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point issue

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have with one of my points and railmaster.If i change it's direction thru railmaster it changes it then changes it by itself 2 or 3 times.

if i change it just using the elite it works fine

have removed it in track plan and put it back in but still does the same

have over 20 points and it's only this one thats a problem

as it works perfectly using the elite shouldn't be the decoder or the point motor it must be a RM issue.thought removing it and putting it back would fix it but it hasn't

 appreciate any advice


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In the manual it tells you that RM sends a point command twice as a precaution to ensure a sticky point is activated.

As this is the only dodgy point right click on it on your plan in design mode and see if there are any other actions/commands linked to it by mistake.

People have reported certain addresses can cause problems and there have been instances of points playing up, so you should send a report to RM through the built in reporting system.

This will send all the necessary files to HRMS for their attention. You will get an automatic response then shortly an answer to you question. Support is very good and usually replies in a very short timescale.

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Hi Geoff,

Is there any chance you have two points in your track plan defined with the same address?


Thanks Ray

did have two with the same no. and looks like it fixed it



So what you thought was the one changing a few times was actually two of them changing twice each.

At least the problem is solved and you can press on.

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