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Problem trying to save track plan click on tick  rm says saved but when i go back its the same latest changes not saved

ok  i'll delete rm and start again, but where is the deactivation function i followed rm 's guide (not very clear ) go to ? its not in there but where the activation key line is ther are just 0000-0000-0000-0000-0000 dont know if this right or wrong

i know if remove rm without deactivating you cant reactivate without rm resetting it

can someone help with some clear instrutions

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Hi weston ranger

I have the samething i deactivated my railmaster to put a new hard drive into my laptop i had 00000-00000-00000-00000-00000 after deactivation i continued reinstalled rm but now unable to activate have ask for help from railmaster support they said the samething i did everything but still no joy. i think the problem is there server.

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