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R8247 Accessory Decoder

The Captain90

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A dumb question if I may. Am purchasing 4 gaugemaster seep point motors and a R8247 Accessory Decoder.

I am assuming a wire is run from the decoder to each point motor but how is the decoder connected to my eLink as I cannot see any connection point.

Guessing full instructions will come with the decoder but I am curious.

Any help will be appreciate.

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Hi Capt, it connects either to the track output of your ELink or the track itself. It comes with a connector for the track.


You might note also that your Seeps draw quite a lot of power when they fire and, if you have RM set up to set your points startup, you will need to increase the time between firing in you railmaster.ini file.

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Hi Capt, it connects either to the track output of your ELink or the track itself. It comes with a connector for the track.


You might note also that your Seeps draw quite a lot of power when they fire and, if you have RM set up to set your points startup, you will need to increase the time between firing in you railmaster.ini file.

Many thanks again Fishmanoz.

I would hope that the need to increase the firing time is included in the point motor instructions when I get them however I feel this won't be the case. Since starting to build my railway I have found the instructions received have been very vague and confusing. Thank goodness for this forum but we should get simple to follow and accurate instructions from the manufacturer.

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Also have a look at the following resources, they might be helpful to you:


The link above originally provided by RAF96 (shows Seep PM motor wiring connections in first diagram on the page) and taken from following posted forum thread - see the thread for full details of connecting it all up and configuration:


PS - love the user name by the way, just can't get the BirdsEye advert out of my mind for some reason.

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