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Ver 1.60 what revison

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I recently installed IObit software, great set of utilities, recommended on this forum.


When I ran Registry Cleaner it wiped some entries that removed my RM details and put me back on evaluation mode!


HRMS entered my PC and made changes to correct the issue, brilliant it was working again.


I then noticed an update and decided to download RM 1.60 rev1 and to my surprise it put RM back in evaluation mode again.


I reported this to RM and the external software I felt caused the issue. I didn't add anything to the forum.  I waited patiently for HRMS to get back to me, frustrated I couldn't use RM but also embarrassed having to ask HRMS to fix someting they had only just fixed. Although the update should not have put RM back to evaluation mode.  I waited, then suggested to HRMS would it help if I uninstalled and reinstalling the software but, the deactivation key was also missing. HRMS then sent me an email saying don't uninstall RM, if not fixed they would have to enter my PC again to check and fix the problem. 


I noticed on the forum at the time of getting the email from them v1.60 rev2 was available so I downloaded it and installed it. Brilliant it fixed the issue, my software was working again, everything was again registered as it should be.


I add this message to let other know firstly what happened when I installed the IObit software and used it. Only the Registry Cleaner caused the issue none of the other IObit software items.  After installing RM 1.60 Rev2, I ran the Registry Cleaner again and there were no issues, I restarted the PC and there were no issues. HRMS were updated.


The other reason I add this message is to thank HRMS, external software had caused the issue but nothing was to much trouble. Thank you guys.


I still feel automatic updates are better (with option to wait) but, the link on the forum was a good idea and placed where it was caught my eye straight away.  ;o)

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Does anybody know what changes the current revision has made over revision 0 ?


If there are significant changes they will be listed in the Release Note text file in the RM folder.


What I should have wrote is:


"Could someone who has already upgraded, paste the relevant part of the new 'Release Note.txt' file in this post so that I can see what is new. I can then make a decision as to whether there is something making it worthwhile for me to upgrade for at this moment in time, like for example a fix for any RM issues I might have. My policy is not to constantly chase upgrades to new revisions just because they are there, but to do them only if I perceive a benefit from doing so."


Time has moved on and therefore it is now 'what's new in rev 2, not rev 1'


I thought I would keep my original post brief so that I didn't receive yet another 'spanking' for writing a long detailed post.


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I see your point Chris

To find out what is new you already have to do the thing, which actually may not be your thing and then its too late.

Maybe placed under the RM latest revision link Adam could extract the associated txt file info and either copy it to the page or just link to it so that people can make a considered decision as to whether to update or not.


At the risk of repeating myself, myself, myself, sorry this is such a long response as I didn't have time to write a short one - (ANON).

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... considered decision as to whether to update or not. 

I think that Hornby would always recommend that we update to the latest version.  

It would be good that the txt file is always updated to show the latest changes but I am not convinced that we should be asking Adam to have to provide us with more links or text.  The link he has already provided to show the latest version is a massive improvement for us.

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