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Hi Captain.  I think you would get a quicker response if you had psoted this under the Railmaster heading.  I use another non Hornby DCC system so cannot help you but suggest you contact Hornby Customercare by phone rather than email.  I remem,ber having problems with an Elite that would not do asoftware update.  In th eend I returned it to Margate where they updated it for me.

I can understand your frustration as it takes away any joy associated with thsi marvellous hobby.

Good luck.

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No point contacting HCC - you are better off contacting HRMS (Railmaster Support Team) from within RM if possible. The help facility should still work even if not activated yet. Press the question mark icon and go forward from there.

They can even activate it for you remotely, but if you are having problems at this stage then you may have a fundamental pc setup problem which is why we have many comprehensive guides in the Railmaster section of this forum to help you resolve things.

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You say you have removed your Antivirus and that didn't work.


Did you install RM from a CD or a downloaded file. Assuming CD. Did the installer 'auto run' when you inserted the CD in the PC. If it did 'Auto Run' did you exit the installer (wthout progressing the installation), then navigate to the "setup.exe" file in the CD root directory, then 'right click' the setup file and choose 'Run as Administrator'.


If you don't run the installation file (whether it be on the CD or from a download) as an administrator you will have problems. If you didn't install as administrator, then FULLY uninstall RM and install again using the 'Run as Administrator' process. Now assuming that you have run the installation file as an administrator and you have disabled the Anti-virus and RM still won't activate, then the only logical thing left is your Firewall.


In the installed RM manual pack there is a 'Security.pdf'. This manual includes instructions for adding an exception to your Firewall. This normally needs to be done too before RM  'activation' can complete successfully.


Further resources for Install and Running problems: http://www.octaviancs.com/railmaster/rm.php


Note: If you didn't install RM in administration mode, then you can modify the 'RM shortcut' using a right click and choose 'Properties' and edit the permissions in the 'Security' tab. Personally, I think it would better to do a full reinstall as administrator instead.

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Have you solved it now Capt?  Emailing HRMS should have fixed it, assuming your email went through - sometimes if you can't activate you can't email either.  So if still a problem and not even an immediate automatic acknowledgement from HRMS, you can get them at support@rail-master.com and this will get through.

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Have you solved it now Capt?  Emailing HRMS should have fixed it, assuming your email went through - sometimes if you can't activate you can't email either.  So if still a problem and not even an immediate automatic acknowledgement from HRMS, you can get them at support@rail-master.com and this will get through.

Yahoooo .  Yep, I did nothing, just tried to activate it one more time and bingo it activated. Thank you all who replied to my question.

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