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Elite/ railmaster/Elink. Getting into a muddle

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Chris, I was into some long replies well before you came on the scene.  You have sure perfected them though.


And I asked John the French question to find out.  One thing is for sure, sooner or later you are going to have to find Device Manager to check com ports if you are using RM.  And if you can't do it in French, you need English.


But john, ignore all this chatter and make sure you read all of my post at the top of this page.

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"Chris, I was into some long replies well before you came on the scene.  You have sure perfected them though."


I'll take that as a compliment, probably the nearest I'm going to get to one. It's now after midnight here in the UK, so I'll hand over to you OZ boys for the rest of the night.


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Cyprus is up and running on a beautiful sunny Sunday and my first job is to apologise to Chris.


I was one of his castigators about long winded replies, although these were supposed to be light hearted they obviously weren't from his side of the fence. Sorry Chris.


With 20/20 hindsight I can see why he and Fishy explains stuff as they do. I tend to lose patience when a person asks a question that is so vague that the forum has to pull teeth to get to the real question.


In the meantime several people have jumped in to help, often going down the wrong track and the plot is in danger of getting too complex for the OP. At this point some OPs never come back, so we never know if they have sorted the problem or as Chris said have given up.


With regard to John's Windows I don't think its as simple as switching language, its the way French Windows is installed on his French laptop. The system architecture doesn't seem to follow normal Windows convention. I may be wrong. My HP pcs are Greek sourced and can be a pest at times by reverting to local settings, but I can switch between keyboards (which can be handy) and have various other settings tagged. I think this being foreign is why they both refuse to update my Elites and I have to revert to my old XP laptop.


OK - lets wait for John to rise and report back.


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RISEN, THANKS, at 07.00. Only a mini response at this time. Raf is  totally correct. It is impossible to switch language, using french windows with a french laptop. French windows has the same name, but there a the similarity ends. you would need Windows Ultimate, or Enterprise, or buy a full english version. only other way is to buy a language pack.   My best mate, is a microsoft engineer, so if he coulda, he woulda, . That is the reason i buy my  custom built Desktops, with Windows 7, from uk, so i at least have a similar system. The differences, are massive. The second point at this time is that the Elite, firmware, is up to date. It cames with 2 books, a very thick one, in all languages EXCEPT english, and a thinner one, again not in english, which i belive, contains all the updates, and ammendments, fishy mentioned. Both have been consigned to storage.  I will, at some stage today, print out bits i need for continuing my dialogue with Elite, and take upstairs. As it is minus 4, at present, i am resisting. I am very grateful to my fellow members for their help and understanding, at this time, and will further update, in due course. john

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Bonjour John

The Flow Chart will be your greatest aid initially in not getting lots in the menus. The manual is well written, clear and comprehensively illustrated, with a good index.


Note that Fishy said there is no On/Off switch on an Elite. Your next question will be what is the top left hand button marked On/Off for. That's your homework and proof to us that you are reading the instructions.


Wrap up warm and have fun. I'm off to sit in the 20+ sun with a mid morning coffeee.


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Rob (RAF) thanks for the apology, much appreciated. It is true that initially I was upset with some of the things that were said (by others as well). But as time went by and we all started collaborating on a few threads. I began to think these guys are not so bad after all. It's like most things in relationships, one has to get used to the little quirks of others and learn to get along.


You are quite right about posters asking vague questions. If you recall Graskie started a thread 'Jumping in with both feet', he started that one after reading one of my other posts, asking a poster to elaborate. I usually find that it is the posters who ask the vague questions that are the ones that need the most 'spoon fed' help. Patience is a virtue !!!


Anyway, that's enough highjacking of John's thread for the time being, else I'll be in danger of upsetting Fishman. Didn't know you were in Cyprus.

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RAF, CHRISSAF, FISHY,RDS,GRASKIE, thank you all for your contributions. Those of you who have been here for years will be aware of the constant advice given new people, with RM, READ THE MANUAL.     remembering this, coupled with the fact that no english appeared in the instructions, i downloaded Elite Manual, and read enough of it to connect and start up. This was a major Error, as it burbled on about prog track, making no mention of RM. Hence, until my post, i was following instructions, WRONGLY, as it turned out. The minute i pieced together the very helpful comments, making them into a small brochure, and reading through, a light appeared a long way in the distance. Enough to say, at this time, i have, (i hope) entered 3 of my locos, providing, subseqent entries have not deleated them. and, they move, initially all backwards, bit have sorted that. Also, Sliding throttles move on RM. It may be, i had part succeeded before, as one loco grumbled, but being only used to DC controller knobs, had not realised you had to spin them, for train to accelerate. So, my questions are.   (  1,) can i just continue to add locos as per your instructions, withoutrisk of  deleating any.     (  2) do reverse and forward on RM, and elite, move together, eg, as the throttles. (3), Functions.  If they are all set up in RM, eg, chufff, whistle etc, will they work from Elite, and if so how. Once again, GENTLEMEN, many thanks, for taking the time to be patient. john

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Going to the sound question first John.

