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train tronic 4 aspect rh feather with traintronics decoder

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I have whats in the title and I have got 1.60 rev 1 no matter what i change in the box for the signal i can't get it to work in sequance ie red,yellow,2nd yellow green,feather, red.

any ideas anyone.



Hi Michael,

I have the same except with left feather. This signal operates in an unusual way. In order to proceed forward through the colours, you need to send "clear" commands to it. To toggle the feather on and off, you need to send "stop" commands to it. For this reason, it is almost impossible to operate it by clicking on an icon on your layout diagram, no matter how you configure it. What I would suggest you do is to create two Railmaster programs, one having a signal clear instruction in it, and one with a signal stop instruction. In your layout diagram, you can create two icons to which you can assign each program, and locate them near the signal icon.


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Hello again Michael,

I have just been having a play" with my Traintronics signal and you may be interested in the way I have configured mine just now. The image below will show you what I did.


I created two signal icons for the same address (101). The one on the right is defined as a 4-aspect using a R8247 decoder. All four of the sequences are set to green, because sending a clear command to the signal moves it on to the next colour in sequence. The icon on the right is defined as a Traintech 2-aspect with feather. Both of the sequences are set to red, because sending a stop command to the signal will toggle the feather on or off. It's by far nowhere near a perfect solution, but at least it gives you control of the signal from the layout diagram, even though the colours on the screen may get out of sync with the signal itself.


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You signal guys, nothing but problems. Have you thought about manually controlled ones. john

Hi John,

Yes, briefly, for about 0.25 of a second :-) 

Personally, I enjoy watching the trains. To go back to manual control from Railmaster for me would mean more time watching the controller and switches for points and signals than actually watching the trains operate.


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Hello John


We have to accept, the leap to signalling was a major step forward for RM and there were bound to be issues. What no one could gauge was how long it would take to fix them.


All the time running trains and setting signals and testing them has not been a waste of time, it has helped us with general running of trains and with programs. It has been frustrating I have to agree to that but we have moved forward thanks to HRMS and to Ray for confirming the divide by 4 issue for signal ports, avoiding this has allowed us to get R,Y,YY and G aspects to work in order, only for the first set of four but HRMS are working on this problem.


For me running trains, over and over again, even on short routes has helped me prepare for Loco Detection. LD will be good John, I have no doubt controlling speed and stopping accurately will improve out layouts big time. But when it comes to using LD with signals at present I naturally have my concerns.


Constantly running and testing my trains has helped me, work out blocks and positions for sensors, it has allowed me to consider speed limits and add signs to every section of my layout ready, I also have 10 AWS boxes in position close to where the sensors will go, prior to stations, branches to sidings etc. So waiting for LD for me has been good. Had I had LD sooner I would no doubt have had to change something here and there.


Nice to talk with you again John, I do hope the temperature in your part of France is better than -14 degrees. I am naturally thinking of the big carp in the lake opposite your home  ;o)



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Pj, not a good time for my carp, as frozen in. System of tennis balls allows for some air. I notice you dont quantify your  wasted hours. I bet your wife can, to the nearest hour. Mine can, (how many more hours are you going to waste in that confounded room). john

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Pj, not a good time for my carp, as frozen in. System of tennis balls allows for some air. I notice you dont quantify your  wasted hours. I bet your wife can, to the nearest hour. Mine can, (how many more hours are you going to waste in that confounded room). john


Hi John


Football are better than tennis balls, depending on the ice they can be pushed upwards too. Sorry to carp on about it.


I am glad you noticed I do not quantify my time with my trains, I am an apprentice John, just training.


I am used to words like, are you in there again, you might as well have your bed in there, your tea will be on the table in 5 minutes (why have we no plates), or the best one... you always have an excuse  ;o)  No I tell her I just have to do this, or I have to do that because, if I don't get this done I can't do that... and I won't be long love LOL


We have different watches and clocks. Hers always says I am in here longer than I am  ;o)



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Hi Michael,

I have the same except with left feather. This signal operates in an unusual way. In order to proceed forward through the colours, you need to send "clear" commands to it. To toggle the feather on and off, you need to send "stop" commands to it. For this reason, it is almost impossible to operate it by clicking on an icon on your layout diagram, no matter how you configure it. What I would suggest you do is to create two Railmaster programs, one having a signal clear instruction in it, and one with a signal stop instruction. In your layout diagram, you can create two icons to which you can assign each program, and locate them near the signal icon.


Rather than trying to control the feather from RM directly, you could control it indirectly by using the point that is related to the feather, and using a latched relay attached to that point motor to set the feather according to the point setting.  So when you change the point you set the feather. If you want more info on this let me know.

Remember with all these issues, in real life anything more than two aspect colour signals (home/starter red/green or distant green/yellow) were not controlled by humans, as RM simulates today, but by block occupancy detection.  You really need loco detection to control 3 or 4 aspect signals.  You can wait for Hornby to deliver that, or use some other detection technology alongside RM to control 3 and 4 aspects signals in the meantime.

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