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using the sound function in railmaster

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Please can someone help.I have purchased the Hornby Western Master with E-link.I had a problem where the laptop is not finding the controller.This one is very hit and miss!!!! But can anybody help with the sounds.I can play the sounds within the programme list ie programme xx 86 but when it comes to playing the sound within the GWR loco list they will not play.What am I doing wrong.

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Hi Keith

Welcome to the forum.  With regard to your laptop not finding the controller, it is essential to switch elink on FIRST, wait until it has gone completely through its start up sequence BEFORE switching on the laptop.  All cables should be fully connected before you switch on anything.

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Keith, hi, there appears to be a tad of confusion here. Your Western Master, as previously mentioned, does not contain a sound loco. However inside Rail Master, are sound files, such as station announcements, which can be encorporated into a programme. The sample prog which comes with your set is listed in progs, whereby trains move, showing you what can be done. You can write your own similar prog, inserting these sound files, but to have the actual loco emit sounds, you will need to buy a new loco, eg, a TTS one which hornby sell from about £80, or another make. Does this help. john. PS, as regards hit and miss, take a look at the locked thread on the forum, where at the end, is my  Simple guide to start up. The whole thread has been painstakingly put together, in an effort to help with Elink and Railmaster, and Fishy, and Augustus, go to great lengths, with the support of admin, in an attempt to smooth your path.  

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