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RM Pro-Pack - the down side...if any


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I'm always having to do this, but what about the thread?


Because I have so much money I upgraded to RM Pro fairly recently. I must admit I haven't reached the dizzy heights of point and signal control, programming and voice control yet, but I have made use of the new track symbols on my layout plan. I also like the concept of being to expand two rather than one loco control boxes, the only problem being that they must be in the same group to work. The only way round this is to set up a separate running group, but I feel that should not really be necessary. You can, of course, show all locos instead of a group but, with the number of locos I have, that would involve a lot of scrolling. Also, even two large control boxes are not enough. Something like four would be much better.


Hi Graskie


You should do well with the voice control, you have been talking to your trains for years  ;o)


Why don't you add to suggestions the facility to have any two loco control boxes open at once? It makes sense to me. Having said that I find the pop up boxes a bit big and block a lot of view on my layout.



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And if we were taliking about this down under, I'd appreciate it if someone could tell us how to make our carp kip, given we are now overrun with them, as some kind but highly misdirected individual or individuals have let them loose in our waterways.  Oh what a surprise, they are pushing the natives towards extinction.  Then maybe we could get them to feast on cane toads.

What a strange country Fishy


You have carp 'pushing natives to extinction' and clocks with 'pips'.


Not to mention the cane toads... I just did!!!


It can't all be bad, Formula 1 starts there next month, a new season and a few musical chairs it seems.


Autumn and winter is coming, we are seeing signs of spring and looking forward to summer. I bet John is looking forward to summer, it has been a cold one for him. 



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Getting back to the TWO original questions in these two threads...


Some points about the Pro Pack have been mentioned here and seem to be positive comments. however, would these have not been better placed to go with my original question in the other thread?


This thread is supposed to be dealing with the negative side of the software. The price, whether classed as high or not, isn't really relevant as this can be noted in either thread so let's not mention the price guys... sorry...


So, the downsides are....?????

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Why don't you add to suggestions the facility to have any two loco control boxes open at once? It makes sense to me. Having said that I find the pop up boxes a bit big and block a lot of view on my layout.




I think you'll find I mentioned it on the other thread, PJ. Confusing with two separate threads on disadvantages and advantages of RM Pro, as AC has just said.

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Refer pp29-30 of the RailMaster Guide:

Master Terminal IP Address (Networking)

This powerful feature allows multiple Windows computers networked through Ethernet cabling or WiFi to communicate together to enable the running of larger layouts. This is also useful for limiting access to points, signals and locos on certain areas of a layout, for example at exhibition layouts where the public can “play” with only certain functions available to them.

Networking allows slave Windows computers to connect to a single Master Terminal (with the DCC controller attached) and operate locos, points and signals through the Master Terminal


So is this one a downside, an upside or just a notable feature Ch.

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I thought I had answered this, the down side for me is.....


Voice control is a no no. As stated earlier why would I want voice control to make trains, points, signals etc work. I control them, this is my hobby, modelling my layout and running my trains! 


I certainly don't see the point of spending hundreds of pounds on trains with sound to talk over them and not hear them.


I also stated, based on the same subject, I wonder how many people used it at first and don't use it now. Some replied that was exactly what they did. To me it is a gimmick, it may attract the newby or the younger generation but it certainly is not for me. I cannot however say this without concluding, there is still lots more in the software upgrade and it certainly didn't put me off purchasing it. (Not sales bumph just an honest reply, I will reply to the other thread later).



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My understanding was that the big new Revolation was Voice Rec, this was what you were paying your £30 for. Judging from responses, a lot of people tried, but stopped using it If this is the case, is whats left in the package, worth £30. If so, fine, not a down side, but if not, then it certainly is, cos if you bought headphones, mic, etc, then found not for you, the cost has increased significantly. I am afraid, i side with PJ, could not see the use on a small layout of talking to your trains. I do enough talking to myself, as it is. john

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My understanding was that the big new Revolation was Voice Rec, this was what you were paying your £30 for. Judging from responses, a lot of people tried, but stopped using it If this is the case, is whats left in the package, worth £30. If so, fine, not a down side, but if not, then it certainly is, cos if you bought headphones, mic, etc, then found not for you, the cost has increased significantly. I am afraid, i side with PJ, could not see the use on a small layout of talking to your trains. I do enough talking to myself, as it is. john


Hello John


Talking to yourself is fine, but don't answer back or you will have the white coat lot after you. 


My views are unchanged regarding Voice Control, they have been the same from day one. Voice control did seem in my view to be pushed at the start, I wouldn't say Big New Revolution but it was, I thought, put over as a really useful item in the software. The dust has settled after the initial stampede to purchase the software, as it always does, the proof of the pudding is in the eating as people say. Voice Control is a big negative for me but, I have to say all the other items I mentioned in the other thread make the software worth the money.