TTS functions are accessed on the Elite once you have a loco on screen by pressing the Function button. This will bring up in turn F0-9, F10-19 and F20-28. At each iteration of the listing you only need to select a single digit, e.g. for F5 at the F0-9 screen you select 5, for F15 at the F10-19 screen you select 5 and for F25 at the F20-28 screen you select 5. The next iteration of the function screen is F-off (no I'm not being rude). This doesn't actually turn any functions off just the selection screen which effectivel y disables the buttons.

Loco listings - you are not listing them into Elite memory like you do in RM, rather just calling up their decoder addresses which the Elite hangs onto for the session. These only last in the Elite memory as long as the Elite is switched on. Tomorrow you have to do the Loco button enter ID again to call them up. What you can do is enter locos in a Favourites list and they will stay there after power down. You can then call them up from this list but its 6 and 2 x 3's as to which is easier. If you give a loco a name using the Elite that name will appear each time you call that loco up.

Loco direction - you can (on the Prog track) set the default direction of a loco if it is awry to the Elite arrows, via the Config Menu - Direction Normal/Direction Reversed. All this is doing is amending CV29 for you by way of menu commands rather than entering bit numbers. You may have to fiddle with Elite and RM setup screens to get these directions synchronised on both. I have mine set so left arrow is Forward on both the Elite and RM.

The Elite manual is not bothered about RM. The RM manual talks to using the Elite as it should.

Anything I've missed please come back to me.


PS Just as I posted Fishy's response came in so you have a bit of reading to do John. Sorry if our answers cross each other.

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John, with the manual, your mistake was not reading far enough.  How to run locos starts on page 17 after the programming stuff.  The main point in the manual though is to get an idea just how complex the Elite is and the range of stuff it will do.  And I'll check it for you when I finish this on how to reverse directions for you so yours run the same way as RM (this has been a much discussed problem by the way).


1.  You can add locos 'til the cows come home and you won't delete any in there.  The only thing that will delete them is resetting the Elite.  And you can cycle through the last 10 used by pressing the ESC button.  And you can add a short description as to what the are so you can remember them.  You'll now realise why people use long running number IDs as it is very easy to forget which is which with short IDs, unless you use the description. Naming is on page 44.


2.  For a start, Elite doesn't know RM is there so takes no account of it.  But the way the throttle knobs work makes that irrelevant anyway, you can just call up a loco on Elite that is already running from RM and the throttle controls it starting at the speed it is already running at.  Conversely, RM knows Elite is there and moves it throttles to match Elite as you use the Elite throttle.


3.  Remember, Elite doesn't know RM is there so will not take account of its function settings.  You are going to have to set them up in the Elite.  And I'm going to refer you back to the manual for that or I'll be tying all night.  Functions start on page 20.  It can handle 29 functions in sets of 10.


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Reversing the direction of a loco is in the menu system and you can also do it with CV29 as per Elite.  Unfortunately, this will therefore change the direction in both Elite and RM.


To do it, press loco, press the knob for the loco you want then press again until the screen reads DIR, then rotate the knob until it goes from normal to reverse and press to confirm.  At least I think that's right.


PS.  Hint - the answer to RAF's question is on page 49.

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Raf /Fishy have answered but for reasons totally unknown it has to be modified for a profanity, that was not there. I was saying i would get round to Functions, and speed reversal later. For now, i am only too happy to play. john

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It would be good John if by mistake (or intent) of the poster a perceived profanity was spotted by the software filter that upon hitting Reply it would flag that dubious word, phrase or saying up and ask us to reconsider the term.


I have sausages for fingers and misspell stuff all the time that could possibly be seen as a no-go situation. I would like the chance ot correct it and get on with the post rather than leave it to Admin to guess what I really meant.

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Great advice from all of you for John concerning the Elite. With regard to naming locos on it, I used to have a lot them named. However, I have had to reset my Elite a couple of times and, as Fishy says, that deletes them all. I didn't consider it was worth the time and effort of putting them back in because of my more recent 4 digit ID setup and because it's very easy to select locos from RM. If I had put them back in on the Elite, I would only have  lost them again on the next reset.

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Don't boast too much, Rob. It was beautifully sunny and 17C here yesterday.

Great - try to hang onto it because I fly in on 16th March for 6 weeks. Do I need to bring my shorts and flip-flops.

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