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Cross fertilisation of concepts...


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Taking things further from a discussion on another thread it seems to me that when a user designs a layout in Trackmaster they may then wish to use that design in Railmaster (RM).


My suggestion is that once a layout has been designed in TM a user should be able to 'press a button' and have the software convert this into a 'lego type' schematic diagram as used by RM.


RM would then require the facility to 'import' such design for the user to populate for things like operational details of points and signals, etc.


Such cross fertilisation would require close liason betwixt TM and RM teams, if these are not extant already the same body within Powerpos.


Forum opinion welcomed...

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Might be interesting to see if HRMS think this is practical.  I don't think it is as easy as might be thought.  For a start, I sure that each layout could give rise to many schematics, so which might be generated becomes an issue.  Even which point icon is best for any single point may have more than one solution (just because it is an RH point doesn't mean an RH point icon is best to use).

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This is simpler than you think Fishy. TM is not that complicated a program like CAD for example where designs are quite complex. The TM data for the signals, points and track used for the initial design could very easily be converted via a database to be used in RM. It doesn't even have to be a database foundation for the code to be hot swapped.


Even if there are fundamental issues of cross referencing the code then these can be easily overcome. If two teams are independantly involved it is a matter of the TM team working to fit what the RM team have achieved. Why? Easy... because the RM software sells more and can be added to simply where the import of said data is required. It would cost too much to do this the other way around.


If they are coded by the same team then this is very simple to adapt. I do see what you are saying but if I were to import data from one program or site to another then that data on the import should be the same as exported and not changed to suit the new software I use.


Anyway... just a thought... but this is a great idea RAF96 so maybe should be put forward? Unless it already has been? Designing the track and layout in TM and then importing to RM would be decent way forward and allow the new impetus required to push TM sales too. Let TM do the planning and RM run the system... :-)

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My point AC is that a one-to-one conversion of TM track pieces and connections into a nearest equivalent RM schematic piece may not produce the nicest schematic, in fact the schematic may be diabolical or even impossible.  Think full length straights into RM pieces, you would need a number of them probably, and different radii and angle curves, and getting angled pieces right.

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Trying to do it swapping each real-world piece for a mimic piece would as you say Fishy be a nightmare and the end result could be awful.

The conversion app would have to run by planting out the corners and junctions on the acreen allowing enough 'clearance' for points buttons, etc then fill the spaces between with straight bits.

Simple as an idea, but not so easy to do it by auto-conversion I wouldn't think.

You can imagine it as a piece has to be shuffled up a bit to make additional room for another 'clearance' problem. It would be fun to watch it happen on screen in real time but ain't gonna happen anytime soon by the looks of Hornby response.

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