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Query about Railmaster setup quide - AV


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In the subject locked guide there is this advice

'..Anti-Virus Software and RailMaster

 What to use for clear RM operation on ANY version of Windows:

Remove any software you have related to AV products, ANY software paid for or not!...'

Am I to understand that you want me to uninstall all of my AV regardless and to install Malwarebytes, Spybot and Avast as the only packages that are compatible with and/or will allow free passage of RM.

I have asked this question of Admin, who requests that I raise this new topic to provoke discussion from forum members experience and in particular to see what AC and Fishy say, who were the main players for this guide.


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In the subject locked guide there is this advice


'..Anti-Virus Software and RailMaster

 What to use for clear RM operation on ANY version of Windows:

Remove any software you have related to AV products, ANY software paid for or not!...'

Am I to understand that you want me to uninstall all of my AV regardless and to install Malwarebytes, Spybot and Avast as the only packages that are compatible with and/or will allow free passage of RM.


I have asked this question of Admin, who requests that I raise this new topic to provoke discussion from forum members experience and in particular to see what AC and Fishy say, who were the main players for this guide.



Norton 360 works for me with Win XP

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I use (free) Windows Defender with Windows 8.1 with no problems, I didn't have to unistall or disable it to install RM.

But given that most problems others have with RM seem to come down to blocking by AV it seems to be the best generalised advice to avoid such problems, at least until you have RM installed and working.

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AC is the main proponent on not using certain AV products with the main offenders in blocking stuff while not telling you being Norton and McAfee.  They are certainly known for overzealousness in their blocking of things you want to let through.  I use another paid for product in Trend and, having downloaded and installed an update recently, I had to, for the first time, list RM as an exception to stop it blocking me without saying it was doing so.  And not having blocked it before.


For a more complete explanation from AC, go back to the thread where he explained it all.  It is referenced in the post from him in the locked sticky thread at the top of the forum.  He has more to say on his excellent separate forum,cthe link to which we seem to have lost when the top thread was truncated and lost.  I did suggest to Adam that he might put that whole discussion that was removed into a separate thread but hasn't happened yet.  I'm sure he'll be along to fix that soon.  And we lost a discussion from a particular new user in that process too.


And john, you are 250% right about Norton and 7 v 8/8.1.  8/8.1 are responsible for so many things going wrong just now, starting with why your carp are frozen in.  In fact, it is a wonder they haven't been banned to drastically cut the world's carbon footprint to save us from global warming.  We can only hope that 10 will be a little better in that regard.  I simply cannot understand the people who tell us that Norton works exactly the same on 7 as 8/8.1, and any perceived differences are down to the individual experience of users on their particular setups and how they use them, the whole idea is preposterous.  

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Just as well we have global warming else it would be jolly cold by now.

Back on Topic - My AVG works OK with RM, except it flags up a fail when sending reports, however I get the acknowledgement email and a fix usually, so it must be getting through. I have set the whole RM folder as an exception but have no idea which actual file is used by the reporting system, else I would add that as well.

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Hi I. Use Norton with Windows 7 no problem at all. I think this relates more to Windows 8


I have used Norton with a variety of Windows Versions and am currently using Norton 360 with Windows 8.1 and RM, with no problems at all. I am not a fan of 8.1 and hope that 10 will be a lot more friendlier and stable.

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I've used Norton and McAfee in the past and soon came to the conclusions made by others here. I used to be a big fan of most Norton products but found that after being taken over by Symantec they rapidly went down hill into expensive bloatware.


For the last 5 years or so I have been using ESET NOD32 antivirus and find it an excellent well balanced and more importantly reliable AV product (it was a 'best buy' recommendation on a Windows support site I use). It works absolutely fine with RM on a Win 8.1 machine (I did however put the RM exception in as per RM security PDF just to be 'belt 'n' braces'). It has a relatively 'small footprint' in memory and is not a resource hugger.


I started off with version 3, the current version is 8, every upgrade to date has been free of charge.


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