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R3141 lights not working


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Hi. I have fitted a sapphire decoder to my r3141 60099 and the lights no longer work when selecting F0. I have tried removing the decoder and the lights work fine on DC so I don't think there is any problem with the body contacts. Also there are no obvious broken wires on decoder. The problem is the same using both the select controller and elink. Can anyone offer any suggestions please ?

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Put your loco on your programming track connected to the e-link programming output. Use RM to read the value of CV29 (see RM manual page 69 on how to do this). Report back the CV29 value you find into this post. Once we know this value, then a solution may be able to be offered to you.

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Chris, I'm going to assume Kevin hasn't done any function remapping unless he comes back and tells us he has, so nothing will come out of those CVs.


But very relevant is whether 128 speed steps have been selected by turning on bit 1 of CV29.  If you don't understand what that means, have a look at the CV29 Calculator in Articles at www.2mm.org.uk 

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I agree, regarding function re-mapping, but I thought it was worthwhile asking. I'm hoping that it is a simple CV29 Bit 1 issue as that's an easy fix, but I'm not convinced it will be as the Hornby Sapphire data sheet shows CV29 default as 6. Of course, there's always a possibility it has been changed. Hence why I have asked.


Knowing what these values are, will go a long way to eliminating possible causes and help focus on what to suggest next.

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Have looked at cv values and they are as below. I am wondering if I have inadvertently changed some of them while initially trying to set up elink ? Is there a way to reset all cvs back to factory defaults ? thanks again for your help.

cv.            Value.            String

29.             0.                  99  20. 29. 0. 106

33.             1.                  99   20. 33. 1. 87

34.              2.                  99. 20. 34. 2. 87

35.              4.                  99. 20. 35. 4. 87

36.              8.                   99. 20. 36. 8. 91

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To reset decoder to factory default write decimal value 8 to CV8


Just a note regarding CV29 set as default 6. As well as fixing your lights issue, this will also enable Analogue DC control (DCC will still work fine). Having analogue control enabled can sometimes cause other issues. If you want to disable Analogue support, still keeping your lights working, then write decimal value 2 to CV29.





PS - If you should do a CV8 reset, then check CV29 again to make sure the value 6 sticks, then change to 2 if you want.

PPS - CV33 - 36 are correct and at default values.

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