Talking and making things work is quiet big at present, it is understandable Hornby would consider it, Google and Microsoft are keen to show what it can do. I like the recent advertisement on TV (UK), a man and a french girl, he explains using Google search and speak what a beef stew is. That works really well but model trains, with sound, voice control is a definate no from me. So in the words of the Two Ronnies... it's a No No from me and a No No from Him! { being you John ;o)  }


But, for those who have purchased a microphone, or head set with microphone, similar cost, then I do not think that is a loss. I purchased a good quality microphone and will use it for station sound recordings etc.



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John, bought ProPack early on.  Never had any intention of trying VR, still don't, but lots of other beaut stuff in there.  Never had any intention of using 45 degree point icons, they don't suit my layout, but lots of other beaut stuff in there.  I could go on about a number of other features I don't intend to use, but still lots of beaut stuff in there.  The Pack isn't about any particular feature, it's about the ones you find useful and whether buying them is of value to you.  Go back and look at the list PJ put near the start of the thread and make up your mind.

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Fishy's right John


Some Beaut stuff in there   ;o)


Some useful ones as well  LOL


As I said previously today, you will never use everything in most software purchased, you have to decide, as we all do, or did, is there enough features you 'could use' to make you want to purchase it.  



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..you will never use everything in most software purchased, you have to decide, as we all do, or did, is there enough features you 'could use' to make you want to purchase it...  


Exactly the point of the post in the first place PJ.

I think I've gotten to the point where enough has been said of the downside versus what has been said on the upside for me to make a decision - (maybe tomorrow my friend as they say and do in Cyprus).



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I will take your english and australian words for it, but hell will need to freeze over before  i part with my £30. I am very content with RM, as it is, and what i have not had, i wont miss. I can still talk to my trains, its just that they wont respond, so whats new. Now if they published a solution to melting points,     that would be a different matter. john

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1. ..but hell will need to freeze over before I part with my £30.

2. ...if they published a solution to melting points, that would be a different matter. john

1. Considering the original very reasonable price for RM and/or eLink package, then looking at the approx +50% premium for Pro-Pack's long list of 'added value' items I have great difficulty computing 'added value' even after reading up the forum comments in the Plus and Minus Topics. More red wine before deciding me thinks.

2. At the risk of moving John's real problem into this thread - no further progress in ringing out the TT wiring yet then John.

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You gotta try voice - the tension it relieves/invokes (depending upon your mental state at the time) when you are screaming at your trains to 'STOP YOU STUPID THING' just before the big crashing noise is worth every penny of their over inflated 30 quid.

I have an R&D voice controller package (not Hornby) and using it to talk to my trains always makes SWMBO ask "Are you OK in there playing trains or are you asking for another beer".

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..you will never use everything in most software purchased, you have to decide, as we all do, or did, is there enough features you 'could use' to make you want to purchase it...  


Exactly the point of the post in the first place PJ.

I think I've gotten to the point where enough has been said of the downside versus what has been said on the upside for me to make a decision - (maybe tomorrow my friend as they say and do in Cyprus).



Hi Rob

It is so easy to go round in circles, and this time I don't mean the trains  ;o)

I think there is enough information, for or against, it is decision time for some.....

Maybe tomorrow my friend




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Jolly good run of the mill Tall Horse (South African for Giraffe) red, white and/or rose wine @ Euro 2.99 a bottle in Alpha-Mega yper-agro (a Cypriot psuedo Tesco hyper market - well just a big grocery shop really).

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I will take your english and australian words for it, but hell will need to freeze over before  i part with my £30. I am very content with RM, as it is, and what i have not had, i wont miss. I can still talk to my trains, its just that they wont respond, so whats new. Now if they published a solution to melting points,     that would be a different matter. john


Perfect answer john.  RM works fine for you as is and don't want add-ons at any price!


But did we not tell you about the anti-point melting feature in ProPack?  How remiss of us!  I'm sure Hornby said john will pay £30 for that instead of having to put up with all the useless advice in the forums.  We know he won't pay a brass razoo for VR, but this feature will get him and all the other single point connection users interested!

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Poor John,


Not interested in RM Pro, not interested in Loco Detections but torments himself by joining in all the threads relating to them.


John forget the features and look at the interest you would get!


As an ex-bank manager I do not need to say interest rates are LOW!


Therefore you could find more 'interest' in RM Pro   ;o)

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I have an R&D voice controller package (not Hornby) and using it to talk to my trains always makes SWMBO ask "Are you OK in there playing trains or are you asking for another beer".



My wife says 'men hear what they want to hear!!!'


I am sure your wife was probably saying... 'are you alright dear'... not do you want another beer   ;o)

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Funny that... I never a beer either when I say "Wey aye pet!"... I don't drink beer anyway and so SWMBO usually brings up a lager... rarely, of course, coz we rarely have it in the house!!! :-) Still, it's the thought.. and hope... and waiting.. and no drink at all usually lol


Anyway, one must inform my fellow members that a decision has just about been made as to whether or not to buy this software... so off you go to the other thread to see what that is... haha!!

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