software onto a clean system, I presume that I will have to re programme the Loco addresses, is this the case?

If so,  after re programming the locos addresses will any programmes that I have written and saved be useless as the software will be looking for old addresses. Or if this time and last time I have used 1,2 and 4 will they automatically always use the same addresses?

Thanks to anyone that responds.





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Hi one and all.

Having a problem with my laptop so will have carry out a factory re set. Before I do so can someone clarify Two things for me.

After I disassociate RM then re install the software onto a clean system, I presume that I will have to re programme the Loco addresses, is this the case?

If so,  after re programming the locos addresses will any programmes that I have written and saved be useless as the software will be looking for old addresses. Or if this time and last time I have used 1,2 and 4 will they automatically always use the same addresses?

Thanks to anyone that responds.





Hello Ron,

It sounds to me as if your laptop is still useable, otherwise you won't be able to de-register RM. If this is the case, then there are files in the Railmaster folder which you can backup to, for example, a USB memory stick, which will contain the programs you have written, your layout diagram, and the locos you have configured. I'm sure I've seen a post somewhere on the RM Forum, where HRMS have listed those files which you need to backup. Also, if you have upgraded to the Propack version of the software, there is a facility built-in which will backup these important files for you (locos, plans and programs).


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I maybe wrong, but I believe all the RM files containing user specific data are automatically backed up when RM closes and the backed up files are given a .BAK extension. Thus, all you would need to do is copy any files you find in the RM folder with a .BAK extension onto a USB drive. Taking a note of what each files correct extension should be.


Once RM is reinstalled, copy said files back into the folder, changing the .BAK extensions back to their original extension, over writing any files with the same name created by the fresh install.


This is only a theory as I have not tried it. Perhaps HRMS could comment?

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Jailor, hi, have you tried  going back in time, with your laptop, eg backdating it till just before problem occurred. Very simple to do.  john

Hi John

Thanks for that, it is an old laptop that belonged to my wife. I want a clean install to get rid of all the rubish on it then just install RM. Hopefully it will run much smoother then.



an install

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Hi thanks for comment's all,

I understand about all the files to back up, apologies if my question is not explained well. What I need to know is will the software after being re installed recognise the addresses on locos and therefore run saved programmes I have written.


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I think what people have been trying to say, is that if you restore all your user modified RM files (from backups) back into the freshly installed RM, then theoretically it should be an exact copy of the original RM before uninstalling, including loco addresses and the like. Therefore, it should run and function with the same configurations as before.

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I think what people have been trying to say, is that if you restore all your user modified RM files (from backups) back into the freshly installed RM, then theoretically it should be an exact copy of the original RM before uninstalling, including loco addresses and the like. Therefore, it should run and function with the same configurations as before.

Cheers fingers crossed and off we go!


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Ron, short answer to your last question is yes, they will all be operating in your new copy of RM.


And the files you copy over shouldn't be the BAK versions, which are your next to last configurstion without you most recent changes, they should be the real ones.

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But remember Fishmanoz, when you close down RM a box comes up saying "please wait whilst files are backed up" or words to that effect. Therefore at the point of close down the .BAK files should be exact copies of the working files. And since you are only looking for files with a .BAK extension name. It makes it easier to ensure that you capture all the ones that are relevant.

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I can't see the point myself when you can just backup the PLN, PRG and MDB files with you plans, programs and locos in them.  Then in ProPack if you have it, there is a function to do it all for you in the Help window. You will also need your INI file if you have made any changes to that.

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Yes but not everyone would neccessarily know that the PLN, PRG and MDB files are the ones they need. All I'm saying is that by looking for the .BAK files it keeps it relatively simple to capture the right ones.


Even if you only use the .BAK file names to indicate which of the real files to save.


Quite right if you happen to have the ProPack, then it's all done for you. Easy Peasy.

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Ron, short answer to your last question is yes, they will all be operating in your new copy of RM.


And the files you copy over shouldn't be the BAK versions, which are your next to last configurstion without you most recent changes, they should be the real ones.

Thanks as always fishy for advice.


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