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Double Headers


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The Railmaster promotional material nd manual says that there can be up to 10 double headers with 10 locos in each. Try as I might, I can not get more than 2 locos into a double header consist. I'm trying to get 3 locos in the consist and can get any 2

of them to head ok, but add the third and it gets dragged.
Am I doing something wrong??
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Thanks for the hints.

The following is from the Railmaster page (https://www.hornby.com/hornby-dcc/hornby-railmaster/) on this site:
"Double-Heading Locomotives
With RailMaster calling up locomotives for consisting (double heading) is simple

and straightforward. RailMaster can, providing the power is available configure up to ten multiple headers, each of which can contain up to 10 locomotives. By following the directions on the screen double headed locomotives can be called up and operated both

quickly and efficiently. And to dissolve a consist is just as simple."

Knew I'd seen it somewhere!

The Elite only allows 2 locos in a consist, so I suspect the same functionality has been programmed into Railmaster. It seems odd that the software

will allow the same DH number (e.g. DH0) to be assigned to more than 2 locos if 2 is the limit.
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You definitely can control up to ten locos in each mutiple header consist.

All you do is press the Headers button at the top then just tap the space to the right of each loco in the available locos list. You'll see DH0 appear. RailMaster is not

limited to two locos like the Elite because RailMaster completely handles the headers internally.

When you first set up RailMaster it is configured to allow one consist of up to ten locos, however you can change this easily in settings. The only reason

it's set to one to start is so that you don't have to keep pressing the space in Headers list to cycle through DH0, DH1 and so on.

One important note, though: if you have a low-powered PC and/or are running other programs then you will find that the

more locos you add to a consist the slower responses get in terms of the slider. In this case you should try to stick to using the shunt, cruise and stop buttons on any loco in the consist.

Hope that helps!
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Hi Tim,

I have been doing exactly as you say, but can only get two of the three locos in the consist (set as DH 0)to run - the third (always the last one added to the consist) is being dragged by the other two. All three that I'm experimenting with

are basically the same loco type with equal power and speed settings. Any two of the three will work, but never the third one.

I'll keep experimenting
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I've just run a mutiple header with three locos here and it's all fine on my system.

Presumably the loco that is not responding works fine on its own through RailMaster? Does it also work in a multiple header if it is the first or second loco? Presumably

you've also tried three different locos to prove the point?

It could be that the fact that three sets of loco control data are being sent from the PC to the Elite and then to the track, that on your system, the third set is 'getting lost'. This could

happen if the BAUD rate on Windows control Panel and RailMaster didn't match, or if you're using a dodgy USB cable. Also ensure that your Elite is in "Standard" mode and using version 1.3 of the firmware. Also make sure you're not running any other programs

and that your network link (if using one) to your router or switch are stable. The last two, surprisingly can affect the data throughput from RailMaster to your Elite.

If all of the above is checked and double-checked and it's still not working then

you should send a Help Request to the support guys. They'll sort you out.
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All three locos work fine in Railmaster on their own and any two of them work fine in a double header. I've tried another three different locos with the same result - only two of them will run; the third doesn't respond at all. BAUD rate etc is consistent

- Windows and Railmaster. The computer is a standalone Laptop not connected to a network and running nothing but Railmaster. The whole railway is in a separate outdoors room and I bring the laptop inside and connect to the 'net once a week to check for updates

(Windows & Railmaster). The computer is running Win 2K and Railmaste 1.22. The Elite controller is only a week old - (as a result of my recent post in this forum re Reading/Writing CV's). It's in Standard Mode and running v1.3.

I've tried all of the

suggestions above and no different result. I have had an interesting result of my experimenting. The 3 locos I'm trying to consist are all 040 shunters (2 x 2010 Collecters Club and 1 x 2011 Collecters Club). They have LokPilot basic decoders in them. (the

other three locos I tried have Hornby R8215 or R8249 decoders). The 3 locos are addresses 18, 19 & 20. When I set up the double header in Railmaster at DH 0 for locos 18, 19 & 20, and click on loco 18 'Shunt, 18 & 19 move. When I click on loco 19 'Shunt',

18 & 19 move. When I click on loco 20 'Shunt', 20 & 18 move. So all three are recognised in the consist, but something is stopping all three from moving. The throttle slider in Railmaster moves only on the two locos that move, so it seems tha Railmaster is

not sending the required info to the Elite. I haven't tried to manually move the third throttle slider, since (not in a consist) it seems to stop Railmaster for a minute or so - i.e., set a loco to shunt and then manually adjust the speed via the slider causes

Railmaster to halt for a while. I think it needs some more experimenting before I may have something concrete to send to support. I'll keep working on it.
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  • 1 year later...
You first need to tell RailMaster how many multiple headers you are likely to use. The default is one. If you are likely to want to use two or three then put 2 or 3 in the headers section in Settings. You will then be able to cycle through DH:0, DH:1 up

to the number you specified in settings.

It's all in the manual.
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found it and now working fine.
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