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Pro Pack

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Hi Vic, no you don't. You can think of Elite or eLink as simply being interfaces between RM and your track.  They do not affect the way RM works.  There is a minor exception and that is due to the different  data rate that Elite and eLink can handle. 

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Firstly, the good news; the new Railmaster/Elink firmware versions have allowed me to use RailMaster on my new Toshiba laptop, updated to Windows 10. Now I have a question; having purchased the Pro Pack, I have activated it and got confirmation while doing it but nothing seems to have happened (no changes to Layout Designer etc). How do I know that the activation went OK? Would the code stay on the Loco Detection tab?

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Hi Tony0... The most obvious thing to show that you have Pro will be yellow and black chevrons on you home page at th top right and bottom right of your track plan. Theses are to minimise the task bars so as to make the track plan area larger.

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Thank you, Nick, William and Mallone. I obviously haven't yet installed the pack although I've activated it. I'm in touch with support who suggest the problem might be because I registered the base product using different details. I will keep in touch!

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Just to let you know that RM support logged into my PC and fixed my problem - it turned out to be a bug that no-one else had experienced. Thank you support - most helpful and efficient! So now I'm playing with the extra facilities!

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... yellow and black chevrons ...

Is there a command in the .ini file to ensure that the track plan is always as large as possible, without having to click the chevron each time.

Also, is it possible to remove either completely or using the .ini file, the mouse icon (bottom left of screen) and touch screen icon (top left of screen)

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You can definitely turn off the mouse icon in the .ini file, but I think you are stuck with the others.

I tried a search of the forums for turning off the mouse but came up zilch. Try 0 or 1 against the mouse line.

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Thanks RAF96, I added 'Enable Mouse = 0' to my .ini file and the mouse icon has gone.


You may remember a couple of weeks ago, I raised a new thread regarding the index in the RailMaster manual.  Having found the .ini file details by accident in the v1.62 manual on page 32, I looked through the index to see what was listed as being on page 32.  I found 'RailMaster .ini file'.  No wonder I did not find it previously as it was listed under R, for RailMaster.


I was disappointed with the quantity of responses to my request for more entries in the index ( 1 only, yours!) as I still maintain a good index is essential in a reference book, because that is what the manual is.  The more entries there are in the index, the more useful it becomes.  Maybe it is time to bring that thread to the top again.

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 The more entries there are in the index, the more useful it becomes.  Maybe it is time to bring that thread to the top again.


Agreed RDS - a poor Index is a bit like me trying to find someone in my Contacts list which has lots of long Greek Surnames and I only know someone as first name Costas or Nicos.

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RAF, if you ignore the talking to your train bit, which i think is extremely gimmickly, and will lead to the arrival of men wearing white coats. is there £30 x worth of advantage to make the purchase cost effective. I say this, with my bank managers hat on. john

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No - not in my opinion and the voice control is just as dodgy in RM as it was when it when I was testing it for an independant 3-4 years ago.


You get to print a few things, sort stuff in various orders and do things with detection stuff we don't have yet, so , pas de value...

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A few bits of printing and sorting?  The list looks like this:


• Voice control of locos, points, signals and accessories using natural speech

• Quick data backup system (locos, plans and programs) to secure your data

• Saving of current multiple headers for use the next time the program starts

• Ability to switch other points or signals when firing any point or signal

• Ability to run programs when clicking any point or signal

• Ability to run programs from the floating button bar

• Additional positionable buttons in track design to run programs

• Larger minimize, maximize and close buttons for touch screen users

• Printing of loco CVs lists

• Setting the order of points and signals settings on start-up

• Multi aspect colour light signals including flashing light signals

• Point and signal IDs shown at all zoom levels on main window

• Support for all Train-Tech colour light signals

• 45 degree point elements on Track Design screen

• Printing of track plan designs on a monochrome or colour printer

• Setting up of ‘smart’ double slip, single slip and three way points

• Automatic loco profiling system using optional Loco Detection

• Immediate testing of points and signals in track design mode

• Loco decoder reset function in CVs programming window

• Printing lists of timed schedules

• Facility to delete track plans within the track design window

• Facility to delete programs within the program editing window

• Reverse loco setting in loco settings window

• Ability to reverse selected locos within a multiple header

• Collapsible top and bottom window sections to increase track plan view

• Second large pop-up loco controller

• Saving the selected track plan zoom setting when restarting

• Facility to email user if a short circuit or error stops programs


Looks to me like voice control is one of 28 items and certainly not what I bought it for.  There's some pretty powerful stuff in there too, particularly point and signal control and more across a wide range of RM features.  But everyone will form their own opinion on whether to trouble the bank manager.



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I really like the ability to have an email arrive telling me the layout I am standing in front of has gone belly up.


In truth most of those 28 very desirable items listed are of no interest to me yet - signals, loco detection, double slips, etc but there are obviously people out there to whom they are.


Some stuff is handy but doesn't go far enough - double expanded throttles, why not as many as you want and scalable so you can fit a row somewhere on screen. I could do that in the development software I was working on previously mentioned. Some stuff is essentialy basic core stuff and doesn't work properly yet - corrupt functions listings, loco photos disappearing or swapping by themselves.


Don't think I am knocking RM, I'm not, as it is just what I am looking for to run my trains, but it still has many glitches whether you have Pro or Am Pack. I know and appreciate that HRMS provide a good support service, even if they have a nutty configuration control method..

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