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RailMaster Help Site: Feedback and Questions

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With the blessing of Hornby Forum Admin I have opened up a new thread which points to a new RailMaster Help Website which will remain as a locked and sticky thread here in the RailMaster sub forum. It is entitled RailMaster Help Site to keep it simple and easy to remember.

In conjunction with that thread this new thread you are reading will be available as a feedback and questions thread for the site and should also be used to ask any question regarding RailMaster instead of opening up new threads.

As problems arise and are eventually resolved each solution should find its way to the new site pages and be available at all times. Your feedback will be welcome but please do keep it relevant.

Within this thread of the forum members and new users of RailMaster are requested and encouraged to ask any questions re the site or, indeed, any issues regarding the use of, installation of and running of RailMaster on any operating system or with the eLink or Elite units. Generally though, the same solutions for eLink will apply to the Elite especially where RailMaster software is concerned.

If you currently have an issue and do get it resolved please post your solution here if it is not already detailed on the RailMaster Help Site or go to the site and use the contact form which is secure and I will have a record of your solution for possible inclusion to the site. No personal records will be kept or used for any other purpose except for contact with yourself if you so request. Otherwise all records will be deleted from systems external to Hornby immediately.

It is hoped that this site and resource will be a valuable asset to members and with your help it can be. So let's get the ball rolling...

RailMaster Help Site

The site will open in a new window so you won't lose your place on this site.


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AC, I like your site a lot, I went through it when you first put it up.  But I'm not sure I like the concept of this thread.  I have always encouraged users to put their questions in new threads with good descriptive titles, rather than adding them to the bottom of someone else's related, or sometimes unrelated thread.


Despite your site, many will choose to continue to ask questions and get answers on the RM forum.  If all of their questions are in a single thread, no one else will be able to find the answers.  Except maybe you as you trawl through to ensure your site has the answers.


So for the convenience of the many, I would suggest the continued use of individual threads on the RM forum.

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AC, I agree entirely with Fishmanoz and the purpose of the recently introduced sticky (and now locked) thread named 'RailMaster: Setting Up & Getting Started', in the RailMaster section of the Hornby site is to do just what your site does.  Of course it is good to be able to visit other sites for information and most of us probably visit for example, the Brian Lambert site at times.  However, I have learnt as much from the issues raised by others and the answers given on this Forum, as I have from my own experiences and I would like to think that those questions continue to be asked on the Hornby Forum in the future.  

Also, if I have read it correctly, you intend to take solutions given on the Hornby site and add them to your own site.  This aspect on its own has raised a great deal of discussion on the Hornby site in the last few days when Hornby suggested that they could re-use information.

As Fishmanoz has already said, we have gone to great lengths to ensure that members raise new threads with meaningful tiltles for new issues and the idea of having new issues added to the end of a thread goes completely against this concept.

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In my opinion AC's site is a very usefull additional summary info area, but day to day problems and discussions about RM should and likely will be seen here first, then as they are resolved the essence will be incorporated into the reference site. 

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RDS, given AC is asking this thread to be deleted and he has replaced it with a thread of the same title in the RM forum, I suggest you copy your post into there, as I did mine.

Adam is regularly moving threads to a more appropriate section and he would do that with this one as well.  There is no need to create a duplicate elsewhere.

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Apologies if I didn't make it clear in our emails AC but this thread should only be used for feedback on your new website (I've edited your OP to reflect this). New issues should be created in a new topic as normal.


I've also changed your post slightly AC so that if users want to contribute to the site they can post a summary of their problem here (allowing you to add it to the site). Please do not pull information straight from user's posts and add to your site (although you are free to read the discussion and create your own version of events).

Hi Admin... I have no problem with any of that all. When I read back my original post it did read a tad awkward and by then it was too late to edit. As Fishmanoz pointed out about threads still appearing as they were, which is quite correct, I realised that parts of the text were wrong. So apologies to yourself and the members of course for any confusion.

No statements at all will be pulled from here for inclusion into the site, as this was never the intention, as each post is copyright to the author and as I have done copyright law I know I need permission to do so. It is best left alone though unless the author specifically asks otherwise, whereas I would always include an acknowledgement as the text would not be my own.

I am delighted you have altered the post Admin to reflect the way things should work so please again accept my apologies.

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  • 1 year later...

Hi ok my Pc pack up last week and i put new  hard drive in to a new pc now the railmaster will not work so fill in  the page on the railmaster and sent this to hornby asking them to de actovat the code so we can start up the pc but  the code on the railmaster but made a error on the form so sent horndy a scren shot of the for form as you can only send this one time  hornby has e mail me asking for the email but it was on the scren shot ok so they have sent me a email still asking for the e mail so ring  them up still no go  so no train on the railway so when is hornby going to sort this out must be a better way of sortin this out pleae help Regards Ron

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Assuming that you originally installed Railmaster from a CD. The CD packaging will have your activation key written on it.


If for some reason you cannot use the inbuilt contact form within Railmaster, then send Hornby Rail Master Support (HRMS) an e-mail using your normal e-mail application. Use the e-mail address support@rail-master.com. You must have telephoned Hornby Customer Services and not Hornby Rail Master Support as HRMS do not publish a telephone number and only communicate with customers via e-mail. Hornby Customer Services can not directly help you with your issue, they only pass on these Railmaster activation issues to HRMS to deal with, so it is best to contact HRMS direct.


In the e-mail to HRMS quote your Railmaster CD key and ask them to de-activate the key on their server. Once that is done, you should be able to re-activate Railmaster using that key within the Railmaster application.


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