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Trouble with Elink in Aus


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For info Ax UK numbers start 0044...with usually another 10 digits after that.

I would push for a replacement eLink and 4 Amp power supply direct from Hornby.

I don't want to post the entire number online. But it starts with 0184. I just searched it online and the search came up saying it's located in South Carolina, USA...

May have confused you (and me) there Ax

UK code is +44 where + is the code you need to dial out of your country which I believe for Oz is 0011. So for UK from Oz dial 001144...rest of number

Generally country code for US is 1, so from Oz it wouild be 0011 + 1 + US state and city code + local number. I reckon someone at Hornby has got their nicks in a twist with the number they provided.

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Hi Ax

I had my elink replaced by Hornby.

Although there was some issues with delivery there was no problem replacing it.

As for phoning it does not cost as much as you may think. I'm with Dodo and I've just checked my statement and my last three calls to Hornby cost $0.93, $1.29 and $1.27.

Just let them know you are calling from Aus and if you like they will call you back.

Ask for Mark Lodge and explain about HRMS and he'll take care of things.

Phone number 0011441843233525

Ignore the numbers that you have if they are different.

Best time to call between 7.00pm and 3.00am Aus Eastern Time

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Ax, if I can just add that Norman's procedure looks good.  We know Mark Lodge is the manager of HCC and since eLink's release a number of people have had their eLinks replaced with this process on HRMS's recommendation.

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For Fishy to say that RM works with all versions of Windows is not quite correct.

To also say "operator error" is to blame may be right in most cases but not all, and certainly not in mine.

HRMS has confirmed that three Win 8.1 PCs. plus mine have failed to work with RM.

They blame the USB hardware within the PCs.

There may be only four cases, but when you are one of those four it does not help to be told that you are the problem, when you know you have carried out all the installation instructions to the letter, usually more than once.

Here is a copy of the email that they sent me just a few days ago. 


Dear Norman What you are describing is exactly what has happened with three PCs running Windows 8.1 that we are aware about.  When they had Windows 7 installed the problem was resolved, which told us that the USB hardware in the PCs themselves were not 100% compatible with the Windows 8.1 operating system. Regards RailMaster Support Team


Norman, I apologise if my advice is wrong in your situation.  I am quite aware of the USB issue having watched it unfold at the time.  While it may be an 8/8.1 issue, we also know that there is still a possibility that it is a hardware issue as HRMS contend, notwithstanding 7 working and 8 not in your case.  I think here it is also worth mentioning that a while ago and for some time, a number of people were reporting that eLink would only work with the 4 Amp supply, only for HRMS to find it to be a subtle driver issue interacting with some hardware configurations, leading to the release of a new driver.


We also know that more people have had problems with initial setup when using later hardware, and consequently later Windows versions.  But we also know that such combinations need correct drivers to be installed and that they are more likely to come with more invasive versions of AV, and at times more bloatware.  Consequently, when people say RM works better on XP, they are in fact saying that a combination of older hardware, earlier Windows versions, older AV and less bloatware make for easier RM setup in some cases.  However, I would never then recommend to people that they go and buy a second hand XP machine to run RM because you are telling them you should use an OS no longer supported by MS, hardware with unknown use and abuse history that may well be coming to the end of its life, and Windows configurations that have had goodness knows what history in the hands of unknown users.


Then there are the new users themselves.  We know that there are a significant number who believe genuinely they have done the right thing when in fact they haven't and that the correct setup procedure will solve their problems, or that HRMS logging into their desktops will find well known issues and have them up and running very quickly. Some will also be more difficult and test HRMS's skills before resolution (ask our back to front Worley friend john about French issues) and the very odd one will have as yet no resolution.  And for a few others like Ax, it could well be faulty hardware and replacement solves their problems.


But if you think all of that means that I should change my advice, or qualify it, then I beg to differ.  Many seeking advice here have reached the point where excuses will mean they just throw their hands in the air, take their new purchase back without giving it a chance, and never experience the many pleasures that RM/eLink bring to the hobby.  Far better in my view to take them through a thorough setup procedure with a high chance of success without any qualification expressed, and if that doesn't work leave them in the skilled hands of HRMS to explore the exceptions.

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Apologies to all for the repeat post, at least until I have now edited out the entire content to remove it.  Weird things happening around here today with login difficulties in the last 12 hours (note this Adam, please) then a strange error on original upload of my post above and it apparently not appearing, only to be there twice when I tried again.  And note that as well as people removing the white area when they do the blue reply, you can also use backspace to edit out the yellow box, as I've done here.

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For goodness sake settle down.

What a long response to 2½ lines of text.

It seemed to me that Ax was getting extremely frustrated with his efforts and my words were just meant to let him know that there was a possibility that he was not to blame and not to give up, as I explained in a later post.

