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RM Pro-Pack - the down side...if any


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AC has asked in a separate thread for the good points of RM Pro-pack before he buys.


I'm in the same situation. I want to buy but I need user experiences to help with that decision.


Rather than highjack or confuse AC's request by putting it all in together I would like to know on this thread which features users have had real problems with or those they think are unecessary and/or a complete waste of money.


This is not a go at RM, which I am happy with at Am-Pack level, just trying to find out what people have experienced before I commit to buying Pro-Pack.

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Somebody I know who uses Pro-Pack mentioned a limitation relating to 'voice commands'. If you wear a microphone / headset for voice commands. Any programmed 'announcements' that you might have triggered also play through the headset. In other words, RM can't send voice command confirmations to the user headset in isolation and all other within program sounds to the external speakers, for example station announcements. And of course conversely, if you have just the microphone for input and speakers for output, all the voice command confirmations will play out over the speakers, perhaps distracting from the general ambience of playing trains.


This of course, is perhaps more a limitation of PC hardware, as most PCs, particularly laptops have only a single sound output jack. To separate the audio streams you would need two separate physical audio paths.

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RailMaster can direct spoken confirmations to your headset and ambient playable sounds to your PC's speakers, so it is not right that all sounds come through the headset.  You need to set the spoken commands parameter correctly in the RailMaster.ini file, where appropriate, and also set up the speakers output in Windows correctly then you will definitely get the best of both worlds.

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I stand corrected.


I was commenting on a friends experience. But my last paragraph must be true. There can't be many PC's out there that support dual path audio in hardware as standard. I'm thinking laptops here.



Any chance (for the benefit of others) you could state what the spoken command parameter .INI modification is to redirect command audio to headet. I have just looked at the .INI section in v1.57 manual and can find no mention of it. The only .INI reference I can find is:

Spoken confirmation=0 0=Plays a ding, 1=says “confirmed” in Voice Control (Pro-Pack)

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They say one man's rubbish is another man's treasure!  This comparison could also be said as one man's likes for RM Pro could be another man's dis-likes.


For me...

- Voice control of locos, points, signals and accessories using natural speech


To me this is a gimmick but, I am sure many like it. I do wonder how many tried it at first and don't use it now?  


For me, I cannot get my head round why I would want to talk to my trains, signals, points and accessories to make them do something! Firstly because I am sat there, and secondly, why would I want to pay hundreds of pounds for trains with sound then talk over them? 


Having said that, it did not put me off purchasing the Pro Pack, it has a lot of items in it, hopefully something for everyone.



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Here is a reminder of what is in the Pro package


Additional features in the RailMaster Pro Pack


RailMaster, in its standard form, is a very powerful and easy to use modelrailway control system, which is suitable for the maj ority of users howeverthose requiring more functionality can add the optional Pro pack to theirRailMaster installation by purchasing the upgrade within the software .


• Voice control of locos, points, signals and accessories using natural speech

• Quick data backup system (locos, plans and programs) to secure your data

• Saving of current multiple headers for use the next time the program starts

• Ability to switch other points or signals when firing any point or signal

• Ability to run programs when clicking any point or signal

• Ability to run programs from the floating button bar

• Additi onal positionable buttons in track design to run programs

• Larger minimize, maximize and close buttons for touch screen users

• Printing of loco CVs lists

• Setting the order of points and signals settings on start-up

• Multi aspect colour light signals i ncluding flashing light signals

• Point and signal IDs shown at all zoom levels on main window

• Support for all Train-Tech colour light signals

• 45 degree point elements on Track Design screen

• Printing of track plan designs on a monochrome or colour printer

• Setting up of ‘smart’ double slip, single slip and three way points

• Automatic loco profiling system using optional Loco Detection

• Immediate testing of points and signals in track design mode

• Loco decoder reset function in CVs programming window

• Printing lists of timed schedules

• Facility to delete track plans within the track design window

• Facility to delete programs within the program editing window

• Reverse loco setting in loco settings window

• Ability to reverse selected locos within a multiple header

• Collapsible top and bottom window sections to increase track plan view

• Second large pop-up loco controller• Saving the selected track plan zoom setting when restarting

• Facility to email user if a short circuit or error stops programs


There are several more features within the Pro pack which are not listedabove.


You can purchase the RailMaster Pro pack upgrade within the “About” screen by completing the card payment form. An additional key will then be emailed to you, which will immediately unlock all of the features of the Pro pack.

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RailMaster can direct spoken confirmations to your headset and ambient playable sounds to your PC's speakers, so it is not right that all sounds come through the headset.  You need to set the spoken commands parameter correctly in the RailMaster.ini file, where appropriate, and also set up the speakers output in Windows correctly then you will definitely get the best of both worlds.

This issue has been mentioned before. Can I re-iterate Chrissaf's request for clarification of the .ini file entries in relation to this. 

Also, after download of v1.60, the Railmaster Guide still refers to version 1.57. Does this mean that the only changes since 1.57 are bug fixes and that the manual content still reflects all of the Railmaster features? It might be worth while releasing a new Guide whenever a new version of the software is released, even if the only change to it is the version number in the title!


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...Also, after download of v1.60, the Railmaster Guide still refers to version 1.57. Does this mean that the only changes since 1.57 are bug fixes and that the manual content still reflects all of the Railmaster features? It might be worth while releasing a new Guide whenever a new version of the software is released, even if the only change to it is the version number in the title!



Hi Ray


I agree there should be some notification for the RM Guide when the software version/revision is made available, either to say the 1.57 still applies or it has been updated to the latest software version.  Trouble is if they just update the RM Guide from 1.57 to the latest version(and revision) with no changes to the document you can guarantee the forum will be full of questions... 'What's New'


This could be done where the download link is added in the forum but, not everyone reads the forum on a regular basis. I think it needs to be included in a txt file with the download, others may have other ideas.



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I'm always having to do this, but what about the thread?


Because I have so much money I upgraded to RM Pro fairly recently. I must admit I haven't reached the dizzy heights of point and signal control, programming and voice control yet, but I have made use of the new track symbols on my layout plan. I also like the concept of being to expand two rather than one loco control boxes, the only problem being that they must be in the same group to work. The only way round this is to set up a separate running group, but I feel that should not really be necessary. You can, of course, show all locos instead of a group but, with the number of locos I have, that would involve a lot of scrolling. Also, even two large control boxes are not enough. Something like four would be much better.

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And if we were taliking about this down under, I'd appreciate it if someone could tell us how to make our carp kip, given we are now overrun with them, as some kind but highly misdirected individual or individuals have let them loose in our waterways.  Oh what a surprise, they are pushing the natives towards extinction.  Then maybe we could get them to feast on cane toads.

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Graskie, trade some of your gold bars in on more PCs and RailMaster Pro licences and link the PCs together. Four PCs/RMPro/Screens would give you eight pop up throttles!


A bit over the top I know but it would be nice to have enough gold bars to build a big enough layout to justify the extravagance.

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Refer pp29-30 of the RailMaster Guide:

Master Terminal IP Address (Networking)

This powerful feature allows multiple Windows computers networked through Ethernet cabling or WiFi to communicate together to enable the running of larger layouts. This is also useful for limiting access to points, signals and locos on certain areas of a layout, for example at exhibition layouts where the public can “play” with only certain functions available to them.

Networking allows slave Windows computers to connect to a single Master Terminal (with the DCC controller attached) and operate locos, points and signals through the Master Terminal

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