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RailMaster Guide Index


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The RailMaster Guide is a very important reference document and as such, requires a comprehensive and accurate index.  I wonder if we could use this thread to identify changes and additions that we would like to see to future issues of the Guide and its Index.

I would like to start off by requesting a complete description of 'Routes' and how they are used, together with an update to the index to include reference to all pages where 'Routes' are mentioned. 

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Such a detailed subject driven cross reference index would run to mega-pages. I have seen technical manuals where the index was as thick as the book.


Most e-documents self generate a simple index/contents page based on chapter and sub-chapter headings.


What you need is an e-document with a search facility.

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I think we may be getting off the jist of my original idea here.  Without a doubt, there are some omissions from the index and some errors as well.  Hopefully, these can be corrected.

However, there are certain terms and I picked on 'Routes' as an example, that I feel could be explained in the manual, rather than just assuming that users will know what it means.  We are not all Train (model or real) Experts or Enthusiasts!

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  • 11 months later...

I have downloaded v1,64 and I am a little disappointed that the Index does not appear to have been improved.  In the original post of this thread, I mentioned 'Routes' and in the index for v1.64 routes are shown as being on pages 106 and 108.

Unfortunately, I can find no mention whatsoever about routes on page 106 but there is a very brief paragraph on page 109 and the word routes is mentioned on page 108.  Usually, with a decent word processsing package, the index can be generated automatically and it is correct as well.

Maybe we should volunteer to write parts of the manual, depending on experience with a particular aspect.  The suggested text could then be put up on the forum for comment and if agreed by all concerned, HRMS could be asked to include new text in the manual, together with the relevant index entries.


Any takers?  

(I would volunteer to co-ordinate it, if required)

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