Sure you knew about the issue that I raised, but you never mentioned it.

All I was doing was filling in the blanks, not as you seem to think, having a go at you.

Nothing that I wrote in 2½ lines implied that you were wrong in anything that you said, merely that you weren't quite right.

Being 99.9% right is not wrong, it's just not right.

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Back on topic...


I've emailed my local supplier and have had a resposne. They want the device, my receipt and a copy of the emails I've exchanged with HRMS. They will then send it all to their Hornby importer who will examine the situation and determine if it is a legitmate warranty claim and move from there. I'm not overly thrilled with this. For a start, it sounds like it will take quite a while to go through this process. But also, HRMS themselves have stated that they're not even sure that the device is the problem. They just want me to get it replaced 'to see' if that fixes it. So this Hornby importer might not agree that a warranty replacement is in order. They may just decide there must be something wrong with my home setup (which there still could be to be honest, but I don't see what it could be) and send it back.


I don't like bringing in additional parties to this situation. The more seperate groups involved, the longer things are going to take and the greater risk of me ending up stuffed with nothing to show for it but a headache and a hole in my wallet. I can just see this all blowing up into some long wild goose chase that takes weeks, if not months, to resolve. I do think I'll just follow the advice of the members here and call the number NormanQ4 supplied and talk to this Mark guy. That seems to be the most straight forward solution. 


I get home everyday and plug it all in just hoping it starts working. Every now and then I run through the reinstallation process. Still no luck. But every time I just hope it starts working so I don't have to deal with this any more.

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Axiryth, hi,  have you followed to the letter, my quick start idiots guide, for elink start up, in locked thread at start of  Hornby Railmaster. I had fearful trouble here in france, and found that if  the sequence i laid  out in this thread was followed to the letter, unless your elink is faulty, it would connect. It is nothing to do with computer knowledge, its just   waiting after every step, to allow  the handshake to connect.  The order of plugging things in, does appear to matter.Plug usb lead in to elink and laptop, then turn on elink, wait, about 10 secs. Turn on laptop, wait, until all hard drive lights stop flashing. then, and only then, click on RM symbol. I know all this sounds silly, but for me, it is the foolproof way, that now works every time. Some people have found that plugging in USB, after turning elink on,  is better, but  try again, following the locked thread, and see if there is any improvement. If not, Mark Lodge, is your man. john

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Just to add weight to the startup sequence argument.

My setup is that when I power up the layout console the Elite and eLink are immediately powered and they initialise. Their USB cables are never removed and are plugged into an add-on (USB 3.0 port) card on the pc mobo. I then hit the pc and printer start buttons and they crank up in their own good time.

Once the pc has finished its business I start Skype and Live Mail on the pc, close any information pop-ups and last of all start RM.

By accident I suppose I have built in the necessary delays recommended and it all works as advertised every time.

(The following is definitely not recommended practice I know but there have been times when I have wanted to test a spare Elite and I have changed it over with everything live. RM and the pc complain they have lost contact, but pressing the little red button on the big red button in RM re-initialises the Elite and so far comms have always been regained. I'm the sort of naughty person who also unplugs/replugs HDMI cables with the telly switched on and gets away with it.)

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Have you asked your local supplier if they can test the eLink? How local are they?

They're about a 30 minute drive from my place. They don't check onsite. I suppose they need their importer to verify the device so they get their credit instead of being out of pocket themselves or something.

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Axiryth, hi,  have you followed to the letter, my quick start idiots guide, for elink start up, in locked thread at start of  Hornby Railmaster. I had fearful trouble here in france, and found that if  the sequence i laid  out in this thread was followed to the letter, unless your elink is faulty, it would connect. It is nothing to do with computer knowledge, its just   waiting after every step, to allow  the handshake to connect.  The order of plugging things in, does appear to matter.Plug usb lead in to elink and laptop, then turn on elink, wait, about 10 secs. Turn on laptop, wait, until all hard drive lights stop flashing. then, and only then, click on RM symbol. I know all this sounds silly, but for me, it is the foolproof way, that now works every time. Some people have found that plugging in USB, after turning elink on,  is better, but  try again, following the locked thread, and see if there is any improvement. If not, Mark Lodge, is your man. john

Thank you for your guide. I have followed it very careful, a couple of time now. Unfortunately it has't helped the situation.

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Ax, I think it would be a good idea if you could get Hornby/HRMS to say to you for your supplier unambiguously that they will pay for the replacement.  Maybe even have a replacement sent to your supplier to ensure this?  Unfortunately, I can't think of any way around delays for you in the circumstances so far away.

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I rep'ied to HRMS, letting them know of the situation with the local retailer and importer. They have decided, which we had all already agreed, that it would be simpler for me just to contact Hornby directly to arrange a replacement.

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